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A Hectic Morning on Kepler Station

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 @ 7:35am by Petty Officer 1st Class Kael Draven

Mission: Lower Decks
Location: Kepler Station >> USS Chimera

Kael Draven's morning began with a start, jolted awake by the blaring alarm that had somehow been set to the wrong time. He groggily glanced at the chronometer and his eyes widened in panic. He was running late. Very late.

Throwing on his uniform haphazardly, Kael cursed under his breath as he struggled to fasten the last few buttons. He hastily grabbed his carry-on bag, not even bothering to zip it fully. Items threatened to spill out as he dashed out of his quarters, his mind racing faster than his feet.

He sprinted through the bustling corridors of Kepler Station, weaving through throngs of personnel and civilians. His disheveled appearance and urgent pace drew curious glances, but he had no time to explain. He rounded a corner, almost colliding with a group of engineers, narrowly avoiding a stack of supply crates.

The shuttle hangar was just ahead, and he could see the shuttle he was supposed to be on, its engines already humming in preparation for departure. His heart pounded in his chest as he pushed himself harder, legs burning from the exertion.

The hangar doors loomed large as he approached, and he saw the crew starting to close the hatch. "Wait!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the din of the bustling station. Miraculously, the crew chief heard him, pausing just long enough for Kael to slide to a stop in front of the shuttle. Breathing heavily, he managed a sheepish smile as he handed over his orders. The crew chief shook his head with a knowing grin and ushered him inside, sealing the hatch behind him.

Arrival on the USS Chimera

Hours later, the shuttle made its approach to the USS Chimera. Kael gazed out the viewport, the sleek lines of the starship growing larger as they drew nearer. The Chimera's hangar bay was a hive of activity, personnel moving efficiently to accommodate the incoming shuttle.

The shuttle touched down smoothly on the deck, and Kael felt a wave of relief wash over him. He gathered his belongings and waited for the hatch to open. As the doors slid apart, he was greeted by the structured chaos of the Chimera's flight deck.

Stepping out onto the deck, Kael took a deep breath, savoring the sense of purpose that filled the air. He straightened his uniform and made his way to the muster point, eager to begin this new chapter in his Starfleet career. The frantic dash through Kepler Station already felt like a distant memory as he stood on the deck of his new home, ready to prove himself and embrace the challenges that lay ahead.


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