
Lower Decks

Post Count: 163

For posts not related to the main story plot!

Into Our Past

Post Count: 4

For character historical posts

Doing What We Do Best

Post Count: 61

"Captain's Log: We're on our way to the planet of Tial to return home the young heiress and her bodyguard. This should be an interesting interaction with another new race, no matter how much they look like us. A society as different from us as a stone age-"

=/\= "Captain Skyie to the bridge. We're receiving a distress calla freighter identifying themselves as Dashian, stating they're under attack and are in danger of being boarded. We can get there in... One hour Forty minutes at maximum warp."=/\=

"Change course to intercept. Reply to the Dashians that help is on the way. Maximum warp, Exec, Security and Marines to the conference room." She glanced to the side as the comm ended, "And we'll get YOU updated soon. End Captain's Log."

No missions found

The Boneyard Heist

Post Count: 100

USS Chimera has just been recommissioned after a partial refit by the maintenance crew responsible for the upkeep of ships in mothballs. The former USS Aegir, whose name was reassigned after the Luna-class ship was severely damaged, Chimera is understaffed, undersupplied and not up to snuff.

Which Came First, The...

Post Count: 19

USS Chimera's Science department has found an interesting nebula! Long range sensors cannot penetrate whatever it's made of, but they have detected a single star that is in the middle of the soup that takes up hundreds of cubic light years. This star, as they will find out, is orbited by seven very small rocky planets, but six of them are shattered worlds and the last is very, very hot.

The Dexic Negotiations

Post Count: 75

Upon arriving at Starbase 614 in the Northern area of the Federation, near the Breen Border, the Chimera and her skeleton crew are reinforced with the remaining group that brings them up to nearly full strength. It also comes with their first real mission: An Ambassador has been requested by the Corporations of the world of Dexic to assist them in negotiating a world government in order for the world to apply to join the Federation rather than be merely a Protectorate.

Pirates! (Or Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Yum)

Post Count: 101

The Sector has a final challenge for the crew of USS Chimera before she gets a refit prior to leaving for the unknown. A Pirate group has been getting aggressive in the region and Commodore Everly wants Commander Skyie and the crew of the Chimera to put an end to them. These pirates have avoided action with Fleet units deftly, skirting traps set specifically for them, meaning it's someone who knows what they're doing.

The Interim

Post Count: 40

This mission is for the three weeks In Character from the end of 'Pirates!' and our arrival at Trarim, the Trade planet. Backposting into there is perfectly all right!

Trade And Tribulations

Post Count: 45

Trarim is a planet that is considered the hub of commerce for an area that spans hundreds of cubic light years. Initially vaugely described to Federation officials by occasional alien races from beyond the borders of the Federation, Chimera's first official stop beyond Federation borders will be to this world, several letters of introduction in hand.

Ancient Civilizations

Post Count: 20

A bit of alien technology was found on Trarim, something that was similar to another artifact known by Commander Espersen. All sources of information point to a planet rather close to Chimera's next destination and Alexander has been tasked to take a team and investigate it in the Argo. What treasures will they find? What discoveries? What dangers?