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All aboard!

Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 1:22am by Lieutenant JG T'Pinga & Petty Officer 2nd Class Trisha Reyes

Mission: Lower Decks
Location: Ops Offices
Timeline: prior to "Preparing To Intervene"

"Lieutenant, here's the report you requested," PO2 Trisha Reyes, the ship's quartermaster, told Lt. T'Pinga, handing her a padd. "Everything that we were expecting is on board and tucked away in the appropriate cargo bay."

"Thank you, Ms. Reyes," T'Pinga said. "Are all the new crew transfers on board?"

"Yes, ma'am," Trisha said. The last one just checked in. The new Chief Support Craft Pilot just came on board, with one civilian accompanying him."

"A civilian?" T'Pinga asked.

"Yes. A family member, a younger brother. Mother is listed as deceased, father apparently walked out on them a few years prior to the mother's passing."

"If the civilian is young enough, we will have to ensure he is placed in the ship's school."

"Yes, I did make sure that occurred and that the teacher has been notified accordingly. He's around the same age as Lt. Valleroy's two nephews, so there shouldn't be too much trouble with fitting him into things."

"Thank you, Ms. Reyes," T'Pringa said. After a moment, with what almost sounded like a bit of hesitancy in her voice, she asked, "If I may ask a somewhat personal question, how did you feel the recent Ops department meeting went?"

"I thought it went well," Trisha said. "It's nice to have a bit of consistency for once in the top notches of the department. Too many rotating officers trying to run things. I don't want to make it seem like I'm bad-mouthing people who aren't hear to defend themselves - far from it -but it's nice to have folks here who aren't likely going to be gone by this time next month. The rest of us are looking forward to working with you and Lt. Rala."

T'Pinga almost seemed...relieved by the answer. "Thank you. IF there is nothing else, that will be all for now."

Trisha nodded and headed out.


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