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Dungeons And Pilots

Posted on Sat May 14th, 2022 @ 5:27am by Captain Calypso Skyie & Ensign Raven Windancer

Mission: Pirates! (Or Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Yum)
Location: Holodeck One

Ever in search of something new as a hobby, Calypso had decided to try something new and now was dressed in something that seemed just... Silly. They called this armor? The silken clothing that the program had decided was appropriate for a sorceress barely covered the required parts, leaving a deeply plunging amount of cleavage held up by a blue 'tunic' that ended just below her boobs, baring her midriff for a silken blue skirt that went halfway down to her knees. High heels (HEELS?) that wound up to her knees completed the ensemble, with a book in her left hand (a spellbook of course) and a stick in her right, a wand with a bonus to her intellect score.

But, she was game for everything and had gotten into the spirit of the new program and was wielding arcane might that she'd used to all but slaughter a handful of goblins that she'd run across so far. Of course, it appeared that she'd come across the mini-boss of this area, an ogre that had thus far resisted a pair of her ice bolts and seemed ready to tank a few more. She furiously paged through her spellbook and alighted on something else, "Burning light of the heavens, Flame Bolt!" And she cast the sliver of fire, which bounced off of the ogre without much of an effect. "Shit..."


Raven was officially lost. She had wandered all over the ship trying to find her quarters...and now she was just trying to find somewhere to sit down! She glanced at the door's nameplate and breathed a sigh of relief. "Holodeck! Finally! Something I recognize! Hm, looks like someone's in there already...maybe they won't mind if I pop my head in and ask for help...ok. one, two, three,"

Calypso had been dodging the ogre and simultaneously riffling through her spell book to find something to use, but the creature had suddenly spun away as a glimmer of movement was visible barely on the other side. She used that time to cast another fire bolt

The doors swished open as she stepped in. "YIKES!!!" Raven dove to the side as a sliver of fire hit inches from where she had been standing. As she rolled to her feet, she realized that things felt...different. She looked down...and screamed! "WHAT THE EVERLOVING REFF RUNNER!?!? What am I wear...NOT wearing!?!?" raven found herself barely clad in a silver tube top, black skirt, black calf length thong tie boots, a red bow and quiver with glowing white arrows, a dagger with a silver dragon crossguard, and her hair was held back in a red scarf. "What on any planet in the Federation is going on here!? I...oh..." Raven turned at that moment to find the ogre she had noticed earlier starring right at her. "Um, nice ogre,!!! Wait a minute! I have a bow and arrows! I can kick this things butt!" Raven had been running, jumping, and dodging, using the terrain and her parkour training to keep a few steps ahead of the ogre. She spun, pulling the bow from her shoulder, fitting an arrow, fitted one of the...more glowy...arrows, and took aim. "One...two...three...NOW!"

Finally, Cally had closed her spell book and resigned herself to losing the scenario with her virtual death, but there was one more opportunity from a spell she’d found on one of the actually filled in pages of the mostly blank book, “Darkness beyond twilight, crimson like blood that flows….” A miasma formed around her fingers as she continued the incantation.

A swish of an arrow and… "ROAR!!! THUD!!!" "Huff, puff. I don't think I've been this tired in...ooookayyy," Raven took several deep breaths as a screen flashed: "CONGRATULATIONS! You have beaten the Level Boss!" Only then did she spy the other girl, clad in similar attire but holding a wand and a book, looking a little worse for wear in the middle of a green goo circle. "Captain Calypso I presume?" Raven gulped a little, suddenly feeling like she had done something wrong.

She’d only gotten partway through the spell when the ogre had roared and spun, apparently sneezing as it did so. A virtual flood of goo had splashed out along with.. An arrow? The glow of the arrow was already fading, the ogre finally realizing it had been killed and thudding to the ground, but there had been nowhere to go for Cally and she’d barely closed her eyes in time. Now she stood there, dripping and doing her best not to throw up at the stench. “Computer, personal rainstorm.” She muttered as best she could without opening her mouth and a cloud appeared above her and began to rain as if she was in a shower. She cleared her eyes and opened them alas she dismissed the cloud and stood in her now drenched clothes.

Finally, she saw the source of the arrow, an archer, Ranger she thought she recalled, and the words the young woman had said finally hit her. “I’m Captain Skyie, yes… Did you just shoot that… Thing in the nose and make it do… This?!” She gestured to the area around her, still green and now soaked with water as well.

"Um...yes Ma'am. I'm so sorry. I saw that...I ran...and then I...and then...sigh. I really screwed up something didn't I?" Raven gingerly made her way closer to the Captain, again gulping at the extent of the damage her arrow had done to the Captain's..."You like Dungeons and Dragons?" Raven asked, finally recognizing the outfit the Captain wore. It then clicked as to which character her outfit belonged to. "Oh boy...I REALLY hope this is a low level," Raven whispered this last part, gently readjusting her hair under the scarf.

