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Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 10:03pm

Petty Officer 2nd Class Ronan Drake

Name Ronan Axel Drake

Position Chief Support Craft Pilot

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 175
Hair Color Dark brown, perpetually messy, often falling into his eyes.
Eye Color Striking blue, with a mix of sharp intensity and guarded vulnerability.
Physical Description 175 lbs (79 kg), with a lean, athletic build that reflects his agility and toughness from years of manual labor and training.

Skin: Fair, with a slightly rough complexion due to years of hard living and exposure to tough environments.

Distinctive Features:
Scars: A few small scars, particularly on his knuckles and along his cheekbone, hint at a life of frequent fights and scuffles.

Stubble: Often sports a light layer of stubble, giving him a rugged and unpolished look.

Uniform: His uniform is often slightly worn or scuffed up, more from hard use than neglect, though it’s rarely in perfect order. His boots have a well-worn look from long hours on his feet.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Caleb Drake (Estranged)
Mother Livia Drake (Deceased)
Brother(s) Brother: Finn Drake (Age: 11)

Finn is Axel’s younger brother, and since they have no other family left, Finn accompanies Axel on all his Starfleet postings. Axel takes his role as Finn’s guardian seriously, despite his own struggles with authority and discipline. Protecting Finn and giving him a better life than the one they had on Tarnis IV is Axel’s primary motivation.
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Axel is a tough, conflicted young man, caught between his responsibilities as a Starfleet pilot and his natural tendency to rebel against authority. His troubled past and lack of formal education left him with a chip on his shoulder, especially around officers who had the privilege of attending Starfleet Academy. Axel feels like an outsider in the very organization he depends on to give his brother a future.

Despite his quick temper and tendency to get into fights, Axel is deeply protective of Finn. He’s willing to risk anything to ensure his brother doesn’t have to live the life they endured on Tarnis IV. In many ways, Finn is the only thing grounding Axel, giving him a purpose that goes beyond just surviving.

Axel is a capable pilot with a natural talent for flying support craft in high-stakes or dangerous situations, but his insubordination and authority issues continue to hold him back from rising through the ranks. His loyalty to his crew and his brother is unwavering, but his tendency to clash with superiors often leads to disciplinary issues.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Skilled Pilot: Axel’s natural talent for flying small craft, especially in dangerous or high-pressure situations, makes him a valuable asset to his crew.

Mechanical Savvy: Axel’s background in fixing stolen or broken-down machines on Tarnis IV gave him a solid understanding of ship mechanics, which he frequently uses to assist the engineering teams.

Fiercely Protective: Axel’s loyalty to his brother and those close to him makes him a reliable ally in dangerous situations.

Resilient: Years of hardship on Tarnis IV have given Axel a toughness and resourcefulness that few others possess.


Authority Issues: Axel’s rebellious streak and distrust of authority often lead to clashes with superiors, hindering his career advancement.

Quick Temper: His fighting problem hasn’t entirely disappeared, and he’s been known to get into trouble for brawling, especially when he feels cornered or disrespected.

Outsider Status: Coming from a non-Federation world, Axel often feels like he doesn’t belong in Starfleet, which further fuels his resentment towards officers and the organization’s hierarchy.
Ambitions Axel’s main motivation is to provide a better life for Finn, ensuring that his brother doesn’t suffer the same fate they narrowly escaped on Tarnis IV. He’s also driven by the desire to prove himself in Starfleet, despite the struggles he faces due to his background. At the same time, Axel is still wrestling with his own demons, caught between wanting to belong and his instinct to reject authority.
Hobbies & Interests Mechanical Work: Axel has always had a knack for fixing things, a skill he developed growing up on Tarnis IV. He spends a lot of his downtime tinkering with shuttles or small mechanical devices, often helping the engineering crew on his ship. It’s both a practical skill and a therapeutic outlet for him—something that allows him to focus and feel in control when everything else feels chaotic.

Flying Simulators: Despite being an active pilot, Axel still enjoys pushing his skills further in flying simulators. He likes testing himself in high-stakes, challenging simulations—often scenarios where he’s outnumbered or has to make quick, life-saving decisions. It’s a way for him to sharpen his reflexes and prove to himself that he’s capable of handling the worst situations.

Hand-to-Hand Combat Training: Given his troubled past and quick temper, Axel enjoys spending time in the ship’s training areas, particularly focusing on hand-to-hand combat. It helps him release pent-up energy, and while he’s prone to brawling, he’s trying to channel that into more disciplined training. This also serves as a reminder of where he's come from and what he’s fighting to leave behind.

Caring for Finn: Axel spends a lot of his off-duty time with his younger brother, Finn. He tries to be both a big brother and a father figure, despite his own personal struggles. Whether it’s helping Finn with schoolwork or exploring new hobbies together, Axel sees his responsibility to Finn as one of his most important duties, and their bond is one of the few things that keeps Axel grounded.

Exploring New Technology: Axel has a genuine curiosity about the advanced technology that Starfleet encounters. Coming from a non-Federation world, he was exposed to older, outdated tech, and being surrounded by cutting-edge technology fascinates him. He often reads up on new tech or asks the engineers to explain things to him, always trying to expand his knowledge.

Stargazing: Though he often hides it behind his tough exterior, Axel has a quiet love for the stars. He’ll sometimes find a quiet place on the ship to simply watch the stars outside, reflecting on how far he’s come from the harsh life on Tarnis IV. The vastness of space offers him a sense of freedom and possibility, something he holds onto for both himself and Finn.

Personal History Axel’s childhood on Tarnis IV was marked by hardship, survival, and loss. Tarnis IV, a non-Federation mining colony, was a rough place where rules were made by whoever had the most power. Axel’s father, Caleb, disappeared when he was 14, leaving his mother to care for him and his little brother Finn. Livia worked herself to exhaustion in the mines, but when she fell ill from long-term exposure to toxic conditions, she passed away when Axel was 17, leaving him as Finn's sole guardian.

Determined to give his brother a better life, Axel enlisted in Starfleet at 18. As someone from a non-Federation world, Axel didn’t have the luxury of attending Starfleet Academy. Instead, he enlisted and worked his way up the ranks, relying on his natural piloting skills and street-smart mechanical know-how to make a place for himself. However, his temper and frequent run-ins with authority kept him from advancing quickly, even as his talent was undeniable.

Finn became his responsibility full-time after their mother passed. With no other family to care for him, Axel managed to secure permission from Starfleet for Finn to accompany him on his postings, something usually unheard of in Starfleet. Axel’s main priority now is providing for Finn, even as he struggles to maintain discipline in his own life.

Father: Caleb Drake (Estranged)
A former mechanic on Tarnis IV, Caleb was known for his skill with machines but fell into a life of substance abuse and crime. He abandoned the family when Axel was 14, leaving a lasting impact on Ronan's trust issues and rebellious streak.

Mother: Livia Drake (Deceased)
A hardworking, resilient woman who struggled to keep the family afloat after Caleb left. Livia worked in the mines of Tarnis IV to provide for her sons but passed away due to an illness related to the harsh environment of the mining colony when Axel was 17.