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Two Kellermans, One Stone

Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 7:53pm by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: XO’s Office
Timeline: A couple of days after the Kellermans arrive

It was standard procedure for crew to report to the First Officer reasonably quickly after coming on board. Senior officers usually reported to the Captain first (fair enough), and junior officers to their department heads (also fair). But the one in charge of crew management had to be met with within the first few days.

Alexander Espersen liked to be thorough. He also preferred not to expect the best of people. Half a decade teaching at the Academy and then most of a year on the Chimera would do that to anyone. So he was proactive. Two new crewmembers, twin sisters, arriving together. Let’s pencil them in ourselves rather than wait for them to come to us.

The place? His office. The time? Hopefully any moment now…

Katie was walking quickly through the corridor towards the XO's office when she saw Kally sprinting from the other direction. They both stopped and looked at each other. "What are you doing here?" they said, together. "I was told to report here!" they again synched.

"I'm senior staff, he clearly meant me," Kally said.

"My last name is Kellerman, so clearly he could have meant me too," Katie said.

"Does his name look familiar to you?" Kally said, smoothing her uniform top.

"Yeah...but I can't place why," Katie said.

"You don't think he's someone we doubled do you?" Kally said, chuckling. "I'd feel bad forgetting his name, but at least it'll be fun getting reacquainted."

"Behave," Katie said. They stepped through the doors into the XO's office.

"Lieutenants Kellerman reporting as ordered....crap," Kally finished under her breath.

"Well, you were half right," Katie said, also looking worried.

The XO sighed. "I thought I recognized the name Kellerman. Wasn't sure which one was my student. I think I can guess now.... Quite the academic turnaround you had there, Doctor. Bottom five percent to top ten in the same term."

"Amazing what competent tutoring can do," Kally said, while Katie resisted the urge to elbow her in the ribs. "To be honest, I'm flattered you remember me. I assumed I would have faded into the background among all the other students you harangued that year."

Alexander didn't rise to the bait. "At any rate, welcome aboard. I'd say something like 'do your jobs and stay out of trouble' but on this ship...." He shook his head. "On this ship, trouble will find you anyway, so either minimize its impact, or embrace it as long as it doesn't threaten ship safety and you clean up after yourselves. Literally or figuratively." He looked Kally in the eye on that last part, having already spoken with that other troublemaker Benvenuto that morning.

Kally resisted the urge to cross her eyes and make a face at him. Katie kept at attention. "Thank you for the welcome, Sir," Katie said. "We will do our best, and I promise we will live up to your expectations." She paused, realizing he expected them to be screw-ups and she just confirmed it. "That is....we won't disappoint you. I mean, we'll do a good job."

"She means I won't kill anyone, and she won't crash the computer," Kally said.

"Well..." Katie started, but Kally elbowed her.

"We'll do our jobs and keep out of your hair," Kally said.

"That's a very good way to put it, Doctor," the XO said with a smirk. "Do your jobs and keep out of my hair." He took a deep breath. "Okay that isn't fair. Obviously you should come to me if you need it. Just don't make me have to come after you."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Kally said. She grabbed Katie by the arm and pulled her back a bit. "Permission to get back to work and keep out of your hair, Sir."

“Granted. Get out.” He went back to his PADD.

"Getting out, Sir," Kally said, tugging Katie's arm and pulling her out of the office.

His office empty once again, Alexander looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. “This new batch of crew is going to keep things interesting.”


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