Cally sighed and turned her spell book over to let the water drip from it as well, “I decided to try something new, but yes, level one character, haven’t had the chance to level up quite yet. I did sorta cheat and add in a higher level skill, but I didn’t quite get around to it.” She smiled, which made her look like a drowned rat wearing soaked clothes that clung to her body, “So, you’ve apparently recognized me, but I’ll be honest, I’ve got no clue who you are.. And lay off the ma’am’s and that bullshit, we’re not on duty that I’m aware of.”

"Ensign Raven Windancer, Ma', Cally. I downloaded my level into the computer right before I boarded...didn't think I'd be playing so soon though...thought I'd get a chance to change my avatar's outfit. I didn't recognize this place at first because the terrain's not as flat as I remember it being...and you kinda forget anything other than survival when you see a GIANT Ogre looking to make you his breakfast," Raven gingerly sat down, wishing her outfit wasn't quite so...not there. "So...other than this part, how do you like the game so far?" Raven asked, readjusting her boot straps.

“Well, aside from having a giant ogre trying to make me his breakfast and then blowing a metric fuckton of snot all over me?” She shrugged as she peeled wet pages back and finally found what she was looking for, “Breath of the gods… Wind Gust.” Her wand glowed as a sharp breeze kicked up and dried her clothes and spellbook in a few seconds, “Windancer, is it?” She looked the young woman over and saw the traces of just how young she was, “Straight out of the Academy, I presume? What department are you in?” She tucked the wand into the waist of her skirt, putting the book into a pouch on her side.

"Yeah...sorry about that. I'm a Flight Control Officer, Ma' Sorry. It's so weird, I'm perfectly fine snapping off at practically EVERYONE...except YOU. What kind of spell book is that? I don't remember anything like that on the first level," Raven was racking her brain to remember the first time she had played, but it had been long ago, and she was more curious as to how the Captain apparently held some kind of power over her to where she didn't like being disrespectful to her.

“Tutorial and beginner’s mode.” Calypso laughed, “As I said, first time and I had no clue what to do!” She crouched down and touched the ogre, featuring for Raven to do the same, “Make sure to get your loot, at least we don’t have to ruffle through its pockets. But a pilot, eh? I used to fly myself, everything from fighters, shuttles of all types, starships too. It’s not the most fun of ways to work up the ranks, flying starships, but it’s got some bright spots to it. I was hoping for someone with more experience, it we’ve been tending to get newbies more often than not, so we’ll make do.” She straightened up from the corpse, “Oh! Level up?”

"Right, almost forgot. Hm...must not have seen that one. Yeah, since we did it together, and I'm a level 60, anyone of a lower level who takes out a Boss with me or is in a party with me levels up at least once. This is a bit of a crossover situation...ew...THAT was could I forget that the bodies stay for at least ten minutes? In answer to the 'newbie' bit, I've logged more hours in and on more strange things than ANYONE in my Academy class...only reason I didn't get a higher placing is because...well...I MIGHT have 'borrowed' a shuttlecraft and souped it up for a race...which I LOST cause there was a cheating Nausicaan and I crashed it on top of that. A lot of the other cadets hadn't even SEEN the console of a shuttle before they came to the Academy! Sorry, I get a little upset that some of those guys got through cause they were higherup's You were a pilot? Sweet! What was your favorite flight?" Raven wiped her hands on a scarf she pulled out of her..."I have REALLY got to change my avatar's clothes!" Raven growled, brushing at her skirt in frustration.

"Settle down, settle down!" Cally laughed as the girl kept going on and on, chattering away without slowing down. She was certain that she didn't understand half of what the young Ensign had said, but picked up most of it, "Well, I don't want you to 'borrow' any of the shuttles on board the ship without permission, much less alter any of them without an engineer's presence. And if you even THINK about touching the fighter in the hanger, I'll have your commission faster than you can say Boo." It was a stern warning, but Cally softened it with a smile, "I haven't been combat qualified in it for thirteen years and I never will be again.. But I'd say the Razor is my favorite. I was really good at flying the Lancer assault shuttles, but... Speed."

The Captain sighed and pulled up the interface, looking over spell lists and selecting Ice Lance as her next spell choice, "I'm sure you could powerlevel me if I really wanted you to, but then I wouldn't learn as much about the game, would I?"

"Sorry again. I've learned to be a fast talker and mover, you lose or die if you're slow in the racing world. What!? No way! I WANT to stay here! You guys are, I don't think anyone else'd take me after that stunt. Yeah, the Razor's are awesome. Lancer's are a bit clunky for my taste, not enough zip. Why do you say you won't be combat qualified again? Might I get to copilot the fighter someday? Wait, so you DON'T want level help? EVERYONE I've ever played with was looking for team help and not caring to try on their own to get stronger. You sure you want to go another level right away?" Raven was impressed with the spunky Betazoid, wondering how many adventures the two would get into aboard the Chimera.

