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The Encore

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 @ 10:45pm by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Jadizon's Quarters

Several hours later, Enor woke up, slipping out of bed without disturbing Kally. He headed to the bathroom, returning moments later. Stopping at the door frame, he grabbed the pull-up bar attached to it and began his morning workout, the muscles in his back and arms flexing with each pull. He waited, keeping an eye on Kally, ready for the moment she would wake up.

Kally stretched, yawned and sat up, smoothing her hair and rubbing her eyes a bit. She looked over at Jadizon doing pull-ups and smirked. "Well now I'm offended," she said. "If you have the strength left in those muscles for that, I clearly didn't try hard enough."

Enor didn't pause in his workout, continuing his steady rhythm. "You're the one who tapped out, remember?" he replied, his tone a mix of amusement and challenge.

"I was only looking out for your well-being," Kally retorted. "Didn't want you having a heart attack halfway through. Not to mention, I wouldn't want you having too much fun our first time out and not wanting another round." She stuck her tongue out and sat back against his headboard. "Besides, when one of us is in the other's head, anticipating my every move, desire and preference, it makes it a bit easier for you to play me like a Vulcan lyre. Not that I'm complaining, mind you," she purred.

He finished his set, dropping down from the bar and wiping his hands on a towel. "You're not on duty for a few more hours," he reminded her. "How are you feeling? And don't lie to me," he added, tapping the side of his temple with a knowing look.

She grinned. "I'm fine, thank you. I'm a big girl, I know my limits, few as they are, and please don't take this personally aren't my first rodeo. Not by a long shot. Not even my first Betazoid. Definitely my favorite Betazoid, though." She blew him a kiss and stretched again, arching her back and sighing contentedly.

His blue eyes sparkled with concern and a playful edge. "Seriously, everything alright? Need anything?"

She smiled and shrugged. "Other than needing to replenish some electrolytes, I'm all good."

He walked over to the bed, leaning down to brush a kiss on her forehead. "If you're hungry, I could replicate us some breakfast while you wake up a bit more."

Kally let out an impatient breath and got up on her knees, grabbing him and pulling him onto the bed, rolling him onto his back and straddling him. "I am as awake as I am going to be," she said. "Allow me to demonstrate."

An hour or so later, breathing heavy, Kally rolled onto her side and propped herself up on her arm. " were saying something about breakfast?"

Enor's combadge chimed just as he was about to respond. "Senior Chief Enor, this is Petty Officer Draven reporting in—"

"I'll catch up with you later, Draven," Enor interrupted, quickly tapping his combadge to close the channel. He returned his attention to Kally, a satisfied smile playing on his lips.

Enor chuckled, still catching his breath. "Yeah, I was. And after that, I think we both deserve a good meal."

He sat up, giving her a brief but intense kiss before standing and heading over to the replicator. "What do you feel like? I've got a pretty decent selection in here."

Kally gave it a moment's thought. "Sweet potato pancakes, maple syrup, extra butter, please."

As he started replicating breakfast, he glanced back at her, a playful smirk on his face. "You really know how to start a morning right, Lieutenant."

He handed her a plate, then settled beside her with his own. "Enjoy it while you can," he said, raising his fork in a playful toast. "We've still got a couple hours before duty calls. So, tell me, was there some type of bet to see who could 'sack' as you human's say, the new COB or?" he paused turning is attention to her.

Kally choked on a bite while trying to laugh. "Sorry, what now?"

"I mean..." he paused and then looked at her.

"Well, sorry to have to also blow your ego," she said, "but no, there was no bet. I'm pretty sure most of us haven't realized you're on board yet, considering I only got here yesterday." She took another bite. "Still, always nice to be a winner." She gave him a wink. "But no, you just happened to catch my eye and I struck up a conversation."

Enor grinned, setting his fork down and leaning back slightly. "Well, I'm flattered I managed to catch your eye among all the shiny new things on board," he said with a playful smirk. "Guess I'm not just another face in the crowd after all."

He took another bite of his breakfast, savoring the taste before continuing. "In all seriousness, though, it's good to know there's still some mystery left in me. Makes my job as COB a little more interesting if people don't know what to expect."

His gaze softened as he looked at her. "So, shall we do this again in a few days, or am I gonna get the cold shoulder in the corridor and the silent treatment?" He paused, then added with a teasing grin, "Or am I gonna find you in my bed waiting for me tonight after shift?"

"In bed tonight," Kally said, matter-of-factly. "You know, unless the Captain wants me. Privilege of rank and all that. Or if there's someone on board who somehow impresses me enough to make me alternate nights." She chewed thoughtfully. "I'll have to make up a schedule," she said to herself, then snickered at the thought. She took his empty plate along with her own to the replicator and recycled them.

Enor raised an eyebrow at Kally's straightforwardness, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Well, aren't you ambitious," he replied with a playful tone, meeting her eyes as she laid out her casual approach to their encounter. He watched her thoughtfully as she considered the logistics, unable to suppress a chuckle when she mentioned making a schedule. "Just make sure you pencil me in," he teased, leaning back against the headboard as she took their plates to the replicator.

Kally looked back at him and smiled, wiping her hands and coming back to the bed, crawling over to him and kissing him. "I should get going. I need to sneak into my sister's quarters and use her shower and grab a fresh uniform before I head to Sickbay.

As she returned and crawled over to him, he welcomed the kiss, savoring the brief but sweet moment. "Sounds like a plan," he murmured, his hand lingering on her arm as she pulled away. "And don't worry about being discreet. I’m sure I can handle a little sibling rivalry," he added with a wink.

Kally grinned at him and shrugged. "I wouldn't worry. We learned to share our toys years ago." She stuck her tongue out at him and began grabbing her clothes off the ground, quickly pulling on the bare minimum for modesty and balling up the rest.

He watched her start to gather her things, then added, "You know where to find me if you need another round of morning training—or anything else," he said, keeping his tone light but with a hint of seriousness underneath. "Just make sure you get a good shower in. Can't have you showing up to Sickbay looking like you’ve had an adventure."

"Katie has a medkit in her quarters, so I'm covered," Kally said, straightening her hair.

As Kally prepared to leave, Enor leaned back and watched her with a mix of amusement and genuine interest. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of their dynamic just yet, but he was definitely intrigued. "Catch you later, Lieutenant," he called out as she headed for the door, a satisfied smile on his face. "And good luck with that schedule."

Kally gave him a wink and walked out of his quarters, heading down a section and stopping when she reached Katie's. Thankfully, her sister always used the same door code, and she slipped in silently.


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