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"Captain's Log: We're on our way to the planet of Tial to return home the young heiress and her bodyguard. This should be an interesting interaction with another new race, no matter how much they look like us. A society as different from us as a stone age-"

=/\= "Captain Skyie to the bridge. We're receiving a distress calla freighter identifying themselves as Dashian, stating they're under attack and are in danger of being boarded. We can get there in... One hour Forty minutes at maximum warp."=/\=

"Change course to intercept. Reply to the Dashians that help is on the way. Maximum warp, Exec, Security and Marines to the conference room." She glanced to the side as the comm ended, "And we'll get YOU updated soon. End Captain's Log."

Start Date Fri Jun 21st, 2024 @ 9:36pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
“We’ve Got Hostiles”
by Captain Calypso Skyie & Lieutenant JG Jenna Jade & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen & Lieutenant Mark Valleroy & Lieutenant Rebecca McMillen & Lieutenant JG Raven Windancer & Lieutenant JG Rala & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor & Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant JG T'Pinga & Petty Officer 1st Class Kael Draven & Crewman Liam Peterson
Just Bombin' Around
by Gunnery Sergeant Reishi Hijani & Captain Natalya Markova
Just Dashianing In
by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Ensign Henry Taylor & Lieutenant F'Arra MD
Diplomatic Relations
by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Ensign Jeff Elazar
Sapozhki i pirogi
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor
Main Engineering Computer Lab
Hallow. Is it Ween You're Looking For?
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman
Katie's Quarters
Party of Two
by Petty Officer 2nd Class Ronan Drake & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman
Final Preparations
by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen & Captain Natalya Markova
40 minutes to battle Armory
The Way Forward
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor
The Next Morning Jadizon's Quarters
The Skyfall Lounge
by Lieutenant JG Raven Windancer & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor
Heading Into The Relatively Known
by Captain Calypso Skyie & Lieutenant JG Jenna Jade & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen & Lieutenant Rebecca McMillen & Lieutenant JG Raven Windancer & Lieutenant JG Rala & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor
Chimera's Bridge
Eat Me, Drink Me, Kiss Me, [Censored]
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor
After Flip Side Of the Coin Holodeck 2
The Flip Side of the Coin
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor
Just after Beta Shift Crew Lounge
Hc Svnt Dracones, Part III
by Lieutenant JG Rala & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman
Mid Beta Shift, before "Preparing to Intervene" Sickbay
Hc Svnt Dracones, Part II
by Lieutenant JG Rala & Lieutenant JG T'Pinga
prior to "Preparing To Intervene" Chief of Operation's office, Deck 5
Making Short Work of a Panel Issue
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant Rebecca McMillen
Helm Station
Captain At The Mast
by Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor & Captain Calypso Skyie
Holodeck 1
Preparing To Intervene
by Captain Calypso Skyie & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen & Lieutenant Mark Valleroy & Captain Natalya Markova
Sibling Rivalry
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman
The Next Morning Katie's Quarters
The Encore
by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor
Jadizon's Quarters
Two Kellermans, One Stone
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen
A couple of days after the Kellermans arrive XO’s Office
Massive Monday Midday Meeting of Malcontent Medical Misfits
by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Ensign Henry Taylor & Lieutenant F'Arra MD
After Physical Hindrence Sickbay
New Ops Chief
by Lieutenant Mark Valleroy & Lieutenant JG T'Pinga
Transporter Room 1
Katie Fiddles While Nero Yearns
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman
Just after Nerd Alert Engineering
Hc Svnt Dracones
by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen & Lieutenant JG Rala
Transport Ship/Chimera Transporter Room 2

Mission Summary