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Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 5:34am

Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman

Name Katie Kellerman

Position Computer Systems Specialist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 115 lb
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Has that "cute, fresh-faced, Midwestern American farm girl" look from growing up on a mostly agricultural planet. Slender, svelte with an ample bust, she looks like the cheerleader next door and acts the part.


Father Friedrich Kellerman
Mother Natalia Kellerman
Sister(s) Kally Kellerman - 26 (Identical Twin)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Friendly, flirty and sweet, she's a raging nerd wrapped up in a perky cheerleader. She doesn't always speak up for herself, but she does speak her mind when asked. She's more of a romantic than her sister, but is not above a good time, and has gotten into plenty of trouble right at her sister's side. She's the quiet one of the duo, but also the listener. She's loyal to a fault, but wants to be less naive.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: reading computer code to understand the 'personality' of a system,
Weakness: confidence, naivete
Ambitions To be a "real" engineer, maybe even a Chief Engineer
Hobbies & Interests Cooking, swimming, field hockey, mystery holonovels, escape room puzzles.

Personal History Born Katarina Kellerman and raised on the farming planet Gault, she had a quiet, but fun childhood. She grew up understanding both the benefits of hard work on a farm, and the simple joys of playing in the woods or swimming in the lake. However, as she got older, she spent time sneaking off with her sister to have fun, or sitting in front of her computer terminal learning how to read its mind.

When she was old enough to apply to the academy, she joined her sister there, choosing to go into Engineering. She continued her talents with computer systems and began learning the various systems used within the fleet.

When her sister was to be transferred off ship, Katie volunteered to join her, not wanting to be away from her other half. As far as she was concerned, a ship was a ship, and she could be home anywhere.

Service Record Starfleet Academy - 4 years
Extended Engineering Program (specializing in computers) - 1 year
USS Intrepid - 18 months