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One Last Bit Of Business

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 8:20pm by Captain Calypso Skyie & Lieutenant JG Raven Windancer

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Chimera Bridge

Calypso stuck one hand in her pocket to make sure that she hadn't yet lost what she'd put in there. It was rather quite important of an item and it would truly be a shame to have gone to the trouble. The turbolift doors opened in front of her to the bridge and she smiled as she strolled onto it, "Captain-" She waved the speaker down.

"At ease, at ease, no need for formality." She grinned at everyone: Today was a good day, any day of week or month or year that they were under way could be good, even if the view were better in a fighter craft. She meandered her way up to the helm where the very young pilot that headed up the department was sitting, "Miss Windancer, would you join me in my ready room please?" The smile was there, but with her it could mean anything at all. A pleasant conversation? A dressing down? Something inbetween? Who knew?

Raven started, looking the Captain up and down, then nodded.

"Aye, Captain," Rising slowly, Raven relinquished her place to one of the other Helmsmen before following the Captain to her Ready Room.

"What did you wish to speak with me about, Captain?" Raven stood quietly at attention.

Cally didn't sit either, leaning a hip up against her desk, hands in her pockets, "That was a fair bit of shuttle flying when you got that critter to the nebula, not to mention with Chimera around those um... I guess we can call them eggs, but damned if I like the thought of just how big that thing was." She shook her head slowly.

"Not gonna disagree with you there, Captain. Those things were bigger than anything I've ever seen...and that's saying something!" Raven shivered, recounting all the tricks she'd had to pull to get out of there.

"I wanted you to come in here because I have a question for you, Raven." A sly smile crossed Calypso's face, "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Er...depends? Ma'am." Raven was very confused...and kinda worried.

"Well, you know, as your commanding officer, I kinda have to write reviews about you and evaluate everything you do." Cally gave a half shrug, "And part of that, they say, is listening to any concerns you have or if you've got anything you want to say about me or Alex or something." She looked attentively to the young woman, "So... Anything on your mind? Anything at all?"

"Well...I guess a part of me's confused. You're an ace Captain, yet they put you out here doing grunge work because of a few hitches, yet I know at least one Admiral personally that should have had his stars removed and been thrown in prison for at least three lifetimes!" Raven blanched and slapped her hands over her mouth.

(Why'd ya have to go and tell her that ya nook!?) Raven mentally scolded herself.

"I'm an ace when flying fighters, Raven, as a starship Captain? A bit less so." Calypso shrugged once more, "And in a way I'm surprised they sent us out here. Oh sure, I got shipped out here because in some of the Admirals' eyes I'm expendable, as is Chimera, along with that deep space exploration is one of the most dangerous missions in Starfleet, but being out here means we are the first people to meet new species and that requires a delicate touch." She shook her head, "That's why I'm surprised. I was a combat pilot, not just that but with the Marines, not Starfleet. But I appreciate your vote of confidence."

The Captain stood up from where she was leaning, hands still in her pockets, "I suppose that I should get to the point, don't you think?"

"If you have one. I mean!" Raven wished the hull would breach and suck her dumb bunny butt out into space!

(Geewiz, Raven! Are you TRYING to get thrown in the Brig!?) Raven was NOT having a good day!

"Right!" Cally picked up on the nerves flowing off of the Ensign and began to have almost a second thought, but didn't let it show at all. "I do have a couple points to make, not just one. Take off your pips, I want them."

"My...yyes Ma'am. (Oh crap! What kinda trouble'd ya get yourself into THIS time?!)" Raven slowly removed her pips, trying not to cry as she handed them over.

Calypso looked at them before putting them in one of her many pockets, "Thank you very much Raven, because I think you'll look better in these!" She pulled her other hand out of the pocket holding a small jewelry case and expertly opened it with one hand as she held it out to Raven, "Congratulations, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Raven Windancer. You've earned these."

Raven's jaw dropped open in shock!

"I...I...thank you, Ma'am!" Raven shakily took the new rank and put them on, every hair standing straight up with excitement!

The shock and relief that flowed off of the young flight control officer was palpable and nearly a physical thing at the distance they were at and the Captain grinned widely at her macabre sense of humor that had terrified the recent Ensign just so, "Since you joined the Chimera, you've shown the dedication and skill that you had both before and learned during the Academy, even if you haven't been here very long. Besides, it looks bad to have an Ensign as a Department Head, so this is really overdue." Cally leaned in and gave a kiss to each of Raven's cheeks ceremonially.

"I'm honored, Captain," Raven stuttered, expertly mimic the Captain's movements. Raven had had a few French friends at the Academy who had taught her the finer points of the gesture.

"No need to be honored, Raven, you've earned it!" Cally grinned at her, "Now... Go show those new shinies to your relief and there'll be some sort of celebration later on at the Hydra, my treat!"

"Thank you, Captain, I'm looking forward to it!" Raven grinned so wide she thought her face was gonna split! Raven strode back onto the Bridge and tapped Nuka on the shoulder.

"Everything ok...WHISTLE! Alright, Raven! Congratulations, ya did it!" Nuka praised, standing up and shook Raven's hand, slapping her on the back in the process.

"Thanks, Nuka," Raven couldn't stop grinning as she slid into the chair.

Calypso smiled as she watched from the doorway. She remembered when she’d gotten her Warrant wings, that first promotion was always the most exciting. Of course, it always seemed promotion came with more danger and she hoped that wouldn’t be the case here, but Murphy… Damn Murphy.


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