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Physical Hindrance

Posted on Fri Jul 26th, 2024 @ 4:25pm by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Captain Calypso Skyie

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Sickbay

Kally had just gotten Sickbay put together and had gone to her office for a break. She replicated a mug of cold apple cider and sat down at her desk. She had intended to look over the medical roster in order to track down her staff when an alert came in.

Kal, we need to distract the Captain. Can you give her a full physical? Something that will stall her a while. - Kat

Kally sat back and wondered how she could prolong the physical, then smiled as she had a few fun ideas. She wasn't sure how she could get the Captain back into Sickbay, but she heard the Sickbay doors open and saw fate had dropped her a gift, as a familiar blonde figure walk past her office door.

She stood up and walked out of her office, sneaking silently behind the Captain. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency," she said cheekily.

Cally was cradling one arm as she'd walked in on bare feet and wearing a rather damp and form fitting competition swimsuit. As she spun to face the words of the Emergency Medical Hologram, words began to come to her mouth until she saw Kally and they fell away, only being fit FOR that demon hologram. A dark bruise was forming on one cheek, "Holodeck went off... Not the first time there was a malfunction, but Holodeck One is supposed to be the best!" The last ones came out more as a whine. "I was so close to beating my personal best...from the last few years."

Kally frowned and gently took the captain's arm, looking at her elbow and moving it experimentally, then carefully turned Cally's head, looking at her cheek. "All right," she said. "Nothing appears broken, just bruised. Let's get you on a bed and I'll have you fixed up quick." She led the Captain to a biobed and helped her get on, keeping her arm supported and immobile as much as she could.

As the Captain laid back, Kally grabbed a hypospray and loaded it with a mild pain killer. She pressed it to the Captain's neck and watched as the woman's body slowly relaxed. Kally put the hypo back down and grabbed a dermal regenerator. "All right. I'm going to briefly restrain your arm so that you don't accidentally move it while I heal the bruise to the bone." She put the Captain's arm down carefully on the side of the biobed and pressed a button, a cuff extending out of the bed and over the Captain's wrist. Another sprang out near the Captain's shoulder, keeping her arm in place.

With the Captain secured, Kally began running the dermal regenerator carefully over the bruised length of the arm. "Sorry to hear about malfunctions," she said. "But, if it makes you feel better, you have one of the best computer specialists, my sister, on your Engineering team now, and I bet she'll get to the bottom of things. She'll have the holodecks working so well, the water will feel even more wet than...well, water." She shrugged. "I'm a doctor, not a poet."

"And I've got the top up and coming engineer in Jenna, so between them, they should have it up and running faster and better, then." Calypso really was proud of her 'senior' engineer, despite how fresh she was out of the Academy, "But it shouldn't have gone down in the first place. Going to have to ask them what happened."

Kally finished her work and looked over the Captain's now healed cheek. She grabbed a tricorder and scanned the captain quickly, checking for any more damage and healing one more bruise on her hip. She stroked the Captain's thigh gently and smiled up at her. "You know," she said, a playful tone in her voice. "I was familiarizing myself with the crew's medical records and..." she traced a finger up the Captain's suit to her breast. "You are due for a full checkup. And you strike me as the kind of Captain who avoids physicals like the plague. Am I right?" She smiled at the Captain as her fingers tapped the arm restraints that were still in place.

Sudden dread filled Cally's heart, even as the finger traced up her, instead of warmth filling her, it felt like the icy touch of death now and she shuddered fully as she glanced around and started to slide towards the edge of the bed, but only one shoulder came up and she tugged at the arm that was still restrained. Crap. "You know, I would LOVE to stick around for a physical, but I really do have to get going. I'd been going for a swim to clear my head, but now I'm really late getting back to the reports I REALLY need to get to reviewing and approving, resupply and all, you know, the boring but necessary stuff to run the ship?"

"Well since you are here, and a captive audience, why don't we just get the whole thing over with?"

'She didn't buy it.' Was what ran through Calypso's head and she took a look at the restraints. She couldn't just open them, they were passcode protected. A quick look at her shoulder to see if she could even chew through it fast enough to escape, because she didn't have a knife to cut through it. "I just really can't, I'll be up all night approving reports and I really need my sleep at nights." One last ditch effort.

Kally put a hand on the Captain's sternum, gently pushing her back down onto her back. "I can make it worth your while," she said, her voice getting a bit huskier. She slid her hand over and traced a teasing finger over the Captain's breast, circling her nipple. "For every box on my list I get to check off, I will..." she leaned in and whispered in the Captain's ear, then nibbled her earlobe gently when she was done. She stood back up and gave a saucy grin. "And I can check off a lot of boxes, if you want. Do we have a deal?"

"I um..." Calypso demurred, glancing at the door and around one last time, but the offer was... Unique. No one had ever suggested something like THAT before and it would definitely pass the time and she could always pass the buck on some of those reports to her Exec, that's what he was there for. "I suppose I can spare a little time, I'll have to rearrange my schedule a bit, but..."

"Excellent," Kally said, grinning. She picked up a laser scalpel and quickly cut the swimsuit off the Captain so she could be free of the wet fabric.

"Heyy, this is an original!" Calypso objected briefly as the fabric came off her body, still leaving moisture on her skin, but still... If she'd had to work her arm out of the slick suit, it would have hurt, of course, her arms was still restrained, "Well, original replication... Why do you have to cut it?"

"Just sticking with tradition," Kally said, grinning. She grabbed her tricorder and a padd and came around to stand next to the Captain. She flipped open her tricorder and smiled. "Now," she said, sweetly, "let's get started."

"Feels like we already have." Cally smiled sweetly up at Kally, "Mind removing the restraint now? I don't think I'm going to go running out into the hallways completely naked, do you agree?"

Kally gave the Captain a smile. "Captain, I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. If you're willing to have sex in the middle of Sickbay, you're fine running through the corridors naked. So, lie back, relax, and let me play doctor." She leaned down and gave the Captain a kiss and activated the biobed, beginning her scans.


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