Welcome to the USS Chimera!

Adjust. Adapt. Overcome

The year is 2395, peace echoes throughout the Federation leading to another era of exploration and discovery. The only threats are the usual ones, with the usual opponents, as well as the scourge of occasional pirate activity. The borders of the Federation in all of the Quadrants is being expanded in the name of curiosity.

USS Chimera, NCC 80118, reclaimed from the ruins of the former USS Aegir, repaired and put into mothballs as a new ship, has just been recommissioned and placed under the command of Commander Calypso Skyie, a former Marine-turned-Starfleet officer. Last in line for a refit; Last in line for crew; Last in line for 'interesting' duty assignments.

Placed as out of the way as possible, the closest starbase is Starbase 614, USS Chimera is a Luna-class starship on the edge of beyond. Out of sight, out of mind. Responding to routine signals, investigating anomalies, everything that other Captains don't want to deal with. So what could go wrong?

Murphy has something to say about that.

RPG Rating 3 2 3

USS Chimera is a proud member of Pegasus Fleet's Task Force 56

Latest News Items

» August Report

Posted on Sat Sep 11th, 2021 @ 6:39pm by Captain Calypso Skyie in General News

Welcome to the second week of September (and the one month anniversary of our launch!) fellow Chimerans! As I'm sure you've all seen the Pegasus Fleet Monthly Report for August already, but juuuust in case you didn't, I wanted to point out to you all that despite being active for just under three weeks, we got out 51 character posts and earned our first Gold Sim Of The Month award!

Many congratulations to all of you, without whom we wouldn't be who we are nor wouldn't have won this award! Let's keep it up and go try to win another!

-Commander Calypso Skyie
Commanding Officer, USS Chimera

» So Here's What Happened

Posted on Thu Jul 8th, 2021 @ 4:34am by Captain Calypso Skyie in General News

Hi, I'm Calypso Calliope Skyie, my call sign was Calamity, but everyone calls me Cally once they get to know me. Yes, I was a fighter pilot, yes, I was an assault shuttle pilot and well... I was a Marine.

But that's not important right now. I'm sure you're wondering: How did you get here, in command of the Chimera? Well, that's a long story and you'll get it in time. Trust me.

To make that particular long story short, I went to the Fleet after I couldn't fly fighters anymore, learned to fly starships and worked my way up to this, picking up my beagle Artemis along the way. Of course, the ship they gave me is a wonderful Luna-class, but they gave me one that someone else broke and then put back together and stuffed into mothballs.

So what we've got now is a ship that isn't in great shape, not that much in the way of supplies and the Starfleet Office of Personnel promises me that we're getting most of our crew once we get to Starbase 634, to go along with some newly graduated cadets and some enlisted with whatever senior officers they can find.

My question is: Are you up to the task? It's a challenge, but together, We Got This.

Latest Mission Posts

» Just Dashianing In

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 4:03am by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Ensign Henry Taylor & Lieutenant F'Arra MD

Kally walked into Sickbay and clapped her hands for attention. "Okay, everybody, front and center!"

The half-dozen medical staff who had assembled came out from where they had been working and stood waiting for orders.

"We've got potentially up to two dozen wounded coming in," Kally said, not wasting time.…

» Diplomatic Relations

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Posted on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 10:22pm by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Ensign Jeff Elazar

Kally was whistling to herself, going through a stack of tricorders that were waiting to be calibrated. The other doctor on duty was on lunch, and the nurses had been given assignments, so she could enjoy the peace and quiet. She heard the doors to Sickbay open and looked over,…

» Milashka Mischief

Mission: Lower Decks
Posted on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 10:21pm by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Petty Officer 2nd Class Ronan Drake

Kally was finishing up some paperwork at the end of her shift when she heard footsteps by her office door. She looked up and lit up with a smile. "Well hello there, milashka," she said. "What brings you by? Anything wrong?"

Finn popped his head into the doorway, flashing a…

» Old Backpost: A Return to Form

Mission: Lower Decks
Posted on Mon Jan 20th, 2025 @ 2:19am by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen & Michelle Erilin

It had been a week since the disaster that was the Irol excavation. One week to stew on how badly it had gone.

Commander Alexander Espersen had made the point of analyzing everything. Everything. He went through tricorder data, he went through the reports of everyone involved, he even went…

» Enlisted Bonds: Building Trust in the Ranks

Mission: Lower Decks
Posted on Tue Jan 7th, 2025 @ 3:52am by Petty Officer 1st Class Kael Draven & Petty Officer 2nd Class Ronan Drake

Draven stepped out of Enor's office, the hiss of the door closing behind him marking the end of a conversation that had left him with more questions than answers. He strode down the corridor, his pace deliberate, his thoughts focused. Enor had pointed him in a direction, and now it…

Latest Personal Logs

» The Time For Waiting Is Upon Us

Posted on Fri Feb 11th, 2022 @ 2:32am by Captain Calypso Skyie

"Captain's Log, stardate yadda yadda, computer fill that in when you have a chance." Cally was already frustrated about having to be in this hover-chair, wanting to get out of it despite the pain as she just... SAT in her ready room.

"It's hard to believe that we've only been…