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Tue Mar 4th, 2025 @ 4:34am

Captain Natalya Markova

Name Natalya Nikolaevna Markova

Position Marine Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 125lbs
Hair Color Brunette
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description The shoulder-length brown hair is often left to its own devices. Never allowed to get too wild, but rarely made to look nice. Her hazel eyes often held the hardened look of a traumatic past.


Father Dr. Nikolai Markov
Mother Maria Markova
Brother(s) LT Viktor Markov (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Natalya is a humourless individual. Professional, to a point, and business-like. She rarely cracks a smile, or finds humour in a situation. Her one weakness, that can break her professionalism, is an almost pathological need to never leave another person behind.
Strengths & Weaknesses A combat tactician, Natalya’s marksmanship, and hand-to-hand combat scores are unquestionable. She can lead a team into battle, drag civilians out of the fire, and get everyone out safely.

Socially, she is a duck out of water. Awkward, and unsure of herself when away from the battlefield, Natalya shies away from gatherings, feeling uncomfortable in large groups.

For a few months, Natalya had a drinking problem. It never got to the point where it affected her ability to do her job, that anyone could speak to, but it was definitely a coping mechanism, and a means to sleep at night.
Ambitions Natalya wishes to live her life, to ignore her past, and be allowed to forget the day she screwed up so badly, she started drinking.
Hobbies & Interests Natalya is a workaholic, and when she isn’t at her job, she is either in the mess hall, or sleeping off whatever she had to drink.

Personal History The daughter of a surgeon, and a school teacher, Natalya’s early life was quiet, uneventful, and boring. She day-dreamed through school, wishing for something exciting, something interesting… just something.

She got into fights at school, as a means of alleviating her boredom, she snuck out of the house late at night, did whatever she could to find some excitement, some entertainment.

When her older brother, Viktor, headed off for Starfleet, Natalya saw her own chance at getting out of a dead-end life, and finding some excitement along the way. Not Starfleet, but the far more interesting option of the Marine Corps.

Now with something to aim toward, rather than just something to leave behind, Natalya could focus, train herself, work herself to the acquisition of her goal. It was a struggle, it was tough, but the fear of being stuck in a life she didn’t want was a strong enough motivator to push her onwards.

Through Basic Training, through the Officer’s school, and through all of her training, Natalya had a single goal in mind: never to go back. Never to have to return. It was a thought that echoed throughout her life. She found friendships, romances, and discovered much about herself in the process.

Graduated, Natalya was a brand new Second Lieutenant, and in command of a Platoon. It was the adventure she had been seeking, the thrill she had been wanting.

A career that was doomed.

A year after she was commissioned, and now a First Lieutenant, looking at potentially stepping into the role of a Company XO to get higher command-level experience, the Company was put as a garrison force on a border world with the Breen. Tasked with ensuring the security of the planet, and its personnel, and monitoring the region for any hostile activity, it was a planet that was destined to seal Natalya’s fate.

A surprise attack on the facility left it in tatters. Security systems had failed, wounded and dead were scattered, and the command structure had sufficiently broken. With no orders, and no one to even get in contact with, Natalya sent an emergency call for evacuation.

The ships came, amid an aerial battle with Starfleet and Breen forces. With the transport ship being directed in to land under Natalya’s instruction. With the skies secure for the moment, it was time for the evacuation. Loading the wounded first, and what supplies they could, the deceased were then loaded, and finally those who were lucky enough to have survived the initial attack.

Climbing aboard herself, Natalya was surprised to see a familiar face at the helm. Her brother. The reunion was short-lived though, as during take-off, the Breen managed to break through the Starfleet fighter screen, and launch a second assault. The transport took a severe beating, and eventually went down.

Natalya woke up in a hospital facility a few days later, never fully learning just what had happened. What she did learn, though, was that most of the lives she had been responsible for were lost. Barely a hand-full of the Marines and Starfleet personnel were still alive. That number did not include her brother.

The very evacuation she had called down, the landing point she had chosen. All decisions on her. They had resulted in over 2,000 dead.

It was a fact that shattered Natalya’s soul.

Returned to Earth, the young woman was assigned to security work at various Starfleet and Federation facilities. In her off-hours, she began drinking, as a means to forget the deaths, and allow herself nights of fitful, and restless sleep.

A position came up, on a Starship that seemed to be collecting misfits, broken careers, and those that Starfleet couldn’t put anywhere else. It was a posting that both Starfleet and Natalya felt suited her perfectly. The USS Chimera.