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Someone pour me up a Double shot of Brandy....

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 @ 3:59am by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor
Edited on on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 @ 7:17am

Mission: Lower Decks
Location: Ship's Lounge/Jadizon's Quarters
Timeline: Evening of new crew arrival

USS Chimera - Ship's Lounge

Jadizon sat at the bar in the ship's lounge, his duty jacket slightly unzipped to signal that he was off duty. The dim lighting and soft hum of conversation provided a welcome respite from the constant demands of his position. Enor's striking blue eyes, usually sharp and commanding, were softer now as he stared into his glass of Vulcan brandy.

He took a slow sip, savoring the unique, sharp taste of the alien liquor. The slight burn was a reminder that he was still here, still fighting, even if it was just the battles within his mind tonight. Enor's broad shoulders and muscular frame, usually a source of silent reassurance to his crew, now seemed to carry an invisible weight.

The lounge was bustling with activity, officers and crew members mingling, sharing stories, and laughing. Enor, however, chose a seat at the far end of the bar, away from the larger groups. He needed this moment of solitude, a rare chance to decompress from the relentless responsibilities that came with his rank. The E-8 insignia on his jacket marked him as a Senior Chief, the pinnacle of the enlisted ranks, a position earned through years of dedication and service.

Despite his desire to be alone, Enor's demeanor was still inviting. He carried himself with the quiet confidence of a seasoned leader, someone who had seen and done much in service to the Federation. His charismatic presence and the slight, approachable smile on his lips made it clear that he wouldn't turn away anyone who needed to talk.

The bartender, a friendly Bolian, glanced over and offered a nod of acknowledgment, but wisely left Enor to his thoughts. Enor appreciated the gesture. It was moments like these that allowed him to reflect on his journey, the missions that had tested his resolve, and the crewmates who had become like family.

As he took another sip of his drink, Enor couldn't help but feel the familiar pang of emotional vulnerability. The memories of lost friends and the weight of decisions made in the heat of battle were always close, threatening to surface. He managed the stress well enough, but nights like these, with a glass in hand, the cracks in his armor felt a little wider.

He was waiting. Not for anything specific, but perhaps for someone to approach and break the silence, to pull him out of his introspection. Whether it was a junior officer seeking advice, a fellow senior officer looking to share a drink, or someone needing the guidance of a mentor, Enor was ready. His dedication to his crew and the principles of the Federation was unwavering, even in his off-duty moments.

The door to the lounge opened, and Enor's eyes flicked up briefly to see who might enter. The anticipation of an interruption lingered, a part of him welcoming the chance to reconnect, to offer support, or simply to share a moment of camaraderie. For now, he would wait, sip his Vulcan brandy, and be ready for whatever—or whoever—came next.

Kally walked into the lounge and straight to the replicator. "Self-righteous, stick-up-his-ass, prick," she grumbled less than quietly as she stalked across the room. "Gaultian Peach Brandy, four years old, two fingers," she said. A moment later, the replicator produced a short glass with amber liquid. Kally took it and tossed it back in one shot, then put the glass in the replicator. "Another," she said. The glass reformed with a second round and she took it and turned to face the room, looking around.

She spied one anomaly across the way and walked over to him. "A room full of people and you're sitting in a corner by yourself?" she said. "What's up with that?"

Enor looked up at her, his blue eyes meeting hers with a calm, steady gaze. His demeanor was straight to the point, his expression serious but approachable.

"Sometimes you need to take a step back and get your head straight," he replied, his voice carrying the firm, no-nonsense tone of a seasoned enlisted man. "But it looks like you've had a rough day. "

He gestured to the empty seat next to him. "Grab a seat, if you want. No point in drinking alone if you're pissed off."

"Says the guy sitting alone in a crowd," Kally said, dropping into a chair.

Enor took another sip of his brandy, leaning back slightly. His posture was casual, his demeanor unbothered, but there was a readiness about him, an openness to conversation.

"What's got you so wound up?" he asked, his voice calm and inviting.

He waited, giving her the space to share if she wanted. Enor knew that sometimes just having someone to talk to could make all the difference, even if he wasn’t in the mood for company. He was there, ready to listen, if she needed to unload.

Kally took a long sip and kicked her feet up onto the windowsill. "Evidently fate has a sense of humor, and the most irritating instructor I had at the academy is this ship's second-in-command."

