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The Flip Side of the Coin

Posted on Wed Aug 28th, 2024 @ 2:13pm by Lieutenant JG Katie Kellerman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jadizon Enor

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Crew Lounge
Timeline: Just after Beta Shift

Katie was sitting in a relatively empty crew lounge by the viewports, a bowl of food next to her. She had put eating on hold to use her utensils to act out a particularly intense drum solo from the music she was listening to on a set of private headphones. She'd gotten off shift, changed into more casual clothes and decided the view from her quarters wasn't terribly relaxing, so she'd decided to enjoy the lounge in case there was good company to be had. It had been empty, so she was entertaining herself.

She hadn't noticed when a shadow fell over her, but when she finally looked up she gave a squeak and jumped a bit in surprise. "Hello," she said, quickly taking off her headphones.

Jadizon stood there, arms crossed, watching with mild amusement as Katie finished her impromptu drum solo. His broad frame cast a shadow over her, and he couldn’t help but smirk as she squeaked and jumped in surprise when she finally noticed him.

"Quite the performance... JG," he remarked, his tone carrying a subtle mix of authority and teasing warmth. "Did I interrupt your solo performance?" he asked, his voice taking on a more commanding edge. Jadizon then straightened his posture, his demeanor shifting to that of a seasoned Senior Chief, exuding the disciplined presence expected of his rank waiting for a response.

Katie gulped at the tone. "Yes, Sir. I mean, no, Sir. I mean, I was just enjoying some music. It helps me clear my mind a bit if I've been working on something all day." She blushed a bit, realizing she was babbling. "I figured if I was in the lounge but listening privately I wouldn't bother anyone. Sorry if my performance distracted you from your evening."

Jadizon observed Katie's nervous response, his stern expression softening slightly as she continued to speak. He could see that she was flustered, and while he maintained his disciplined demeanor, there was a hint of understanding in his eyes.

"Relax JG," he said, his tone firm but less intense. "There's no need to apologize. You're off duty, and you're entitled to unwind however you see fit—as long as it's within reason."

He glanced at the utensils still in her hand and then back at her. "And don't call me 'Sir.' I work for a living. But then again, I guess you're not used to high-ranking enlisted personnel on this shift since there isn't anyone above the rank of Chief Petty Officer around."

Jadizon then took a seat across from her, his posture still upright and disciplined. "Let's get this straight, JG. Technically, you outrank me, but you don’t out-experience me. I may be the Chief, but I’m here to teach you how to think like one. While I’m still the Chief and you're the Assistant Chief, you’ll never be a Chief if you don’t start thinking like one."

He raised an eyebrow in a manner reminiscent of a Vulcan, his gaze sharp and penetrating. "Do you got that, JG?"

"I...yes, Sir. I mean, Chief. I mean, Senior Chief," she said, blushing harder. *This would be easier if he weren't cute,* she thought. "I'm sorry, I didn't know I was being assigned as your assistant." *Shame,* she thought.

Jadizon's sharp gaze softened as he noticed Katie's growing discomfort and the blush spreading across her cheeks. He could see that she was flustered, and while maintaining his composed demeanor, he decided to ease the tension.

"Easy, JG," he said, his tone shifting to something more reassuring. "There's no need to be so formal. Chief or Senior Chief will do just fine."

He paused for a moment, letting her settle before continuing. "Let me clarify something. You’re not being assigned as my assistant. You’re going to be the Chief Engineer of this ship. My role here is to mentor you, to help you become the best Chief Engineer you can be."

Katie's jaw dropped so far it almost wound up past her stomach. "Are you serious? You're here to mentor me?"

Jadizon leaned back slightly, giving her a moment to absorb what he was saying. "My first duty is to the ship and the crew of the Chimera. My background in engineering is just a specialty, a set of skills I've honed over time. But you—you’ve got the potential to be great. You’ve only recently graduated from the Academy, so there are things you can still learn, and that’s where I come in."

He gave her a small, encouraging nod. "You’ve got what it takes, JG. I’m here to help guide you, not to overshadow you. We’re in this together, and I’ll be right beside you as you grow into the role."

