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The Skyfall Lounge

Posted on Fri Sep 20th, 2024 @ 4:39am by Lieutenant JG Raven Windancer & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Holodeck

USS Chimera - Corridor En Route to Holodeck

Jadizon Enor moved down the corridor with a precise, measured walk, every step deliberate and controlled. He was running a few minutes late for his dinner engagement with Lieutenant Windancer, and that wasn’t how he liked to start things off. Tonight wasn’t just any night, after all.

Dressed in a crisp Italian dress shirt paired with long black slacks, he cut a sharp figure. The shirt's smooth satin finish gave it a stylish, polished look that caught the light subtly as he moved, while the slacks complemented the look, flowing naturally with his every step. He completed the ensemble with polished black duty boots, the shine on them a testament to his attention to detail.

As he passed an LCARS display screen, Jadizon caught a glimpse of his reflection. He paused briefly, making a quick adjustment to his collar and running a hand over his crisp, gelled hair, ensuring everything was in place. The outfit had been a good choice—functional yet sophisticated, a step above his usual attire. He rarely dressed up, but tonight he gave it chance.

He approached the entrance to the holodeck, taking a deep breath to center himself. He didn’t like being late, but he’d make it up to her. As the doors slid open, he stepped inside, already scanning the simulated Skyfall Lounge for the familiar face of Lieutenant Windancer.

Raven had decided on a soft seafoam green, off one shoulder, knee length after she sat down, dress, and sparkly silver flats that was between classy and casual, something that looked good but was easy to dance in...or shed. Raven's face flushed at how fast her thoughts had turned.

Raven caught sight of Jadizon and waved.

Jadizon couldn't help but smile back, his earlier tension easing as he approached her table.

Raven felt a tiny shiver at his approach.

"Lieutenant," he greeted, his voice warm, the formality softened by the way his eyes briefly swept over her attire. "You look great. Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long."

He took a seat across from her, the relaxed atmosphere of the lounge making it easy to slip into the rhythm of the evening.

"Just Raven here. Neither if us are on duty...Jadizon," Raven took a chance...hopeing.

Jadizon settled into the seat across from her, the relaxed atmosphere of the lounge putting him at ease. When she spoke, dropping the formalities, he couldn’t help but smile.

"Raven, then," he replied, letting the name roll off his tongue with a sense of familiarity. "And just Jadizon it is."

He paused for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "I have to admit, I’m not really used to being called by my first name—or calling others by theirs. Growing up, I was hardly ever called Jadizon. Most just shortened it to 'Jad,' or simply stuck with 'Enor.'"

He leaned back slightly, a more casual demeanor taking over as he met her eyes. "But I guess tonight’s about something different, isn’t it?" His tone softened, the formality fading. "Let’s just enjoy the evening and see where it takes us."

"That sounds like a winner to me," Raven smiled, relishing the tingles racing across her skin.

A little while after they'd eaten, a waiter came and asked if they wanted dessert.

"I might be having two desserts tonight, unless you're not comfortable with that?" Raven was surprised at how bold she was. Usually with men, Raven was reserved, even scared sometimes, but Jadizon made her feel safe...and wanted.

[I wonder what he's thinking?] Raven thought, a wiggle of doubt trying to nibble at the back of her mind.

Jadizon couldn’t help but chuckle softly at Raven's boldness, appreciating her straightforwardness. He met her gaze, his eyes warm but with a glint of intrigue. It was clear she was stepping outside her comfort zone, and he admired her for it.

"Two desserts, huh?" he replied, his tone playful yet edged with sincerity. He leaned forward slightly, his demeanor becoming more intimate, the casual distance between them closing just a bit. "I don’t see why not. I’m not one to turn down something sweet."

A shiver raced through Raven, making breathing slightly more difficult than usual.

He paused, letting his words linger in the air as he studied her face, noting the mix of confidence and a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. "But only if you're sure, Raven," he added, his voice softer, more serious. "I want you to feel comfortable with whatever we decide tonight."

