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Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 1:22am

Petty Officer 2nd Class Trisha Reyes

Name Trisha Reyes

Position Quartermaster

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 125 pounds
Hair Color brown
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Trisha is a rather ordinary-looking woman.


Personality & Traits

Personal History At one time, Trisha Reyes was an up-and-coming noncom in the Operations division of Starfleet. She was showing some good aptitude with the organization of supplies in particular, and eventually began even more specific training as a quartermaster. That is, until the fateful time when her third posting, the starship Sicily, put in for a moderate overhaul and many of the crew reassigned. Trisha found herself assigned for a time to Starbase 171 pending a more permanent assignment elsewhere. As she had just gone through a somewhat bad breakup right before the Sicily put in for refit, she was trying to be on the rebound and soon took up with a nice-seeming young man she met one evening just after being assigned to the starbase by the name of Haakon Ottertail. However, it wound up nearly being her downfall, for two reasons. The first was that the young man she'd taken up with turned out the be the grandson of Vice Admiral Sasha Peterson, the starbase's CO. That in and of itself might not have been much of an issue. However, that's where the second reason came into play, when Trisha belatedly learned that Haakon was barely 15 years old. Vice Admiral Peterson, to put it mildly, was not amused at the idea of her grandson seeing a "much older" woman (and even though the most inappropriate thing that had happened between the two was a couple of quick kisses), and Peterson (along with Haakon's parents) decided Trisha needed to go, the sooner the better. Trisha, however, soon found herself being dumped onto a newly-recommissioned ship named the U.S.S. Chimera as the ship's quartermaster. Admiral Towers had contacted Peterson about finding the ship a decent quartermaster, and since Peterson owed Towers a small favor (hence the reason why he was contacting her), Peterson found she could kill two birds with one stone.
Service Record 2389: Starfleet Enlisted School (crewman recruit)
2389-2391: U.S.S. Constantinople, general Operations crewman (crewman apprentice - crewman)
2391-2393: U.S.S. Kitumbra, junior quartermaster (crewman - PO3)
2393-2394: U.S.S.Sicily, assistant quartermaster (PO3 - PO2)
2394: Starbase 171, assistant quartermaster (PO2)
2394-present: U.S.S. Chimera, quartermaster (PO2)