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In Need Of A Drink?

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 4:47am by Michelle Erilin & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor

Mission: Lower Decks
Location: Hydra Lounge

The young woman looked up from the bar as she wiped it down again with a sigh. Her schedule had gone from somewhat relaxed to busy most of the time and she hoped that the transmission back to the Federation had gone heeded to bring more civilians out to the Chimera or else she may have to recruit locals to assist. Certainly Bethany was going to join her after she received the message, but that was likely not this cycle.

Michelle glanced up to the ceiling as she tossed the towel into a bin under the counter, then her eyes came back down as the door slid open and he walked in, ‘Now that’s the look of someone who needs a drink.’ She thought to herself before reaching out with her empathic gift to get a feeling for the new arrival and stopped short when she felt the… Cushion was her word for it when someone had their own telepathic ability, whereas with most species she was able to just glean surface emotions at a whim. She drew herself up a bit more behind the bar and decided that patience was most certainly a virtue in this case. Besides, he had likely noticed what she’d just done.

Jadizon Enor walked into the bar with a purposeful stride, his eyes sharp and assessing. He carried himself with the confidence of someone used to command, his expression serious but not unkind. As he approached the bar, he gave a curt nod to the woman behind the counter, acknowledging her presence.

He felt the light touch of her empathic ability, and though he noticed it, he didn't react visibly. Instead, he leaned on the bar, his posture still straight but with a hint of relaxation. "Long day," he said, his voice firm but not unfriendly. "Could use something strong to take the edge off."

There was a hint of weariness in his tone, a glimpse of the weight he carried, but he kept it in check. He wasn't looking to open up, but he wasn't completely closed off either. He glanced around the bar, taking in the surroundings with a discerning eye, then looked back at her. "Looks like you've been busy too. How's it been around here?" His question was straightforward, his tone suggesting he was open to a bit of conversation, even if just to pass the time.

"I think we can manage something." Michelle gave him a bright smile as she made herself busy with an ice ball and selected a red bourbon from a distillery in the highlands of Betazed, pouring a generous measure of it into the glass and sliding it over to him, "This is actually a pretty sedate time of the day to be honest, but in a couple hours it's going to get pretty hectic, since the Hydra really is one of the only places on board that has the entertainments we do, outside the holodeck that is."

The young woman gave him a very evaluating look with the maturity she had that was beyond her actual years, "Of course, I can't say that I've seen you in here before, should I presume that you arrived with that courier ship I heard was due in pretty soon?"

Jadizon nodded in appreciation as he finished his drink. "Thanks," he said, setting the empty glass down.

He listened as she talked about the bar getting busier later. "Sounds like you handle a lot here," he remarked, his tone a bit more relaxed.

When she asked about his arrival, he paused briefly. "I just transferred to the Chimera from Kepler Station," he replied. "Getting settled in."

After a moment, he looked at her and added, "Got any Andorian ale? I could go for a glass." His expression remained steady, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes, interested to see how she handled the request.

“We even have a special dispensation from Captain Skyie for the Romulan Ale we have aboard.” Michelle gave a cheeky smile, “As for the Andorian, while supplies last we have some Jhen’dikar of varying dates ranging from ‘82 up to ‘91, as well as some Mari’nolit from ‘86 to ‘89. The latter seems to be smoother, so people like it more.” She raised an eyebrow and asked if he had any preference in Andorian, using subtle finger movements as if mimicking an Andorian’s antennae as they did for emphasis, showing significant knowledge of the language.

Enor gave a slight nod, his expression serious. "Impressive selection," he acknowledged, his tone measured. "As they say on Earth, 'Dealer's Choice.' I'll leave the decision to you."

He kept his gaze steady, appreciating her subtle mimicry of Andorian gestures but maintaining a professional demeanor. "Bring me your recommendation," he instructed, a hint of firmness in his voice. "I'm sure it'll be suitable."

