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A Peace En Voyage

Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2024 @ 8:02pm by Ensign Jeff Elazar

Mission: Lower Decks
Location: Starfleet Academy
Timeline: Recent Past


Peace...the elusive goal of virtually every Starfleet officer and Federation citizen was not attainable this day. The sounds of busy bodies outside, multiple shuttlecraft flying overhead, and the alarm going off at this time of day were like spears being thrust into the brain of one particular mind this day. Eyelids creeping open, the recently ceased sleeper aroused from his slumber. He reached over and pressed the control to turn off the blaring alarm that was the principle cause of consternation at that point, and began to move himself in a way to vacate the warm and comfortable place of the bed and headed toward the replicator. "Water, one degree C," was the request given to the computer. A shimmering display of light culminated in the glass appearing in only a second. The man continued to stand there for a minute or so before grabbing the now nearly frosted glass and then took a drink. Once more, nature's perfect liquid worked its magic and the man was shocked back into the reality of his situation.

Jeff had packed his two bags earlier in the week; one bag contained personal items while the other held onto some rare books that he felt he would need in order to do the work that would soon be expected of him in the near future. No longer was his career primarily about research, now he had to put everything he learned, as well as his own contribution to academia into practicality. In the past week, Jeff had found a new placement in Starfleet for a new Chief Diplomatic Officer aboard the USS Chimera. Politics were a luxury to debate and struggle with at home, guarded by Earth's cultures and the Academy's policy of open-mindedness, but out in the field where many different and new species existed, politics were a more poignant and prevalent problem. Jeff finished his glass of water and set the glass back into the replicator for recycling before going into the bathroom. "Computer, activate sonic shower."

A few minutes later, Jeff emerged from the bathroom now clean as a whistle. He got dressed into his purple uniform and affixed the single golden pip to his collar, denoting his Starfleet rank. There wasn't much left to do but grab his bags and leave his quarters to go grab the transport that would eventually carry him directly to the starship aboard which he would serve. He hoped the next faculty member to live here would be a great teacher and researcher in their own right, but for now it was time for him to leave. All this time he had a room with a reasonable view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Redwoods beyond. It always reminded him to see the forest and the trees within at the same time so as not to miss out on any vital details that would be paramount to anyone engaging in political discourse. If people feel left out, either intentionally or not, they are less likely to acquiesce to the best laid out negotiations, even if you believe you've already made the necessary compromises on their behalf for them.

Now walking on the pathways through the gardens, which were still the best maintained aspect of the Academy, a flood of memories came rushing back into Jeff's thoughts. Teachers, fellow students, colleagues, and pupils, it was people of all types of backgrounds that helped shape a part of who Jeff was today. Scientific development, technological advancement, explored discoveries, none of it truly mattered if people didn't directly benefit and participate in them. Jeff's former associates were certainly key contributors to his personal growth and taught him valuable lessons that he was eager to share with the world away from Earth. The doctrines of his discipline were going to serve him well for the rest of his life. But this would likely be the last time he'd be able to walk through anywhere green and he wanted to walk a little more slowly in order to enjoy these final moments before getting to the Transporter Room holding his one way ticket to a new type of life with its own set of challenges and opportunities beyond.

The doors of the facility swooshed open as Jeff approached. Ahead of him were the pads and the Transporter Chief on duty at the time. "Good morning," Jeff offered.

"If you say so, yeah good morning to you too Ensign," remarked the Chief, slightly irritated that someone needed to go somewhere this early in the morning.

Taken aback, Jeff put his bags on the pad and approached the Chief at the control station, "Eh, is everything alright with you? It's fine to tell me anything, I'm leaving Earth today so it's not like I can file anything official with your superior officers or anything like that. What's your name?"

"Chief Petty Officer Vergil," began the Tellarite woman who scoffed at the Ensign for being so flippant. "The night shift left me to do some repairs on the transporter after a drink of sythahol was spilled on the controls. I tell ya, these new recruits that Starfleet is so willing to admit all the time just don't know when party time is over."

Jeff couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle, "Heh, yeah, they're certainly not made of the sterner stuff we're made of that's for sure. But it's up to us to ensure that they get the education they need so that they will eventually get that sterner stuff themselves." Jeff winked at the Chief as a display to get the okay he wanted.

"I suppose you're right, it's just hard for someone like me who prefers doing things efficiently to have to deal with this," replied the Chief.

Jeff stepped back and went to go stand on the pad alongside his bags. "Look at it this way then, instead of spending the day being annoyed, why not go find those rabble rousers and tell them exactly how last night's events impacted your day? Not only do you get some catharsis from confronting them, you get relief knowing that it's not likely going to happen again and they get of sorts, about the realities of working in Starfleet. And remember, be civil!"

The Chief thought for a moment and rolled her eyes before letting out a small smirk. "I suppose that's the most responsible thing to do? Fine. I guess it's better than letting it wreck my day. Thanks! So where can I send you today?"

The padd with all the transit details was in Jeff's bag and he reached down to grab it and turned the display back on. "The SS Warrimoo, Chief."

Vergil pressed a few buttons on the controls and brought up the ship's specs to get exact coordinates for the transport to take place. "Certainly, that's a personnel transport ship, where are ya ending up?"

Reading from the padd again, Jeff responded. "Oh, I'm going to be serve on the USS Chimera as part of their diplomatic staff."

Locking in the coordinates, the Chief let out, "Oh how fun! I'm sure you'll do a fine job out there. Now it's my turn, can I give ya a piece of advice?"

Putting the padd back into the bag and lifting both up so that the straps were on his shoulders. "Sure? I'm all ears."

The Chief started, "While you were able to help me today in a couple of minutes, not every problem will be so quick to fix. Don't get your knickers in a knot if things don't work out right away, okay?"

Smiling, Jeff's eyes looked directly into Vergil's, "You are so right about that. Energize, eh?"

The Chief slid her fingers up the controls and in a mere moment, the shimmer of the transporter beam fell down upon the Ensign. Finally he had left Earth, but not for an academic conference or vacation. This time, his journey had only just begun. He wouldn't be back to Earth, his comfort zone, for many years. While a prestigious career awaited him if he would have stayed, a rich and rewarding career was his for the taking now that he had decided to leave. Excitement was at the forefront of his emotions. Fortune did certainly favour the bold. Jeff was at peace.


Ensign Jeff Elazar
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Chimera


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