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Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 5:34am

Lieutenant Rebecca McMillen

Name Rebecca McMillen

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 7.5cm / 168cm Originally
Weight ~~ / 56kg Originally
Hair Color Blonge
Eye Color Green
Physical Description A beautiful woman of thirty years of age, blonde hair and a slim figure. One of the best words to describe her would be 'mousey', which is almost unfair considering that after a terribly close encounter with a subspace compression anomaly Rebecca was left standing only 5cm in height. Literally the size of a small mouse, though otherwise unharmed. As long as you considered 'being tiny in a world of giants' to be unharmed.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Rowan McMillen
Mother Palma McMillen
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Jillian - Younger
Marcie - Older
Other Family Rebecca has a few other relatives. Aunts, uncles, and such. She only talks with them though comms, though. Never face to face.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rebecca has resigned herself to her condition. Knowing that the odds of reversing her stature are literally astronomical, she's focused her work to make the most of what she's got. She's an expert in gravitic theory and generation, and is essentially THE expert on the incredibly rare phenomenon that stranded her at about three inches in height. Everything is terrifyingly enormous to her, so she has to either be brave in the face of the world, or ready to flee if the moment calls for it. She's a staunch advocate of non-violence, mostly because she's essentially incapable of harming anyone.
Strengths & Weaknesses Her greatest strength is her mind. She's brilliant and clever, which is a dangerous combination. She's not just scientifically minded but also mechanically inclined. Ever since her accident she's only doubled down on her studies and her mechanical aptitude, since more direct forms of conflict resolution are quite literally out of her grasp.

Her stature is, of course, her greatest weakness. While depending on others for anything off the floor isn't something she's loathe to accept, she wishes she was a bit more independent. To that end she tries new things and takes new risks perhaps a bit too often, but she refuses to be helpless.
Ambitions She's given up on being restored. Instead, she focuses her ambitions on surviving. Finding ways to adjust and adapt to a world thirty times her size isn't easy, but she's not one to give up. Finding something new, discovering something new... and even if she has to admit that the discovery was due to her size.... she could live with that. Ultimately at the end of the day, she just wants what everyone else wants; Happiness. Maybe companionship.
Hobbies & Interests Rebecca enjoys reading electronic novels, holodeck simulations, and board games. A lot of her simulations are built and designed to hide the fact that she's so tiny, but any who join her in the holodeck would feel a bit like a certain famous giant monster.

Personal History Rebecca, oddly enough, was never plagued by being short during her life. Her studies and ambitions were geared around propulsion and gravity, two forms of study that came naturally to the woman. She didn't exactly graduate with honors, but she was a distinguished student at the academy. Always a bit under the radar for accolades, she was recognized by her teachers and peers, but never the academic board. For her thesis in subspace spacial distribution she was stationed to a research outpost in the stellar equivilant of the boonies. Literally in the middle of nowhere. Though it did offer a unique opportunity: A stable subspace compression event. Studying this would put her research into gravitic propulsion and transwarp theory ahead of the curve, though she was often warned of how dangerous such a study could be.

The station itself was not in the most well defended of locations. which came to a head when the station was attacked and compromised. The order went out to launch the escape pods before the station reactors went critical. Their explosion knocked Rebecca's escape pod off course, and directly through the subspace compression event. The true extent of the catastrophic change to her life would not be known until several hours later, when someone picked up and carried her entire escape pod onto the rescue ship in one hand.

In the years since then, Rebecca has become rather well adjusted to her condition, considering there is no alternative. She sports an EVA suit that helps her essentially survive normal-sized life at 5cm, but she is in no way in any condition to fight. She's a thinker, a builder, a fixer, and a lover. Not a fighter.