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Enter Axel & Finn Drake

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 2:14am by Petty Officer 2nd Class Ronan Drake

Mission: Lower Decks
Location: USS Chimera, Enlisted Quarters

Axel Drake stood in his quarters aboard the USS Chimera, settling in after his last-minute transfer. Normally, enlisted personnel like him would have to share quarters with another crew member. However, due to a special exemption granted by someone high up at Starfleet Personnel, Axel had always been able to have his younger brother Finn occupy the second room. It wasn’t typical, but it had been that way since Axel graduated and took Finn with him on every posting. Starfleet understood his unique situation, and Finn had always been treated almost like a member of the crew.

Finn was already making himself at home, sitting on his bed and fiddling with a device he’d found in his bag. The room wasn’t large, but for the two of them, it was enough. It had been their routine—get transferred, settle in, and keep moving forward.

"Hey, Axel," Finn said, looking up. "Do you think this ship has better viewports than the last one?"

Axel smiled slightly as he stuffed the last of his gear into storage. "Could be. Maybe this ship’s got a few upgrades. If you ask nicely, I’m sure one of the engineers would show you around."

Finn nodded, his eyes bright with curiosity, though there was a hint of nervousness in his voice when he asked, "You nervous about the new crew?"

Axel paused for a moment, then shrugged. "Nah, just the usual. They don’t know me yet, but I’m used to that. I’m more curious about how Senior Chief Enor is going to take to me showing up instead of Markham. They asked for her, not me."

"You’ll win them over, just like you always do," Finn said with a grin.

Axel gave him a nod, but there was a quiet tension in his chest. Being transferred as a replacement was never easy, especially when it was clear you weren’t the first choice. Enor had specifically requested Tessa Markham for the role of Chief Support Craft Pilot, and Axel knew walking into that office meant proving himself right from the start.

"Alright, I need to head to Senior Chief Enor’s office to report in. Don’t get too comfortable with the replicator, okay?" Axel said, giving Finn a warning look that earned him a laugh. The last time Finn had gotten creative with the replicator, it had ended with a bit of a mess.

"Got it, no messing around," Finn said with a mock salute.

With a small smile, Axel left their quarters and made his way through the corridors of the Chimera. The ship had a different feel compared to his previous postings, but it didn’t take long for Axel to adjust. He’d done this enough times to know the drill. The real test would come when he walked into Senior Chief Enor’s office. Replacing a requested crew member—especially one as qualified as Markham—was always going to put a target on his back.

As Axel approached the office, he straightened his uniform and took a deep breath. First impressions were everything, especially with a superior like Enor. Axel had a lot to prove, and he knew that this meeting could set the tone for his entire time aboard the Chimera. Time to face it head-on.

He pressed the panel beside the door, waiting for permission to enter.


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