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Just Dashianing In

Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 4:03am by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Ensign Henry Taylor & Lieutenant F'Arra MD

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Sickbay

Kally walked into Sickbay and clapped her hands for attention. "Okay, everybody, front and center!"

The half-dozen medical staff who had assembled came out from where they had been working and stood waiting for orders.

"We've got potentially up to two dozen wounded coming in," Kally said, not wasting time. "I need both bays ready, and anyone who is discharged is being sent to the lounge on Deck 3. Call security to escort them when the time comes. I need trays ready and Dashian plasma replicated quickly."

"Dashian?" Henry said. "Aren't they--"

"Less than a pretty sight, so I'm told, yes," Kally said. "I don't want to hear anyone's opinion about it while they're here. Understood?"

There were nods all around.

"Henry, I want you running point. Doctor F'Arra and I will help sort out the first round or so but once we're scrubbing and ready for our first patients, you'll lead triage solo. Can you handle that?"

"Yes, Doctor," Henry said, although he looked intimidated by the thought.

"Just do what you do best: focus on procedure," Kally said, then looked at Doctor F'Arra. "Any experience with Dashians?"

F'Arra shook her head. "Can't say I've ever had one as a patient." Her usual gravel voice was more serious than usual. "Is there anything about the species that complicates things?"

"Heart is on the opposite side of humans, lung capacity is about twenty percent more, brain capacity is slightly larger, ego is through the roof, epidermis is porous like a human's but even more so; so, for protection, their subdermal layers are covered in overlapping extra-thick outer layers that are pocked and rippled for extra surface area, giving them a 'burn victim' look," Kally said. "General plasma works fine, but if we can match their antigens, I'd rather try that first. The challenge is going to be getting through the epidermal layers to get to any damage, and they don't respond quickly to dermal regeneration, so make sure we take extra time closing."

"More time with the regenerator could delay the medical team from getting to the next patient." F'Arra noted, her brow furrowing. "Should we call EMT and First Aid trained persons from other, non-critical departments for post-surgery treatment? It would free us up to keep triage moving."

Kally folded her arms, thinking it over. "If we get into a fight, I'm not sure if the other departments can spare anyone, but I'll check with the science department," She said. I think if we nurse-hop a bit and have them handle closing and final touches, that will free us up faster as well."

F'Arra gave a nod. "Very well. Was there anything else on the specifics?"

Kally shook her head. "No, we've got all we're going to get for now." She looked up at the chronometer above the door. "All right, everyone, guests arrive soon! Let's get ready!"

With that, the meeting began to break up as everyone made their way to their posts, and prep-work.


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