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The Way Forward

Posted on Mon Oct 7th, 2024 @ 1:26am by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Jadizon's Quarters
Timeline: The Next Morning

Kally & Katie stumbled out of Jadizon's sonic shower and braced their weak knees against each other briefly before making their way back towards the bed and sitting down.

Having gotten a bit more rest, and subsequently recovered a bit faster, they'd woken up before Jadizon and attempted to freshen up before him. However, he'd woken shortly after, and once he'd found them into the shower together, he'd evidently decided to change up his standard morning workout routine by exercising with them a few more times.

They did take some joy from the fact that they had worn him out more than his workout, and while they were weak-kneed, he was still in the shower, getting his energy back.

"At least we know he's mortal," Kally sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed and falling backwards.

"I'm reserving judgement," Katie said. She looked around for her clothes and grabbed her undershorts and top, slipping them on. Kally turned and grabbed her outfit, which she'd kept neatly folded next to the bed when she'd first snuck in, and did the same, then went back to lying on the bed, sighing happily and stretching.

Katie stood up and stretched and moved to the replicator, making them all a pitcher of coffee and replicating place settings and putting things out. She looked up at the sound of Jadizon coming back into the main room and smiled somewhat shyly. "Good morning," she said.

Jadizon emerged from the shower, towel snugly wrapped around his waist, a playful smirk forming as he took in the sight of Kally and Katie moving around the room. They thought they’d worn him out, but he wasn’t ready to let them claim victory just yet.

Without a word, he dropped to the floor and powered through a set of push-ups, his muscles flexing with each controlled movement, the towel staying securely in place. Once he was done, he stood up smoothly, stretching, his eyes locked on both women with a predatory gaze.

Katie watched him, wide-eyed, then looked at Kally. "Really??" she whispered to Kally.

"Mmm hmm," Kally purred quietly, watching him with a teasing smirk. "He thinks he's impressing us."

He's right... Katie thought, staring.

"Morning," he said, his voice low and teasing as his eyes trailed over them, taking in their reactions. He paused for a moment, the smirk deepening. "I don’t know if you two are more mentally loud or verbally loud," he added, a playful edge to his tone, clearly referencing both their thoughts and the sounds from earlier.

He didn’t bother with the coffee, instead letting his gaze linger on them seductively, making it obvious that he was still ready for more. The tension between them was thick, and Jadizon was more than happy to let it build.

"As your doctor," Kally said, sitting up, matching his attitude and his gaze, "I do recommend refueling before any more strenuous activity."

Katie tried not to blush at the intensity of his stare and nodded. "What would you like to eat?" she said, then bit her lip. "I should rephrase."

Jadizon’s smirk widened at Katie's flustered attempt to recover, his eyes still locked on her as she bit her lip. He leaned back slightly, crossing his arms in a relaxed yet confident manner.

"Careful, Katie," he teased, his voice low and smooth. "You’re making it far too easy."

He shifted his gaze to Kally--missing Katie sticking her tongue out at him, then quickly retracting it--still matching Kally's playful energy. "Doctor’s orders, huh?" His tone held a mix of amusement and challenge. "Alright, I’ll take your advice."

"I do love wisdom in a man," Kally said, grinning at him.

His eyes moved back to Katie, the teasing edge never leaving his voice. "As for what I’d like to eat... something light, for now." He paused, letting the words hang for a moment before adding with a sly grin, "We’ll save the main course for later."

Katie didn't blush harder but she turned so he wouldn't see the look on her face. Of course, given how "loud" her mind evidently was, she had a good feeling he was reading her loud and clear, and that made her blush a bit more. She wasn't sure if he was doing it but she could see the look on his face in the back of her mind.

With that, he sat back, clearly enjoying the tension in the air, fully aware of the effect his words and presence were having on them both.

Katie blew a lock of hair out of her face and accessed the replicator. She pulled out a few bowls of fruit, jams and yogurt, hard boiled eggs and some pastries, setting them on the table, then took a seat.

Kally slipped off the bed, running her fingertips up the back of Jadizon's neck, and then sat down next to Katie, patting her knee comfortingly.

"Do you think we--" Kally started.

"--not at all," Katie finished. "What about--"


"Another Sokolov?"

"I hope not."

"Has that vibe."