"I think you're going to like the extra spice of the Jhen'dikar." Michelle decided after she considered him for an extra few seconds, turning and moving to a different cabinet for the proper drink, needing to go on her toes to find the right one, "So, you're a Senior Chief, right? Knowing most of the crew on board, there aren't that many of you on Chimera. Have you met Captain Skyie yet?"

Jadizon watched as Michelle reached for the Andorian ale, noting her effort to get the right one. He appreciated her attention to detail.

"Jhen'dikar, huh? Sounds good," he replied with a nod.

When she mentioned his rank, he gave a brief nod. "I'm the only Senior Chief onboard. Chief of the Boat," he clarified. "I'm responsible for the enlisted crew and making sure everything runs smoothly."

Her question about the captain brought a stern nod. "Yep, actually just finished a meeting with her," he said, his tone straightforward.

He leaned slightly against the bar, his demeanor a bit more relaxed now. "How about you? Been working here long?" he asked, turning the conversation towards her.

"Only the last several months, once the ship got out to Starbase 614, where I was previously working." Michelle gave a slight wave of her hand, "I thought it would be a nice change of scenery when the opportunity arose to get out of there and I haven't been disappointed yet!" She gave a knowing smile, "Hopefully the Captain didn't treat you too harshly?"

Jadizon nodded thoughtfully, appreciating her perspective on the change of scenery. "Starbase 614 can feel a bit stifling after a while, so I can see why you'd want a change of pace," he said, his tone measured yet understanding.

As she mentioned the Captain, a faint smirk played at the corner of his mouth. "The Captain was... direct, but fair," he replied. "She made it clear what she expects, which I appreciate. No room for misunderstandings that way."

After a brief pause, he shifted the conversation. "Sounds like you've found your place here," he continued. "Speaking of settling in, do you have any family, either on board or back home? It can be tough being out here for long stretches—wondering how everyone’s managing."

He watched her closely, genuinely interested in her response, knowing that connections to family often shaped how people adapted to life in deep space.

Michelle couldn't help but go slightly pink with that question, "If you really want to know, my father died before I was even born and my parents weren't married yet, so she didn't want to be a burden to the rest of my family." The bartender shrugged and took a glass of water from under the counter to take a sip of it, "Mom died nine years ago, so I had to make my own way in the galaxy on a backwater mining and manufactory world and I wasn't built for either of those things, so I learned a very old profession and worked my way up to here." She reached up to indicated the necklace she wore, made up of three different metals in the cloverleaf shape of Celtic knots. "I did happen to meet one of my relatives on board the Starbase, though, which was a rather novel situation."

Jadizon listened, his expression remaining steady as Michelle shared her story. There was no pity in his eyes, just a deep respect for the toughness it took to survive what she’d been through.

"Life doesn’t hand out any easy cards," he said, his voice firm, almost gruff. "But it sounds like you took what was thrown at you and made it work. That’s what counts."

He glanced at the necklace she pointed to, recognizing the symbolism. "Nice piece. Must’ve been a hell of a journey to get here, and that’s a reminder of what you’ve overcome."

Jadizon downed the rest of his drink in one smooth motion, the glass making a solid thud as he set it back on the counter. He motioned for another. "Running into family out here, after all that—life’s got a twisted sense of humor sometimes. But it’s those kinds of surprises that keep you on your toes."

he met her gaze with a look that conveyed respect. "You’ve built yourself up from nothing. That’s the kind of strength I respect. Keep that fire going—it’ll take you far." He took another sip from the freshly filled glass, then leaned forward slightly. "So, what time are you off?"

Potential client? Or was he perhaps just looking to get to know her a bit better. Michelle made a mental note to see if there was any sort of file from the guild on this Senior Chief, though she had yet to learn his name, "The good news is that as the person who runs the place, I can technically declare myself done for the day at any time and just let Sabrina know that I need her to start a bit early, or I've got another hour and change to go." She chuckled, "Of course, I also haven't had the pleasure of learning your name. I'm Michelle, Michelle Erilin." She extended her hand, palm down towards him.

