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Sibling Rivalry

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 @ 11:54pm by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Katie's Quarters
Timeline: The Next Morning

Katie yawned and stretched. She'd been assigned Beta Shift her first 'official' day so she decided to sleep in and enjoy a few hours of relaxation before she explored the ship a bit. It'd been a busy day yesterday and an even longer evening. After Lieutenant Jade and her teams came back to Engineering, there was a collective cheer when they saw everything they'd accomplished in a day. The to-do list was still huge, but at least some of the more important projects had been tackled. Now it was all maintaining and doing the little things that every ship had. Jenna had insisted the entire shift go have dinner together in the mess hall to celebrate and with everyone in good spirits, it had been a fun party. Even Nero looked pleased with things. However, the trip and the intensity of the work day had left Katie exhausted, and she'd dropped into bed and passed out.

She wriggled a bit, enjoying the feeling of sheets and a mattress, which to her mind were a luxury. Her quarters were small, as would be expected for a j.g., but they had a bed, a bathroom and a table/desk/workstation and her very own replicator. She even had a screen on the wall she could see from her desk or her bed, so she could work and relax from anywhere in the room. And best of all? It was all hers.

As she threw back the sheets and stood up, she stretched a bit and quickly shed her clothes, happy to have some privacy as she walked across the room. She had never been shy, having grown up with an exhibitionist sister in a rural community where skinny dipping was a traditional summer activity, but the Ensigns' bunks in the lower decks were cramped, and didn't exactly make entertaining a guest easy, not that it stopped Kally. Or Katie, if she were honest with herself. Here, however, she had her own space to relax, entertain, and in general pursue her own personal--

The sonic shower was running.

Katie sighed, knowing who it was. She walked into the bathroom, opening the door to the sonic shower, hands on her hips. "Kally."

Kally looked at her twin and grinned ear-to-ear. "There's my favorite sister!" she said. "Your sonic shower has a fan-TAS-tic massage setting. Got every kink out of my shoulders and back in no time."

"I'm your only sister," Katie reminded her. "And I'd kinda hoped to try it out myself," she said, sticking her tongue out.

"Well you won't feel it there!" Kally said, grabbing Katie and pulling her in. She dialed up the resonance, letting them both feel the vibration pulsing through their muscles. "Is that not heaven?" Kally sighed happily, leaning against the wall.

Katie purred and leaned against her wall as well. "Okay, I'll give you that; it's well calibrated," she said.

They relaxed in silence for a few minutes, shaking out their hair and stretching before Katie finally killed the shower and they walked back into her quarters. She looked at her sister and realized something was off. "You're smiling...I know that smile."

Kally jumped back and landed on Katie's bed, stretching out and getting comfortable. She looked at Katie and raised an eyebrow. "Oh do you, now?"

"You had sex!" Katie said, pointing accusingly. "Kally, we talked about this!"

"Take a breath, Kat," Kally said, sitting up and leaning back against the bulkhead. "It's all okay. In fact, it's more than okay. It's freaking fantastic! This is the best ship we could be on!"

"Kal, you can't get in trouble again," Katie said, sitting down on her bed next to her sister, her voice scolding, but concerned.

"I'm not going to, Kat," Kally said.

"The last thing we need is the Captain punting you off this ship too," Katie said.

"Well there is no way in hell she's going to do that," Kally said, chuckling.

"Why not...." Katie said, giving her a look.

"Well...." Kally said, returning a slightly saucy grin, "Do you remember that Ferengi trader we met second year?"

"The one who offered us those exam answers for a Double Tympanic Tickle, and we wound up late for the test anyway?" Katie said, confused as to where the shift in topic was going. "What about him?"

"Well, remember that copy of the Rules of Acquisition he gave us?" Kally said.

"Yeah...." Katie said, getting more anxious as to where this was going.

"Rule of Acquisition Number 113," Kally said, shrugging.

Katie wracked her memory, then her jaw dropped. "YOU SLEPT WITH THE CAPTAIN?" she screamed.

"Look, you have to understand the circumstances," Kally said. "When you left me at Sickbay, I went inside, and she was there."

