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"Oh good. Our Chaplain has arrived."

Posted on Fri Jul 26th, 2024 @ 3:10pm by Lieutenant JG Kally Kellerman & Captain Calypso Skyie & Petty Officer 3rd Class Fulvia Benvenuto

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Sickbay

Calypso nearly staggered into sickbay, the heels she was wearing not helping at all, but the outfit she wore had sealed THOSE onto her feet until she could get the damned thing off. It was modeled on the red and black uniform of a starship Captain, but in the front it showed a massive amount of cleavage and it was truly skintight all over. The pips were appliqued to the 'collar', but it was made up of the same basic fabric that she'd worn during the Halloween party, so the 'seams' where the fabric edged her flesh were all but impossible to get a hold of.

The problem was that she'd had to take steps to get the fabric tougher than tissue paper and now she realized the experiment had backfired. She gasped for breath as she stumbled over to the closest biobed and again scrabbled to try to get a hold of the fabric and failed again. It had been worth it, though, to see the look on Admiral Towers's face during her comm call with him and to hear his threat to recall her for 'Conduct Unbecoming'. Now all she wanted was out of this... Deathtrap. "Help!" She gasped out, barely a whisper as the 'uniform' continued to constrict.

"I mean, it's a nice looking ship," Katie said, looking along the corridor.

"It looks like any other ship," Kally said. "I defy you to point out a ship that doesn't have a corridor like this."

"I'm just saying, we could have done worse," Katie pointed out as they approached Sickbay.

"Okay, granted," Kally conceded, standing just outside the range of the doors. "Plus we have access to the Restavo brothers." She grinned and turned to go into sickbay.

"Who?" Katie said.

Kally turned back just before the doors could open. "Those two brothers going into Engineering? Thought we'd double date once we're all settled in. We could do a "twin and twin" thing."

Katie looked confused. "Kal, if you mean who I think you mean, they do not look anything alike," she said.

Kally stopped again and turned back to her. "Not in uniform, no," she said, grinning wickedly. "But it turns out they are in fact brothers who have the exact same--"

"Tell me later," Katie said, giggling. "Go do Doctor stuff. I'll drop our gear in our quarters and then I have to get to Engineering and see if I can get to play with any of the toys or get right to the computer."

"All right," Kally said, handing over her duffel and giving her mirror a huge hug and kiss before letting the other girl skip off. As she stepped inside, she heard a gasping voice say "Help!" She saw the captain stumbling around and ran towards her, trying to assess the situation. "Woah," she said, seeing absolutely everything in front of her. She broke out into a huge grin. "Now THIS ship knows how to welcome a girl!" she said, smiling.

That smile was short-lived, however, when she saw the other woman turning blue and beginning to asphyxiate. She quickly tried to pull at the outfit to loosen it for some air, but it wouldn't budge. Finally, she saw no alternative that she could think of. She grabbed the woman by the seam at her cleavage and pulled. When no tear was forthcoming, she marveled at the strength of the dress, and in the back of her mind, made a note to ask what it was made of later. She might need a uniform made of that.

Finally, when ripping and tearing failed, she realized she had no other choice. It was going to upset her previous CO, to whom she'd made a promise, but now she'd have to break her word: She was going to get a crew member out of their clothes within the first six hours of her arrival.

She pulled the other blonde to the floor and reached up to a surgical storage drawer and pulled out a laser scalpel. "Just hold still," she said. She leaned over, activated the scalpel and cut carefully into the Captain's top, pulling away the obstructing fabric, leaving the skin underneath intact. She continued to peel the beyond-skin-tight outfit away until the Captain's airways, among other things, were set free. She finally stopped, the woman's dress looking like the peeling of a banana down by her knees. Kally reached up and grabbed a tricorder off the counter nearby and scanned her patient quickly. "Slow, even breaths," she said. "Just breathe, you had a close call, but you'll be fine."

