
Heading Into The Relatively Known

Posted on Sat Sep 14th, 2024 @ 7:35pm by Captain Calypso Skyie & Lieutenant JG Jenna Jade & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen & Lieutenant Rebecca McMillen & Lieutenant JG Raven Windancer & Lieutenant JG Rala & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Chimera's Bridge

Calypso smiled at Alex as he gestured her to enter the bridge ahead of him after they'd finished in the conference room. With Mark and Natalya off getting their people ready, it was time to let the rest of the crew in on what was about to go down. Of course, getting them together would be the trickiest part of it. As her eyes swept the bridge, she spotted Raven right where she was supposed to be and Jenna was at one of the consoles with it halfway apart as she worked to repair SOMETHING. There were others about, but that hardly mattered, did it?

She stepped over to her chair and tapped the all-hands comm button, "This is Captain Skyie, I need all senior officers with the exception of Captain Markova and Lieutenant Valleroy to the bridge please. We're going pirate hunting!" Her voice was cheerful and perky, as if this was what they did all the time.

"Again?" Jenna blurted out, exasperation in her voice, "Captain, aren't we..."

Cally waved the engineer down, pointing at the open comm that had faithfully transmitted Jenna's half-protest across the ship, then continued her announcement, "We're about an hour out, so let's get it in gear!"

Raven cracked her knuckles in anticipation.

[Alright! Hunting time!] Raven grinned wolfishly.

As Jadizon exited the turbolift, muttering something under his breath, the bridge seemed to come alive with a dramatic flair, charged with anticipation. His entrance was marked by a confident stride, each step exuding a sense of purpose and urgency.

He scanned the bridge with a keen eye, his demeanor underscoring the importance of the moment. Moving with purpose to the Engineering station in front of Operations, he settled into his seat and quickly logged into the LCARS system.

With a commanding presence, he reported, “Engineering ready.”

A tiny flutter went through Raven's stomach at the sound of Enor's voice.

[Easy, Raven,] Raven thought, rotating her neck and shoulders to refocus her mind on the task at hand.

"Isn't that my job, Senior Chief?" Jenna muttered to herself as she continued to rework the inner workings of one of the science consoles, throwing a look over him, "Ah'm the senior engineer right now." She sighed and shook her head.

Jadizon didn't miss the muttered remark from Lieutenant Jade. His expression hardened slightly, but he kept his focus as he straightened up, channeling a mix of command presence and no-nonsense attitude.

An attitude which the First Officer noticed, but kept to himself for now.

A moment later, Kally stepped onto the bridge and gave a smile to the Captain, then walked over towards Jadizon, sitting next to him and bringing up her console, connecting it to Sickbay. She gave him a polite smile, but thought something far more personal for him to appreciate, while turning towards the Captain and sitting back, crossing her legs and folding her hands in her lap, waiting for more information.

Jadizon acknowledged Kally with a brief, almost imperceptible nod, but kept his attention on the task at hand. "Lieutenant Jade....." he said, his tone firm, with just enough edge to make it clear he wasn't one to be casually dismissed. Enor stopped himself abruptly, his gaze meeting hers for a moment before he softened slightly, offering a half-assed apology that was more out of duty than genuine regret. "Apologies for not seeing you earlier. Console’s yours." he stepped back from the engineering console, smoothly logging off as he relinquished it to the Lieutenant then he moved with purpose to the master systems display behind the tactical station, his posture rigid and commanding, ensuring he still had a clear view of all systems and the bridge's operations. After a quick gaze Jadizon then shifted back to the systems display, his mind already refocusing on the overall operation of the ship, ready to step in wherever needed.

Rebecca stood upon the panel of the science station, syncing her encounter suit's system to the station. She'd be fine if the ship took a shaking, honestly it wasn't the worst 'shaken around' she had encountered. Certainly not since she had started her posting here.
"Sciences ready for the hunt."

Rala stepped out of the forward turbolift onto the bridge, trying not to look nervous. She hadn’t expected to get assigned to actual bridge duty nearly so soon, let alone during a situation like this. She stopped briefly next to the Ops Officer’s station. Sitting in the Captain’s chair was a blonde woman who appeared to be Human, wearing not a standard duty uniform, but rather a flight suit, unzipped enough to show her cleavage. Seated next to her was Commander Espersen. Rala blinked once in confusion and glanced at him before looking back to her and spotting the four pips on her collar. “Ah...Captain, Commander,” Rala said, nodding to each of them in turn before taking her seat at the Ops station. “Lieutenant T’Pinga sent me in her place. She didn’t say why.”

Cally glanced over at Alexander, then shrugged, "I know she was working on some sort of crew data compilation and informed me yesterday that she was not to be disturbed for ANYthing while she was compiling the data." The Captain quirked a smile, "With Vulcans, who knows? She may be having her time of... The decade?" A small snrk of entertainment.