"Too early. Wait to see if--"

They glanced at Jadizon, then each other. "Sorry. We often speak in shorthand," Katie said. "Byproduct of being on the same page so much. I'm sure growing up you and your siblings were good at anticipating each other's thoughts."

Jadizon watched with mild amusement as Katie set out the food, the tension still lingering in the air. When Kally's fingers trailed up the back of his neck, he gave a small, appreciative smirk but kept his attention on their playful shorthand conversation, raising an eyebrow as he followed along.

As they both turned their attention back to him, apologizing for their back-and-forth, Jadizon leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. "No need to apologize," he said, a hint of amusement still in his voice. "I know exactly what that’s like. Growing up with my siblings, we hardly ever used verbal communication once we mastered our telepathic abilities."

He paused, letting that sink in before adding with a smirk, "Unless we were... bored."

His eyes flickered with playful mischief as he leaned back again, taking in their reactions. "Telepathy definitely gave us an edge in some pretty interesting ways."

Kally swallowed the last of her egg and looked at Katie. "Did he just call us boring?" she joked.

"Try not to take it personally," Katie said, then turned back to their host. "I'd imagine it'd be good for secret communication around non-telepaths," she said. "Kally and I had a good way of sneaking messages back and forth in class with hand signals and sign language when we were kids. Telepathy definitely would have made that even easier. But is that really helpful on a planet of telepaths?"

Jadizon chuckled at Kally’s jab. "Boring? Far from it."

Turning to Katie, he nodded. "Telepathy’s useful with non-telepaths, for sure. But on a planet full of Betazoids, it’s less about sneaking messages and more about controlling what others hear. It gets noisy quick."

He smirked. "We didn’t need words unless we wanted to mess with each other. But your hand signals—less invasive, I’d say."

Jadizon grabbed a pastry from the table, taking a bite as he leaned back in his chair, his smirk still lingering. He chewed thoughtfully, eyes flicking between the two sisters as he enjoyed the light breakfast.

Swallowing, he glanced at them both, his gaze lingering just a bit longer. "So..." he began, his voice carrying that familiar playful edge, "What’s next on your mind?"

Kally's mind was clear and calm and she let him see exactly what was on her mind, what positions it involved and how much the three of them would enjoy it. Then she took a long sip of water, stood up, and walked over to him. "Unfortunately, for me, I have to get dressed and see how my patients are doing. We'll have to rain-check." She leaned over and gave him a deep kiss. "Keep her smiling," she whispered in his ear. She walked back over to Katie who'd stood up and hugged her, giving her a kiss as well. "I'll drop in tonight if you're free," she said.

"Sounds good," Katie said, giving her a hug and kiss back before sitting back down.

Kally quickly grabbed the rest of her things and slipped her shorts on before blowing them both a kiss and heading into the corridor.

Once the doors closed, Katie looked at Jadizon and sat back in her chair. "So, being a telepath is noisy? I'm sorry we're 'loud' then. Maybe you could teach me some ways to control how much I broadcast?"

Jadizon gave Katie a soft, apologetic smile. "Hey, it’s not you," he reassured her. "Telepathy can be tricky sometimes, but you're not too 'loud.' There's nothing to apologize for."

Leaning forward slightly, he added, "If you want, I can help you with focus and filtering, but trust me—you’re doing just fine. The issue isn’t you."

"Well, generally speaking, I could use help focusing, Kally could use help filtering," Katie said, grinning. She stood up and moved over to him, straddling his lap and putting her arms around his neck. "I wouldn't mind learning though, if only to level the playing field. I is kind of unfair that you have all this insight into me, and I can't say the same for you. So, you'll either have to teach me to be quieter so you can find out about me, or you'll have to be a lot more talkative about yourself so I can learn to read you better."

Jadizon's smirk softened as Katie settled on his lap, his hands instinctively resting on her hips. He gazed at her for a moment, sensing her curiosity and challenge, the desire to understand him better.

"You want to level the playing field," he murmured, his voice calm but weighted with his Betazoid heritage. Leaning in close, his lips brushed her ear. "It's not just about insight, Katie. It's about connection. You're already showing me more than you realize."

As he pulled back, his dark eyes locked onto hers, and without another word, he reached out telepathically. He shared a brief fragment of himself—a memory of his youth, training under the strict discipline of his father, Commodore Nevin Enor. The weight of family expectations, the pressure to follow a path he hadn’t chosen, and the rebellious fire that led him to defy it. The emotion of that moment washed over Katie—the intensity, the inner conflict, and the drive to prove himself on his own terms.