As soon as she could, Calypso was heaving in deep breathes while muttering curses against everything that was new in textiles, even ideas that she herself had somewhat devised. She sat up, still feeling the constrictions on her arms and lower legs, but that wasn't that important. The blonde forty-year old looked over at the blonde that was definitely younger than herself, who could now see everything she had, "You are freaking awesome. Get the rest of this thing off of me and I think I'll kiss you!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," Kally said, helping the other woman peel the suit off her arms, and then finally her legs. Kally tossed the sliced garment aside and sat back against the cabinet, eyeing her new friend. "Doctor Kellerman, at your service," she said, grinning.

With all that fabric now off of her, Calypso was left in nothing that she hadn't been born in, especially once she'd kicked off the heels that had impeded her travel to sickbay. She crawled over to where Kally sat and first kissed her, then settled back against it herself, "Note to self, don't experiment with fabrics without testing them before use. Promised you I'd kiss you!"

Kally didn't shy away from the kiss and felt her cheeks getting rosy as her pulse quickened. "I like a woman of her word," Kally said. "Well...this is an interesting first day. I get to be put on report to the Captain for having someone nearly die in my Sickbay, and then having sex with a patient under a biobed. New record. Go me. Guess only question left is who are you?"

"A kiss is having sex?" Calypso asked, genuine confusion on her face, "First time I've heard that one! But if you really want to, I'm not gonna say no! Besides, how can you be put on report to the Captain when I AM the Captain? I forgive you for all sins for saving my life from that woman-eating outfit!"

Kally's jaw dropped and her eyes got wide. "You''am!" she said, sitting up a bit straighter. "Sorry for the sex comment, it was more a future-tense joke really, I didn't mean to imply--wait, was that a yes?"

"And the light turns on." Cally smiled broadly, "Before you think it's a trap, I only set those when I have my eye on someone who really wants to but thinks it's too inappropriate. So far, I haven't needed to set any on board Chimera here! I'd say that's a good sign, wouldn't you?"

"So...I was transferred here because....what? I fit in?" Kally said, incredulously. She gave a short laugh and sat back against the cabinet again. "Now I wish I'd met those Klingons sooner."

"Klingons? I'm sure there's a story there to hear, but that can wait for later." Calypso was nothing if not forward with people and she turned over towards Kally, "Unless you're not interested?"

Kally lit up. She was about to say she didn't need to be told twice, but realized she did. Instead, she quickly divested herself of her clothes and pounced on her new mentor.

She couldn’t believe it. Of all the things to do, she had to mess up this badly.

Her parents would be ashamed.

What the hell kind of Iotian messes up a five finger fillet? It was a part of her heritage for capo’s sake.

One moment she’s flirting with some cugino and her roommate mentions the knife game. Next minute Fulvia Benvenuto looks like the biggest gavone on the ship. Tail between her legs, she took the walk of shame to sickbay.

The door to sickbay opened, and speaking of between legs… “Hey Doc, you got a bleeder over he- oh would ya look at that!” It wasn’t every day one caught a sight like that. Unless you were her roommate that had similar programming on her PADD most nights.

Kally was a bit breathless as she'd been nearing her second tour of heaven, but sat up and looked the newcomer over. "I have to be dreaming," she said. "Someone pinch me!" She jumped and bounced, letting out a squeal. "I didn't mean literally," she said, looking at the Captain. She saw the blood on the newcomer's hand and immediately went for her clothes, pulling on shorts and a tshirt to do her job. "Come over here," she said. She quickly sterilized her hands and grabbed a dermal regenerator. "How did it happen?" she said, taking the woman's hand and looking at the rather nasty slice.

“You sure you don’t want me to circle back, doc?” Fulvia asked. “‘Cause I can give you ten more minutes, doll. Hey there, Cap. You’re doing well I see,” she added, smirking all the while.

Calypso had reached up and grabbed the sheet off the biobed that was in reach and wrapped it around herself without blushing at all, "Why um... Thank you, Miss Benvenuto." She said from the floor, brushing her hair back behind her ear, then standing from where she was.