Enor raised an eyebrow and took another sip of his brandy. "Sounds like you've hit the jackpot," he said, his tone dry and faintly amused. "Must be fate's way of keeping you on your toes. Or maybe just its twisted sense of humor. Either way, you're stuck with him."

Kally sighed. "Yeah," she said, taking another sip of her drink.

He set his glass down and leaned back, crossing his arms. "So, what's the game plan? Avoid him like the plague, or show him you've outgrown whatever box he put you in back at the academy?"

"Going to have to be the former, given that the latter isn't necessarily true," Kally said with a wry smile.

"And......." Enor chuckled, a brief smile crossing his face. "Fair point, about sitting alone myself," he replied, his tone more serious now. "But there's a reason for it. As Chief of the Boat, I'm the XO for the enlisted crew. I can't just sit and 'mingle' with anyone. There's a line to walk, maintaining that balance between being approachable and keeping the necessary distance."

"Well, I guess sex is off the table then," Kally said, tossing back the rest of her drink. "Shame. Good luck with that line, though. Keeping a distance is probably one of my biggest professional weaknesses, to be honest. My sister's the sensible one." She looked at him and tilted her head, sizing him up. "You two would probably get along. She likes all that professionalism stuff."

Enor smirked, lifting his glass in a mock toast before taking a sip. "I wouldn't say sex is off the table," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "But I don't recall it being put on the table either."

He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small personnel padd, casually placing it on the table between them. "You see, it's my responsibility to know who the department heads, acting department heads, and the most senior enlisted members are." He paused, looking directly at her. "So I know all about your sister, Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman, Computer Systems Specialist."

Enor leaned back, a playful glint in his eye. "She might like all that professionalism stuff, but between you and me, I think your personality fits me better." He took another sip of his brandy, watching her reaction with interest. "So, just out of curiosity, Lieutenant—are you offering?"

Kally grinned. For an older guy, he was still rather cute. And she liked his directness. "Your quarters or mine?" she said.

Jadizon raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed by her straightforwardness. He leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone. "I appreciate a woman who knows what she wants. Let's go with mine," he said, his blue eyes locking onto hers. "I've got a bottle of real Earth whiskey that's been begging for an occasion like this."

He stood up, leaving his glass on the table, straightening his slightly unzipped duty jacket and gestured for her to follow. "Shall we?"

Kally stood up and locked her arm around his. "Sounds good," she said. Technically, she wasn't on duty till tomorrow, and she knew Sickbay was in good hands. And from the sound of it, she was about to be as well.

Enor led her out of the lounge, their strides synchronized as they moved down the corridor. The chemistry between them was palpable, their gazes locking in a seductive dance. As they reached the turbolift, the doors slid open and they stepped inside. Their flirtatious demeanor shifted to a more professional posture when a couple of other crew members joined them. They exchanged nods, maintaining an air of decorum until the turbolift reached their destination.

When they arrived at his deck, Enor took the lead, guiding Kally down the hall to his quarters. The door hissed open to reveal a space in disarray. Starfleet standard-issue travel containers were scattered about, and various trophies from Krav Maga tournaments and Starfleet commendation plaques lay haphazardly around the room.

"Sorry about the mess," Enor said, glancing briefly at the chaos. His eyes caught a framed picture on the wall from the most recent family reunion. In the picture, he stood to the left of his father, Starfleet Commodore Nevin Enor, who stood proudly in his uniform. His mother, Katrina Enor, MD from the Betazoid Homeworld, stood beside his father. His brothers, Commander Tal Enor in Security Gold and Doctor Xander Enor in Starfleet Blue, flanked them. And there was his little sister, Lieutenant Commander Nadirah Enor, in Command Red.

"No worse than my quarters," Kally said, quietly kicking off her boots. "I haven't even been by to start unpacking my things yet." She leaned against a crate and casually looked around.

After a moment of reflection, he turned his attention back to Kally, his expression darkening with desire. He pulled her closer, his dominant left arm wrapping around her waist. Their lips met in a heated kiss as he used his free hand to remove his duty jacket, then hers. Breaking the kiss briefly, they quickly discarded the rest of their tops. Seconds felt like minutes as the intensity between them grew.

Enor paused, his eyes taking in her features. Slender, svelte with an ample bust... He smiled, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "It's just going to be amazing sex, then tomorrow back to—"

"Shut up and get in bed," Kally said, grinning and kissing him again.

He picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, carrying her into the bedroom.


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