Just as quickly as she felt it, Jadizon severed the connection, pulling back before it could go too deep. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, centering himself after exposing even that small part of his mind. His grip on her hips tightened slightly, more out of instinct than control.

Slowly, he exhaled and opened his eyes again, now calm and steady, though the guarded look remained. "That," he said quietly, "is a part of me. But take things slow—there are places in here..." He tapped his temple lightly. "...that aren't so safe."

His thumbs traced gentle circles on her hips, the connection lingering between them in the quiet aftermath.

Katie's eyes were wide open and she didn't realize she'd been holding her breath until she suddenly felt the desperate need for oxygen. She shivered and held onto his shoulders to steady herself. "That was...something," she said, slowly. She licked her lips and tried to collect herself. "Most guys at the start share their favorite Solar Cup team or a holodeck program." She blushed a bit and then gave him a smile. "I'm flattered you'd share something that personal, but please don't feel pressured to." She took his face in her hands and gave him a sweet kiss. "I'm good with learning at a gentle pace. We'll save the scary stuff for later when we're ready, hm?"

Jadizon closed his eyes as Katie kissed him, her warmth settling into him. Without a word, he rested his head gently against her chest, his arms wrapping around her in a quiet moment of vulnerability. His breathing slowed, and he began to softly chant a Vulcan meditation under his breath, a mantra he had learned over the years to regain balance after telepathic connections.

"My mind has touched another," he whispered. "I release the bond and return to my own path, with peace in my mind and logic as my guide. What was shared remains within, balanced, understood, and accepted. I am whole once more."

Katie held him gently but firmly, her lips on the top of his head, stroking the back of his neck gently. She could only feel what he did as an echo, but she knew how deeply he was feeling it, and she helped him ride it out.

He repeated the chant softly a few more times, his breaths deep and steady, allowing himself to recenter and let go of the emotional weight from the brief connection.

After a few moments, he lifted his head and looked up at her, his eyes calm but still holding a hint of the intensity from earlier. "I’ve only ever done that twice before," he admitted, his voice low, almost reluctant. "But never with someone who wasn’t telepathic."

He paused for a moment, studying her face "On my homeworld, we’re trained to control our abilities, but I can never fully let go, especially when things get intimate."

He paused, his tone more serious. "It’s easy to overwhelm someone with emotions, and for a non-telepath, that can be damaging. That’s why I always hold back—it's about protecting you."

Katie nodded. "I understand, and I appreciate that. I'd imagine getting it all at once would probably overwhelm me. But, if you ever need me to take a little weight off your shoulders, know you can count on me." She kissed him again gently, but firmly.

When they parted, she looked to the side, thinking and bit her lip. "Speaking of going forward," she said, glancing at the door to his quarters, "what happens once we go back into the real world?" She looked him in the eye once more. "Last night was...whatever's better than 'awesome,' that's what it was," she said, smiling and blushing slightly. "But out I merely 'JG' once again?"

Jadizon looked at Katie, his eyes sharp but calm, He leaned in slightly, dropping his voice to that firm, direct tone he used when he wasn’t messing around. " I need to know what you want, Katie." He gave her a long, steady look, waiting.

Communication: the key to any healthy interaction, Katie reminded herself. She looked him in the eye. "On duty, it can be 'JG'," she said without hesitation. "Off duty, and especially moments like this, it's 'Katie'," she said.

"Alright, JG on duty, Katie off," he said, his voice calm but firm, the tone of a man used to cutting through the noise and getting to the point. "Got it."

Her eyes got a mischievous glint. "And in bed? JG when you're on top, Katie when I am," she said, grinning and leaning in, kissing him again.

Jadizon raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable at first, but his eyes held a spark of amusement. As Katie leaned in, he met her kiss, slow and deliberate, letting the tension between them speak louder than any words. His hand slid to the back of her neck, his grip firm but not forceful, deepening the kiss for just a moment before pulling back slightly, his lips brushing hers, the hint of a smirk on his face.

His silence carried the response—he didn’t need words to make his intentions clear.

Katie felt her breath catch in her throat as she felt the spark and as he pulled back a bit she said, as firmly as her wavering voice could, "report back to bed, Chief."


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