[possible entries for Faith]

Cally tapped something on her console and a map showed up on the main screen that she'd been working on for the last few minutes, "Me brave crew, we've received a distress call from the Zendain, a freighter with Dashian registry, they've reported that they are under attack by an unidentified ship that we're going to be calling pirates for the time being, because that's what they're engaged in. It's highly likely that by the time we get there, the freighter will be fully taken over and this will turn into a rescue operation, which is why Mark and Nat are off getting their people ready."

On the map, the caricature of the Chimera moved visibly closer to the image of a bulky-michelin-man-looking ship that was obviously a cargo ship and a skull and crossbones image. "Miss Rala, I know we haven't officially met yet, but welcome aboard and when we get in system, I want to jam all comms coming out of that piratical ship, also maybe see if we can block and potential transporting devices from them? I know the Dashians have a very limited transportation system that they use typically for cargo and only in emergencies for people, but we don't know about the others."

“Aye, aye, sir,” Rala replied, allowing herself a slight smile. Pirate hunting? she thought, Maybe this will be fun after all. She shifted in her seat to get a bit more comfortable; and then twenty clawtips began dancing over the panel, emitting soft, rapid-fire taps as she customized it to her liking and began preparing commands to jam foreign comm signals.

Further tags here between them

Now Calypso twisted in her seat to look back at Kally with a sly smile on her face, "Miss Kellerman, have you studied what we have on Dashian physiology and do you feel comfortable with it?"

"I've perused the locals, yes," Kally said. "At this point, I'm not as concerned with their physiology as I am with the numbers we're up against. How many people are on that ship? And how long do we have to prepare?"

"We've got a bit over an hour before we arrive, but as for people?" Cally shrugged, "Twenty-two Dashians crew aboard the freighter, we have their names already from the registry, that's one thing the Hegemony does really well is keep records. As for the other ship? Who knows. We have literally no information on them, who they are, how many there are, or even what they are!"

"Not that that matters per se, Cap, seeing as how we're gonna kick their sorry tails all the way back to wherever they come from!" Raven smirked, cracking her knuckles again eagerly.

As he walked around the bridge, Alexander patted on Raven’s shoulder. “Well said, Lieutenant, but save some of that energy for the pirates,” he quipped.

"Aye, Sir," Raven grinned sheepishly.

Kally bit her bottom lip in thought and then quickly turned around to her station. She sent a message to Sickbay, having them alert Gamma shift they'd be on early, and preparing a message to call in Delta shift while they were at it. Nearly two-dozen potential wounded meant extra hands on deck for sure.

"Engineering, I'm going to need your best person on station in Transporter Room Two," Kally said. "Have everyone sent directly to Sickbay for triage. Anyone who doesn't need medical attention, we'll send to the lounge on Deck 3 as a congregation point." She looked at the Captain. "Permission to return to Sickbay?"

"Of course, ma'am, Ah'll make sure Ah'll have my very best." Jenna looked over at Jadizon, "That would either be you or Jalinsky Ah believe? Not sure if you wanted to take the spot or if you'd rather be here on the bridge?"

Jadizon’s gaze shifted from Kally to Jenna, barely hesitating before speaking. "I’ll handle the Transporter Room," he said confidently. "Jalinsky's good, but there's no doubt I’m the best person for a situation like this."

He smoothly logged off the master systems display, returning it to a generalized view with basic ship information for anyone to monitor. His movements were quick but methodical, showing his readiness to get to work.

As he stepped away from the console and made his way to the turbolift, each step exuded purpose and urgency. Without breaking stride, he gave one last nod to Jenna before stepping into the turbolift, already mentally preparing for what lay ahead in the Transporter Room.

"By all means, Kally, hopefully we'll keep you bored." Calypso nodded and glanced around the bridge, "Raven, Rala, let's go ahead and run a couplea simulations while we're en route. I want to hit the engines of both ships just to disable, not destroy, that'll take some maneuvering and good target identification."

"Aye, Captain, preparing for simulations on your command," Raven rotated her head, neck, and shoulders, making satisfying cracking sounds.

Kally nodded and speed-walked towards the turbolift. "Sickbay," she said as the doors closed.

“We know very little about the capabilities of the pirate craft we’re going to encounter,” Alexander observed. “Jade, Rala, I want energy reserves plentiful and flexible. If they’re fast, keep us faster. If they punch hard, keep our shields strong.”

“Aye, Sir,” Rala said. There was another series of soft taps as she prepared a few more commands for quick access and made sure auxiliary power was on standby. At the sound of popping joints, she glanced at the young woman in Command-division red seated next to her at the helm—Raven, was it? Rala tried to pop her own neck in turn, realizing that she was starting to tense up, but to no avail. She gave a small snort of annoyance and muttered something to herself under her breath, too softly to trigger her translator.

Raven's ears twitched at the soft snort and turned her head in time to hear something whispered too softly for her translator to catch. While Raven couldn't understand what had been said, the tension behind the words had been felt.

Calypso smiled at the go-between of the two officers in front of her, "All right, let's head in."


