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Hc Svnt Dracones, Part III

Posted on Fri Aug 16th, 2024 @ 1:43am by Lieutenant JG Rala & Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mid Beta Shift, before "Preparing to Intervene"

"I don't know," Nurse Amanda Crenshaw said. "I mean, I've seen it--in videos, obviously--and it looks fun, but I guess I'm a bit nervous."

"That's the one thing you can't be," Kally said, sitting at an adjacent terminal, reviewing files. "You've got to approach the situation with no fear whatsoever. They can sense when you're nervous and it puts them off. You need to just swing a leg over and straddle it like you were born to the position and ride like there's no tomorrow."

"You make it sound like it's so easy," Mandy said.

"I mean, in one sense, it is," Kally said. "You just have to go for it without overthinking it. And once you're riding, you feel like you can go forever because it's that great. The two of you moving in sync, sensing each other's movements, feeling the rise and fall as you go, the wind in your hair as you pick up speed, the rhythm of the pounding below you. It's a great experience."

"You do make it sound fun," Mandy said. "I guess I've just never had the courage. All my boyfriends teased me about it, growing up. The only girl in Texas who hasn't learned to ride a horse."

Kally shrugged. "There aren't a lot of them on Gault, but I was lucky enough to have a friend who owned a few, and they are magnificent creatures. We should definitely practice on the holodeck some time."

"All right," Mandy said, considering it. "I guess that's a safe way to start."

They both turned at the sound of the Sickbay doors opening and Kally jumped to her feet. "Rala!" she said, grinning. "Good to see you again. What brings you by?"

“Hello again,” Rala said, smiling and letting the door close behind her. “Uh...what was your name, again? I’m sorry, I’ve never encountered, um...” she paused, her ears folding back in annoyance as she tried to recall the term, “...’identical twins’? before; I’m having trouble remembering which name goes with which person.” She schooled her expression into something more professional. “I’m here for the standard physical for a ship transfer. No sense putting it off.”

"If only everyone had that attitude," Kally said. "And I'm Kally. You can tell us apart because I'm the fun one." She winked and grabbed a tricorder, tossing it up in the air and catching it. "So, shall we get started?" She gestured to a biobed.

Kally, got it.” Rala stepped over to the indicated biobed and seated herself on it. “I seem to recall your sister disagrees on that point.” She smirked. “I suppose time will tell who I wind up agreeing with.” She thumped the biobed gently with one hand, getting back to business. “Is sitting fine, or should I lie down?”

"Sitting is fine," Kally said. "This is going to be a pretty light checkup." She flipped her tricorder open and began scanning. "I assume the academy sent along copies of your medical records from your time there," she said, half to herself. "I can compare things to those baselines. Unless there's anything you want to report that's out of the norm for you." She looked up at Rala.

Rala nodded. “They should have, along with my records from the Thunderchild.” She idly rubbed her second left forearm with the opposite hand. The tricorder would likely reveal the signs of broken bones there, long since healed; remnants of an injury from before she’d even been accepted to the Academy. “No, nothing unusual to report.”

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hm," Kally said, looking at the tricorder's readings. "Impressive skeletal density," she said. "Good cardiovascular strength...neural readings are steady. Some old injuries, but nothing recent. You do appear in rather good health," she said, smiling. ""Now, your only job is to keep it that way! The less I see people here, the happier I am."

Rala chuckled. “Of course.” She got to her feet, sighing. “I’d better go unpack—” she was interrupted by a rumble from her stomach. She gave Kally a bemused and uniquely toothy grin and continued, “—and then get something to eat, apparently.”

"Given the sound of that rumble, I might suggest eating first," Kally said. "Either way, have fun, and glad you're settling in!"

“We’ll see how it goes. It was nice meeting you again.” Rala turned for the door, trying to decide exactly how hungry she was.


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