Jadizon leaned back again, giving her space to think. "So, what’s it going to be? One dessert or two?" His smile returned, inviting her to make the call, all the while wondering what was running through her mind.

"[Here goes...well...everything] Ttwo. Ahem...I mean, yes, I'd like two desserts, please," Raven's heartrate shot up at least ten notches!

Jadizon’s smile deepened as he caught the nervousness in Raven’s response. Her rising tension didn’t escape his notice, and he leaned in slightly, lowering his voice to a more intimate tone.

"Two desserts, it is," he said, pausing just long enough for the moment to settle between them. "Though, given where your thoughts seem to be heading, maybe we should skip dessert here and head back to your quarters instead."

He held her gaze, his expression softening as he added, "And Raven, just a friendly reminder—I'm Betazoid. You’re not as quiet with your thoughts as you might think." His tone was teasing, but there was a gentle understanding in his eyes, acknowledging her nerves while also offering her a way forward.

Raven's cheeks flamed both at having to be reminded of Jadizon's bloodline, and that her thoughts were indeed headed that way.

"Shall I box up something special for after?" The waiter asked, a knowing gleam in his eye.

"The Staraxium Volcano is out of this galaxy. We'll take a large please," Raven smiled, her adrenaline slowly rising with her anticipation.

[This is turning into quite the night,] Raven thought as the butterflies woke up and started flittering about.

Jadizon returned Raven's smile, noticing the excitement in her eyes as she made the order. "Staraxium Volcano, huh? Bold choice," he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of admiration. "Seems like we’re in for one hell of a night."

He could sense the shift in her energy, the subtle rise in adrenaline as the anticipation built between them. Leaning in slightly, he added with a playful smirk, "Let’s see if this volcano can match the heat we’re bringing tonight."

Raven giggled, that funny sound people make when they're attempting to mostly stay calm but their excitement's getting the best of them.

After a brief pause, his gaze softened just a bit, and he asked, "So, Raven, where do we go from here?" His tone was both curious and open, inviting her to share her thoughts on how they wanted the rest of the evening to unfold. "What’s next on this adventure of ours?"

"I think a switch of scenery would be a good start. I'm partial to the beach myself, but we can pick somewhere else if you want?" Raven had reclaimed at least a little bit of her composer, but the butterflies were still flittering about in her stomach.

"Come to think of it, a beach might actually not be a good idea for what lies ahead. I guess I was still a little nervous, but let's go back to my quarters and..." Raven's breath hitched at how fast her thoughts flew away...along with the realization that she'd started to slide the shoulder of her dress off.

"Wwe could just turn this into a cozy room with a fireplace," Raven whispered, her voice suddenly much more husky than usual.

Jadizon’s eyes narrowed slightly, a teasing smile playing on his lips as he watched Raven’s composure waver. He noticed the subtle movement of her dress, the shoulder slipping down almost unconsciously. The air between them was thick with anticipation, and he could feel her hesitation, but also the desire that lay beneath it.

"A cozy room with a fireplace, huh?" he said, his voice low and smooth, catching the husky tone in hers. He took a step closer, his eyes locked on hers, reading every flicker of emotion. "I think that sounds perfect."

Without breaking eye contact, he added, "Computer, create a cozy cabin, low lighting, fireplace… something intimate." The familiar chime of the holodeck responded instantly, and the room shifted around them, transforming into a warm, inviting cabin with a crackling fire.

Jadizon let his gaze sweep over the newly formed space before returning to Raven, his smile deepening. "Now," he said softly, "let’s see if this is more your speed." He moved closer, the tension between them building, but he gave her the space to decide how far this would go.

Electricaty raced over Raven's skin. Her heart started to pound in her ears as she moved closer to Jadzion, fingering the buttons at his neck, testing what he was ok with.

"This is much more comfortable. There's just one tiny thing I'd like to ask...are these to your likeing?" Raven asked, again putting her hand to her shoulder, but this time, sliding the dress all the way down to her waist, then waiting a breath before removing her bra.