Katie had a brief mental image of him beside her but put it aside. "Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" she said, somewhat exasperated. She felt absolutely elated by the news, then noticed her reflection. She looked down at her tank top, her short shorts and her socks. She then thought back on their conversation.

"Okay," she said after a moment, "let's get something straight." She stood up and stood up in front of him, folding her arms. "Don't scare me like that again. That wasn't fair. And if you want to call me something when we're off duty, call me Katie. When we're on duty and in uniform, if you want to call me JG that's fine, but if we're going to get out of our uniforms, you're going to use my name." She tried to look defiant, then realized what she said and mentally kicked herself, trying to will her body not to blush at what she was thinking.

Jadizon watched as Katie stood up, her sudden surge of confidence catching him slightly off guard. As she folded her arms and spoke, he listened carefully, allowing her to express everything on her mind. He noticed the shift in her demeanor—the way she was trying to assert herself—and he couldn’t help but respect the determination in her voice, even as he picked up on the unintended slip in her words.

When she finished, he took a moment, letting the silence hang between them before he responded. Then, with a nod, his expression softened. "You’re right, Katie. I should have been clearer from the start," he admitted, his tone calm and sincere. "It wasn’t my intention to rattle you, and I apologize for that."

Jadizon leaned back slightly, his posture easing as he considered her words. "I respect your preference," he began, his tone firm but not unkind. "However, until I deem you’ve earned that level of familiarity as Katie, you’re still a Lieutenant JG with less than five years of experience. I, on the other hand, have been doing this for a while."

He let the weight of his words settle before continuing. "We’ll keep it professional until you’ve shown me you’re ready for more. It’s not about rank—it’s about experience and proving yourself."

As she looked up, up and up at him standing over her, she swallowed. "I suppose you can call me anything you want," she said, then mentally kicked herself again. "So...what's next?"

Jadizon caught the nervousness in her voice, but he also noticed a spark of determination in her eyes. He couldn’t help but admire that.

"Alright, JG," he said, his tone softening slightly. "But remember, while I’m here to guide you, I’m also open to learning from you. Teaching can go both ways."

He stepped back slightly, giving her some space. "So, what’s next? You tell me. You’ve got fresh knowledge from the Academy, and I’ve got years of experience. Let’s see how we can combine the two."

He raised an eyebrow, challenging her in a way that was both encouraging and respectful. "Maybe you can show me something new down in Engineering. We can tackle whatever comes our way, together. Sound like a plan?"

Katie mulled that over. "Actually....not in Engineering itself, but there's a holodeck project I could use a second person on," she said. "I'm trying to redesign the diodes to partially alter magnification on only a portion of the holodeck at a time, but allow for interaction between the different sections."

Jadizon listened carefully as Katie explained her holodeck project, impressed by her initiative. When she mentioned Holodeck 2, he gave a nod of approval, appreciating her proactive approach.

"Great!" she said, smiling. She reached over for a padd near her and accessed the ship's systems. "Holodeck 2 is free. Shall we go Chief...wait...You're Senior Chief Enor, right?"

"Yes, Senior Chief Enor," he confirmed with a small smile. "But you can stick with 'Chief' when we're working together—keeps things simple."

She nodded, mulling something over. "I'm curious, what level of familiarity earns me a first name?"

Her next question caught him slightly off guard, though he didn’t show it. He raised an eyebrow, his expression thoughtful as he considered her words. "Familiarity is earned through experience and trust," he began, his tone even. "It’s not just about time spent together but about showing you’re dependable, capable, and ready to step up when needed."

He paused for a moment, then added with a faint smirk, "But since you’re already taking the initiative with this project, you’re off to a good start. We’ll see how things go, Katie."

She looked at him for a moment, debating about whether or not to make mention of something, but decided against it, trying to avoid thinking it directly and keeping it to herself.

He then gestured toward the door, his demeanor shifting back to the task at hand. "Shall we head to Holodeck 2 and get started?"

"Absolutely," Katie said, putting a smile back on her face. She grabbed her food and recycled it, then grabbed her padd and headed out of the lounge.


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