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Mon Jan 6th, 2025 @ 2:54am

Lieutenant JG Raven Windancer

Name Raven Windancer

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid/Bajoran
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8'
Weight 165
Hair Color naturally light brown with dyed blue tips
Eye Color black irises
Physical Description slim but muscular, shoulder length hair, a mustang paint tattoo on her right ankle, a silver dragon on her left wrist, and a d'ja pagh in her left ear, (she's not religious, but she does honor her heritage), and multiple scars from races gone wrong.


Spouse none
Children none
Father unknown
Mother unknown
Brother(s) unknown
Sister(s) unknown
Other Family unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Raven has a very thick shell and a broken past, but once you get to know her, she is the one you will seek out to have your back when times are tough.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: fast, direct, and when it's earned, loyal to the hilt. Weaknesses: authority issues, sometimes reckless, getting over anger issues.
Ambitions right now, stay under the radar and survive...but if this assignment works out, Starfleet might make a good career.
Hobbies & Interests gymnastics, swimming, racing, (horses, hover bikes, shuttles, anything you can name she can and probably has raced) and parkour.

Personal History Raven was found in a ‘safe haven baby box’ outside an orphanage in Virginia Beach a few days after she was born. With attempts to find any relatives ending in dead ends, Raven was placed by the Foster Care System into a loving Foster Home. Raven spent her early childhood doted on, loved, and given everything she could ever need, and the family decided they wanted Raven as their own and began the process of adopting her. Three days before the proceedings would have been finalized and a month before she would have celebrated her thirteenth birthday as Raven Windsong, there was a terrible accident, and the Windsongs were lost.

Because Raven had not been given the resources to understand or deal with the double loss of her almost parents, and the reawakened feelings of abandonment by her birth parents when she was a baby, added to that her hormones deciding to go carousel crazy, she became angry at the world and hated everyone, rebelling by sneaking out to legal…and illegal races, first just to watch and let out her frustration by cheering or screaming at races, then, as the adrenalin rush started to overtake her anger, entering the races under a false age and name…Ice Queen.

Raven was very good and caught the eye of a pit crew who saw through her faking but didn’t turn her in because they also saw her talent. They took her under their wing, taught her what they knew, including her in fun after race activities and treating her like a little sister, even going so far as to bet on her and giving her the entire take when she won! Raven was still a hurting and angry teenager, however, so since the foster system didn’t understand that she WAS healing underneath her frustrated, unruly exterior, they kept shunting her from one foster home to the next, going through five different homes between the ages of 13 and 16 because the more they moved her the more ‘unruly’ she became, and the more dangerous the races she entered got.

Raven’s last foster home at the age of sixteen decide to just leave her to her own devises, not caring whether she was home at night…or ever for that matter, only coming to find her and drag her back to the house when the social worker came for a house check. When Raven went to the races a week after her sixteenth birthday, her pit crew friends surprised her with an entrance form for shuttle racing, insisting that she was ready since she had raced everything from exotic animals to hover bikes, to boats. Raven jumps at the chance, feeling for the first time that maybe she could be something more than a broken-hearted racer.

A few races in, Raven met and befriended a Lieutenant Starfleet Officer who’s racing name was Riptide, who, after each race where they competed against each other, started teaching Raven the basics of shuttles and regaled her with stories of Starfleet, quipping the young racer’s interest and, strangely, a longing.

When Riptide was reassigned off world with another ship, Raven decided she was going to buckle down in school so she could join Starfleet.

The day Raven graduated Highschool, she hugged her pit crew friends goodbye, boarded a plane, still in her cap and gown, and flew to San Francisco to join Starfleet Academy, choosing a last name for herself that honored her first foster family, but also declared her independence.

Raven felt she was taking a BIG step toward a normal life. She was looking forward to a steady routine with a clean slate, though she was still a bit reckless, continuing to enter races whenever she had free time because she was finally truly free to choose what she did.

One night, Raven ‘borrowed’ a shuttle craft and modified it for a race…and ended up crashing it, almost dying in the process. In consideration of her background and her grades being acceptable, she was allowed to remain in the Academy, but she was given a disciplinary charge.

Raven graduated, at the age of 22, 30th out of 100 in her class, with her highest scores in the flight simulator. Since NO ONE wanted a problem child/shuttle thief, Raven was sent to Star Base 614 and assigned to the USS Chimera.
Service Record this is her first assignment