Scars crisscrossed Raven's stomach, arms, legs, and back, reminders of races...and other things...gone bad.

Jadizon's eyes darkened with intent as Raven moved closer, her fingers brushing the buttons at his neck. He didn’t stop her, didn’t say a word—just watched her, every movement of hers pulling him in deeper. When she slid the dress down to her waist and revealed her scars, he stepped closer, his gaze never leaving her.

His hand lifted to gently trace the marks on her skin, but there was no hesitation, no flinch. Instead, he circled around her, slow and deliberate, his eyes studying every line, every reminder of her past. As he moved behind her, he let his fingertips brush across her scars, trailing softly along her back and shoulders, his touch firm but comforting.

Leaning in, his breath warm against her ear, Jadizon whispered, "These don’t define you. You’re stronger because of them." His voice was low and soothing, filled with quiet admiration. "You don’t need to hide them from me."

He wrapped his arms loosely around her waist, pulling her closer, his chest pressed against her back. "You’re captivating as you are," he whispered, his lips brushing her ear. "Scars and all."

Raven's breathing became ragged, her heartbeat stuttered, and she started to heat up as Jadizon pulled her into his embrace.

"I don't want to hide anymore. It's been before I went to the Academy since I've even allowed a man to become anything other than an acquaintance, much less hug me. You, are so much deeper than that. I. WANT. You," Raven took one of Jadizon's hands, and slid it down her waist, stopping with his fingers under where the fabric of her dress was bunched, while moving the other hand to just under her breasts.

"Your move," Raven's breathing was shallow and husky, sounding loud in her ears.

Jadizon’s hands stayed where Raven had placed them, his grip firm but steady. The air between them was charged, but rather than rush into it, he held back, his focus locked on her eyes. His voice was low, controlled, and carried a quiet intensity. "Raven…"

He let his thumb lightly brush her skin, the moment thick with anticipation—until the abrupt crackle of his commbadge shattered the stillness.

"Senior Chief Enor, this is Crewman Johnson in Engineering. We're having trouble with the plasma injectors, and I think it’s getting worse. I need your help—I'm not sure how to fix this before it affects the warp core. Can you come down here right away?"

Jadizon closed his eyes briefly, exhaling through his nose. The timing couldn’t have been worse. He tapped his commbadge, his voice steady but slightly edged with frustration. "Did you try to contact Lieutenant Jade first?"

There was a slight pause before Johnson’s awkward response came through. "Uh, well… I couldn’t reach her, sir. Must be… preoccupied."

Raven tried to stiffle a snort.

Jadizon raised an eyebrow as a Vulcan would, clearly not buying the excuse, but he kept his tone professional. "Of......" he paused "I’ll be down shortly."

Turning back to Raven, his hand still resting on her waist, he gave her a lingering look, his frustration giving way to a small, regretful smile. "We’re not done here," he said, his voice low and promising. "But for now… duty calls."

"It happens. We definitely aren't done here," Raven was frustrated, but the prospect of the future made it bearable.

Raven took another chance, and gently nibbled Jadizon’s ear.

"A preview of what I want to do," Raven whispered.

"Next time, let's leave our Comms outside quarters," Raven giggled softly.

"Noted," he said, his voice low and laced with restrained intensity. He leaned in just enough to brush his lips near her ear, the warmth of his breath lingering. "Next time, I’ll make sure we won’t be interrupted."

He pulled back slightly, giving her one last look, a mixture of promise and frustration behind his eyes. "But for now, duty comes first."

With that, Jadizon straightened, took one last lingering look at her, and tapped his commbadge. "On my way," he repeated before heading out of the room, already thinking ahead, but leaving behind the clear promise that they'd continue this later.

Raven took several shallow breaths, trying to work up to full breaths as she was still on cloud nine.

"Computer, save and end program," Raven slowly pulled her dress back on, then took a final calming breath, and left the Holodeck.


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