"Ten more minutes and you'll have nerve damage," Kally said. "Besides, I prefer to have sex in a hemoglobin-free zone." She gave a wry smile as she ran the dermal regenerator over other woman's hand. "Were you juggling knives?"

"Knowing Fulvia, she was doing something even more dangerous than that." Cally tied off the bedsheet and walked forward to where she could get a look at the injury, "You really aren't the most graceful person out there you know, right?"

“Look, I was distracted, okay! In all my years of five finger fillet I’ve never broken the skin!” She sighed. “Fulvia Benvenuto, fastest hands on the Upper East. Now look at me. Bleeding all over a naked doctor. Maybe she’ll kiss it better at least.”

"Well you may have to discuss that 'fastest hands' title with my sister," Kally said. "And I'm only half-naked, thank you," she added, tugging at her t-shirt for emphasis. She finished with the dermal regenerator, removing all traces of a scar, then cleaned off the other woman's hand. "There," she said. "if at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence that you tried," she said, smiling. She brought Fulvia's hand up to examine it closely, then kissed it softly where the wound was. "All better," she said, smiling.

"I'm going to um..." Cally edged towards the doctor's office, "Borrow your replicator to put on something a bit more decent than just a sheet, all right? I know the walk of shame and all, but as the Captain, I kind of have a reputation to uphold?" Thankfully, this one hadn't heard of her reputation...yet.

"No problem," Kally said, smiling in understanding. She'd been in that position more times than she could count. "But given our give-to-get ratio stands at 1 to owe me." She gave the Captain a smile and a wink.

"Not my fault I get off way easier...but challenge accepted," Calypso muttered as she disappeared into the office, dragging the sheet behind her but giving both women one last look at her bare rear end.

Kally rolled her eyes a bit and turned back to her patient, picking up a spare padd from the pile and entering in the notes about the injury.

"So...'five finger fillet' hm? I suppose we'll list that as a 'training accident'?" she gave Fulvia a look.

“Depends on what a little fib like that’s gonna cost me,” Fulvia said as she watched the Captain walk away.

"Oh, your credit's good here," Kally said, sharing the same view. She put her tools back where they belonged and hopped up on a biobed, crossing her legs. She gave Fulvia a smirk. "You're Iotian, yeah?"

"Born and bred!" she answered proudly. "You ever been to Iotia? It's a shithole but it's my shithole."

"No, can't say that I have," Kally said. "I'm from Gault. It's a quiet little farming planet. Great place if you love soccer, and skinny-dipping. Past that? Not a whole lot to do there."

"Not for me then, thanks," Fulvia said dismissively. "So am I healed to your satisfaction doll or am I being pulled into sickbay maintenance duty?" She gestured to the nearby messy area. "Honestly, 'clean up when senior officers do the nasty' sounds exactly like the sort of assignment Espersen would give me."

Kally frowned. That name rang a bell, but she couldn't place it. "I'll get things cleaned up in here," she said. She reached down and pulled together the rest of her uniform. She briefly debated what to do, then shrugged and took her shirt back off, realizing she'd already been seen nude by the other two occupants of the room. She put her bra back on, then undershirt and uniform top and pants. As she was slipping back into her boots, she looked over at the Captain approaching.

The swimsuit was still body-hugging, but it at least covered everything up as it covered her chest and back and even had short sleeves that went down nearly to her elbows and ended just above her knees. The normal swimsuit that she wore to swim a bunch of laps, but still in bare feet, but that would be fine to get to the holodeck, "Right! Time to go get some real exercise in, what are your plans, doctor?"

"I'm going to get Sickbay put together and track down my staff," Kally said. "Might as well take a few minutes to do my job, right?"

"Thanks for the help, Doc," Fulvia said. "Captain." She nodded to both and got the hell out of there, having seen plenty of both of them.

"Don't be a stranger!" Kally said, grinning.

"You know I won't, especially not since I apparently owe you." Calypso winked and blew a quick kiss towards Kally, "But I hope not to see you in here anytime soon."

"Entirely up to you!" Kally said, grinning as she watched her first guests leave.


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