Jadizon’s eyebrow arched slightly, a playful glint in his eyes as he set his drink down. "Flexible hours, huh? Definitely a perk," he remarked, a smirk forming as he took in her demeanor. "Name’s Jadizon Enor. Senior Chief Petty Officer."

He took her hand, his grip firm but with a hint of lingering warmth, letting his thumb briefly brush against her fingers before releasing it. "Pleasure’s all mine, Michelle."

Leaning back, he gave her an appraising look, his smile widening just a touch. "I have to say, I’m curious about the woman who runs the show around here. So, what do you think? You up for calling it a day now, or should I wait an hour for your undivided attention?"

With that, he picked up his glass, giving it a slow swirl before finishing its contents in one smooth motion. The glass made a soft clink as he set it back down, his gaze never leaving hers.

Smooth, he was pretty smooth, but that wouldn't get him anywhere. Still, Michelle smiled and batted her eyelashes at him even as she slightly shook her head, even as she reached under the bar and pulled out a comm and whispered a few words into it, "I think we can consider myself calling it a day now, it's slow anyways at this time. Anything in mind that I may need to change outfits for?" She gestured at her outfit, a rather simple blouse and skirt.

Jadizon's smirk turned into a confident smile as Michelle finished whispering into the comm, signaling that she was done for the day. When she asked about changing outfits, he gave her a quick once-over before meeting her eyes again.

"You’ve got two options," he said, leaning in slightly. "We could hit the holodeck for a swim on an old Earth beach—Matira Beach, in Bora Bora. Perfect for some relaxation and stunning views."

He paused, letting the image of the pristine beach sink in before continuing. "Or, if you're in the mood for something a little more intense, we could head to the Velocity range. Test our reflexes and have some fun."

Jadizon leaned back slightly, giving her a moment to consider. "The choice is yours," he added, with a small nod. "Either way, you might want to change into something more fitting."

"Of the two, I'm definitely going to have to go with the trip to the beach." Michelle chuckled as she shook her head, "As a civilian, especially one that was raised on Jovash," She named a very backwater world near to Starbase 614, "And one that turned eighteen just over four years ago at that, I have had very little phaser training and all of that bit since I came board Chimera? I was introduced to Velocity by another member of the crew and it's out of my league for now. Besides, who doesn't like a good swim here and there?"

Jadizon nodded, a slight grin forming as he listened to Michelle's reasoning. "A good choice," he said, his voice warm with approval. "Matira Beach it is."

He straightened up, ready to move. "There's nothing like a swim to clear your mind and take in the scenery. Besides, we can leave the intense training for another time. Sometimes, it’s good to just relax and enjoy the moment."

Jadizon then leaned back slightly, allowing her the space to prepare, while already picturing the stunning beach in his mind—blue waters, soft sand, and the kind of peace that only a place like that could offer. "Can I get one more round please" he asked politely.

"Of course." Michelle smiled, "I'll get my swimsuit once we get to the holodeck in any case, I know just the one." She made herself busy putting together another Jhen'dikar and sliding it in front of him, "Sabrina will be here in just a minute anyways, her quarters are just a few doors away. In fact..." The doors slid open and Michelle slid around the bar and met the other young woman several steps away and exchanged a few words with her, then turned back to Jadizon, "I'm ready when you are, Jadizon."

Jadizon watched as Michelle moved with ease behind the bar, her smile reflecting her excitement for the plans ahead. When she mentioned her swimsuit, he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.

As she slid the Jhen’dikar in front of him, he took the glass with a nod of thanks, appreciating the care she put into her work. He took a slow sip, savoring the taste as he watched her exchange words with Sabrina.

When Michelle turned back to him, ready and eager for their holodeck adventure, Jadizon set the glass down with a final, deliberate motion. "Let’s not keep Bora Bora waiting," he said with a hint of a grin. He stood up, straightening his shirt as he did.

"Lead the way, Michelle" he added, gesturing toward the exit, his eyes already filled with the anticipation of the serene beach and whatever the evening might bring.



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