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Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 5:34am

Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman

Name Kally Kellerman

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 115
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Has that "cute, fresh-faced, Midwestern American farm girl" look from growing up on a mostly agricultural planet. Slender, svelte with an ample bust, she looks like the cheerleader next door and acts the part.


Father Friedrich Kellerman
Mother Natalia Kellerman
Sister(s) Katie Kellerman - 24 (Identical Twin)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Friendly, flirty and overly personal, she's a bit of a party girl, always up for a good time. She takes her job seriously, but little else, and would trade a staff meeting for a tryst in her bunk any day of the week and twice on Sunday. That said, she's fiercely loyal to her friends, and more so to her sister, whom she simultaneously protects and gets into trouble.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Interpersonal Skills, Reading People, honesty
Weaknesses: Self-control, restraint, brutal honesty
Ambitions To retire on Risa.
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, singing, dancing, piano, old holonovels, sex.

Personal History Born Kalliope Kellerman and raised on the farming planet Gault, she had a quiet, but fun childhood. She grew up understanding both the benefits of hard work on a farm, and the simple joys of playing in the woods or swimming in the lake. However, as she got older, these simple joys turned into minor socially awkward encounters as her activities graduated to sneaking off into the words to go skinny dipping or meeting up with boys.

Despite this, she kept her grades up and applied along with her sister to Starfleet Academy. She found she enjoyed medical both due to her moderate obsession with anatomy and its uses, and her skills at diagnostics.

Unfortunately, both during the academy and on her first assignment, her proclivities took up much of her off duty time, and spawned multiple rumors and reputations among her peers. She was eventually referred to as "The Chaplain" as her quarters would welcome worshipers of all types, day or night.

Her first assignment was cut short when she was deemed a "Diplomatic concern" after she was found with two Klingon ambassadors in what was subsequently dubbed "A warrior's configuration," causing them to be late for an important conference.

In a show of solidarity, her sister insisted on being transferred with her, so that she could attempt to help reign her sister in and keep her on a more productive path. Some pointed out this was like having an alcoholic be kept watch on by a slightly less dependent alcoholic, but their former captain had no problems having them both transferred.
Service Record Starfleet Academy/Medical - 6 years
USS Intrepid - 18 months