"Oh, well, what more excuse do you need?" Katie scoffed.

Kally gave her sister a look. "She was in distress," she said. "I don't know who talked her into it, but she was wearing an outfit that was..." she gave a grin. "Well it didn't leave anything to the imagination. I definitely need an outfit like that the next time we go to a club."

"Focus, Kally," Katie said.

"Right, anyway, it was so tight, she was literally suffocating, and probably had about two minutes before it went too far. So, I got a laser scalpel and cut her out of it. So, I saved her life. You're welcome. Hooray for me."

"And in her oxygen-deprived state of euphoria, you prescribed sex," Katie said.

"Hey, first off, it was her idea," Kally said. "And she proposed it easily minutes after she was breathing normally. And it wasn't my fault she wasn't wearing anything under her outfit, it wasn't my fault she thought I was hot, and it wasn't my fault I was horny...well, okay, that one is kinda on me." She grinned and shrugged.

Katie rolled her eyes and laid down on her bed next to Kally. "You're incorrigible."

"Yeah, but at least here that seems to be a virtue," Kally said, lying down next to Katie. They immediately turned and curled up together facing each other and snuggling close, just as they'd done since Day One.

"Kal, I want things to work out here," Katie said.

"Hey, so do I, Kat," Kally said. "The Captain and I clicked, that's all. We had a good time...well technically two good times," Kally giggled. "Bottom line? I'm good, Captain's good...damn good," Kally grinned wickedly, "and things are okay there. Tell me about your day yesterday."

Katie debated about calling out the obvious shift in topic, but decided to let it go for now. "I met the Chief Engineer. She's nice, but she's scared. She got put into that position way too early, and she isn't sure of herself."

"Do you think she can do the job?" Kally said.

"I do," Katie said. "More importantly, the Captain does. Her instincts were good. I think together we can get the ship up to snuff. It's just going to be a lot of work. Fortunately we got a ton done today, so we're off to a good start. Plus, I have an office in the computer core, most of the staff is friendly, and my boss appreciates me. I can't really ask for more. So, overall a good day. At least until--"

"Espersen," they said together.

"We are so screwed," Katie said after a moment.

"What's he going to do? Revoke our holodeck privileges?" Kally said. "I'm CMO. I'll just declare him mentally unfit." She shrugged and got an evil grin.

Katie gave her a stern look. "He doesn't like us enough, please don't make it worse."

"He doesn't like me," Kally corrected her. "Technically there's no proof he's even met you."

"Pretty sure he's onto that particular deception," Katie said.

"I'll deny it till my dying day," Kally said, grinning. "All that matters is, I passed his class, I graduated, I'm a senior officer, just like him. If he has a problem with that, he can take it up with the Captain. We do our jobs, he doesn't have an issue. He said it himself."

"Yeah," Katie said. "I just hate having superior officers upset with me."

"You don't," Kally said, snarkily. "Just a higher-ranking one."

Katie rolled her eyes. "So what did you do yesterday other than giving the Captain a physical?"

"Met some of my staff," Kally said. "Got Sickbay organized the way I like it. And went out and met some of the crew. Turns out there are a few other kindred spirits on board."

"Oh, Lord," Katie said. "Such as?"

"Our new Chief of the Boat," Kally said, sighing happily. "We ran into each other after our meeting with Espersen and...yeah. Nice to meet someone on my level." She grinned. "Gotta love a Betazoid in bed."

"So I assume I'm going to see little of you until you two have gotten each other out of your systems?" Katie said.

"Or more of me since his quarters are just a section or so away from yours," she said, grinning. "Ergo why I'm borrowing your shower today."

Katie shook her head, then glanced at the chronometer. "Oh shit! We have to get going!" she said.

Both of them instantly got back in sync, rolling away from each other and out of bed, jumping into an impressively synchronized set of movements. Katie ran for her closet while Kally ran for the replicator, grabbing herself a new uniform. They quickly swapped positions, with Kally running to the closet for undergarments, and Katie running to the replicator for something quick to eat.

A few minutes later they both rushed out of Katie's quarters, running in lockstep with each other, heading for the turbolift to start another day.


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