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Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 5:34am

Lieutenant JG Rala

Name Rala

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Draakri
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 220 lbs (100 kg)
Hair Color Purple/lavender (slightly more purple and more vibrant than her scales)
Eye Color Purple
Physical Description Bipedal, digitigrade reptilian of moderately pale purple-lavender coloration, somewhat reminiscent of the dragons of old Earth folklore, albeit with a second pair of arms instead of wings. A narrow strip of hair, slightly darker than her scales, runs from the top of her head, between her horns, to about halfway down her neck. Her horns are about 6" long, and are filed slightly blunt for safety reasons.


Father deceased
Mother missing, presumed deceased

Personality & Traits

General Overview To put it simply and use 21st-century terms, Rala is a nerd. She likes learning things, especially when those things align with certain subjects she's particularly interested in (see Hobbies & Interests).

Draakri mature and age slower than Humans; 18 for a Human is equivalent to about 25 for Draakri, and their average lifespan is 160.
Strengths & Weaknesses Obviously, having four arms and four hands when most of the galaxy's sapient species only have two of each provides an advantage in many situations, but not as many situations or to as high a degree as some might assume. She can still only look in one direction at a time or perform a single high-dexterity task at a time.

She's fairly physically fit, and slightly stronger than an average human, but less so than many other species such as Klingons.

She has ADHD (or whatever that would be called in the late 24th century). She receives medication for it, but even with that, she still sometimes has difficulty focusing her attention.

The Draakri vocal apparatus is not well-suited to the languages of most other races, and vice-versa. While it's rare for Starfleet officers to be in situations where a universal translator is not available, such situations do crop up occasionally. In such situations, Rala can still understand Federation Standard, and can still make herself understood to others, but only in a very limited fashion. For this reason, she prefers to use a tiny translator designed specifically for Draakri-to-Standard, which—along with a subvocal throat mic—is integrated into a narrow, plain black neckband.
Ambitions Draakri in general are somewhat nomadic, and rather curious. They'll settle in one place for a few years, engaging in whatever activity strikes their fancy; before getting restless and striking out for somewhere else, detouring and delaying to investigate anything interesting they come across.

In Rala, this has manifested as a significant case of wanderlust, and a desire to see and learn about as many things in the galaxy as possible.
Hobbies & Interests • She likes understanding how things work, be they computers, systems of protocol, astronomical phenomena, or--in particular--mechanical devices. As such, she likes to tinker, and is a decent engineer.

• Learning how machines work naturally included learning how ships and other vehicles work and how to operate them. Once Rala had got the hang of that, she found it difficult to get her fill of it. She likes piloting—the smaller, faster, more nimble the craft, the better.

• Rala's tendency to learn a moderate amount about something and find her interest in that thing particularly piqued extends not just to modern things, but also the occasional bit of history from various cultures—sailing ships; early atmospheric and space flight; now-antique forms of art, entertainment, and (surprise, surprise) machines and weaponry, etc. At present, she has somewhat more knowledge of such things from Human history than that of most other races (owing to the greater relative availability of such information during her time at Starfleet Academy) but her historical interest is not strictly limited to Earth.

Personal History Draakri have very communal family structures; it's fairly common for hatchlings to effectively be raised by an entire group that's staying in a particular location or traveling together, which doesn't always include their biological parents. Rala is one of those whose biological parents were absent, having left the settlement where she was born while she was still in her egg.

The Draakri made first contact with the Federation when she was 24, and once the news spread through Draakri society, she immediately became fascinated with the idea of space exploration. She spent the next few years studying every subject she thought relevant, before contacting a visiting Starfleet Captain and requesting an endorsement to Starfleet Academy. The Captain arranged a meeting to discuss it with her, and afterward said they would sleep on it and give her their decision the following day. The ship was unfortunately called away on a more urgent mission before that could happen, but a few weeks later she received a message saying she'd been accepted.

Rala did fairly well in Starfleet Academy, but wasn't at the top of her class. After graduating, she was assigned to the U.S.S. Thunderchild as part of the engineering staff. She took to these duties fairly well, receiving positive but not outstanding performance reviews, but eventually requested a transfer to Operations Management, citing a desire to "not be buried in the bowels of the ship all the time". Her request was denied at the time, but was noted in her personnel file. She would at last get her wish when she was transferred off the Thunderchild, as the transfer orders also included the change in department.
Service Record 2285 - Federation first contact with Draakri
2289 - Enrolled in Starfleet Academy
2293 - Graduated Starfleet Academy, assigned to U.S.S. Thunderchild
2295 - Transferred to U.S.S. Chimera