"Ohhh boy.." Cally shook her head, remembering when she was young enough to have all of THAT energy that the youngster was showing, so where to start with all of these questions? "As you'll find out, Miss Windancer, this ship is full of people that most ships Captains don't want, or like you are fresh out of the Academy. The ship herself is a retread, just like me. My problem is that I started out as an enlisted Marine that went into flying. The reason I'll never fly in combat again is the fact that I was always a more marginal fighter pilot and after my last crash landing, which ended up with me regrowing my leg, the Corps decided that I'd done my part for the Federation and opted to put me into retirement."

Calypso glanced at the surroundings, shrugging, "I'm not averse to going another round, but we'll probably need to recruit a melee fighter to keep from getting squished. But as for the fighter? No. Razors are single-seaters and I'm not even supposed to have that one, but she's my personal ride, even has my name painted all over her. People used to call me Calamity, and not because of Calamity Jane, the sharpshooter!"

"HAHAHA!!! Message received, Cally! Alright, let's do this! Trace repel ice griffons!" Raven drew back her bow, aimed at two clouds, and fired. The clouds morphed into two ice blue griffons, who flew down and landed before the girls, bowing to them and turning so they where positioned to mount. "You ready for level two?" Raven turned and bowed to Cally, glad that she had been able to morph the skirt into pantaloons and the shirt into a peasant blouse.

Cally gave the icy eagle-headed creatures a wary look even as she reached out to the head, which met her part way and nuzzled her hand with it's beak, but she shook her head, "No, I don't think I am." She admitted, rubbing the beak before withdrawing her hand, "I think I'll have to come back to continue on, but, Raven Windancer, let's see if we can learn more about you... You see, we don't have a true Chief of your department yet, just a bunch of Ensigns of which you're the newest and least senior at the moment. Since I was one of the starship pilots up until a few years ago, I'm taking it upon myself to mentor all of your helmspeople, so tell me, Raven, what do you think you're going to be doing on board Chimera?"

"No worries, Captain...Cally. Though, I'd like to sit up here for awhile. I so rarely get to see these guys, and they get so lonely...I KNOW they're just programs...but I've given them personalities, and they almost feel like friends. That one is Etmel, he's the calmer of the two, and this is his mate, Rache, wild as the sky is big and twice as fierce. They're actually the main reason I've done so good in this game, I talked strategy with them, and VOILA! I know how to kick butt! But...that's not what you wanted to know. Ahem, I want to pilot us to new places and meet new species and learn new things...and maybe even try and squeeze in some new racing," Raven had been lounging on Rache's back, rubbing her and Etmel's feathers as she gazed up at the sky. When she mentioned racing, Rache and Etmel's feathers fluffed out and they started growling, excitedly shifting their feet in anticipation. "Easy you two. We can't have a race unless Cally wants to. It wouldn't be fair if I was riding and the other of you didn't have a rider," Raven slid to the ground and started trilling to the griffons as she scratched them right under their beaks. Etmel looked at Cally and meowed softly, in his own way asking her if she wanted to race.

Cally smiled but shook her head slowly, "I'll pass for today, especially since I'm afraid you've got far too much of an advantage in griffon racing." She smiled at Raven, "The good news is that you're going to get your wish in at least being able to fly to places that no one in the Federation has ever been to and I've got no doubt we'll meet new species." She snorted in laughter briefly, "By the Four we'll be meeting new species, me as the first Federationite they get to meet? I feel sorry for them. But new racing? You never know, that may happen, but I can't guarantee that."

Raven laughed as her admiration for the Captain grew. "True enough, Cally. And you're right...I DO have an advantage in griffon racing. Well, I'm game for anything at this point...seeing as how I've done some pretty crazy things over the years. Alright you two, I'll see you later. Griffons rest!" Raven kissed the two griffon's beaks, then shot her arms skyward. The griffons let out a mighty roar, and shot into the air, where they dissolved into clouds and floated away on the breeze.

"Well, Raven, I will say this for one: Your duties are going to include flying the ship and also being one of the various shuttle pilots we've got on board." Cally brushed down her skirt with a slight smile, "If you're unlucky to have me as a passenger, odds are I'll actually take the flying away from you, but we'll see how that works out. I suppose I should ask if you have any questions for me? Any concerns?"

"I think can handle long as you don't try doing it right in the middle of an asteroid field or something. I guess my main question would be what do you think of the other Ensigns? Is there anyone you think I should be slow to getting to know? I don't think...well...I...sigh....I guess my main concern would be...what happens if I screw up? Do I go to the brig...or do you just leave me out on an asteroid to die?" Raven knew in her HEAD that the Captain wouldn't do that (in the short time they had been together in the Holodeck, she had grown quite fond of the Captain)...but her heart was still raw from the neglect and abandonment of her childhood.

"Gods no!" Calypso gave Raven a look of shock, "Leave you out on an asteroid to die? What do I look like, a barbarian?" She thought for a moment, "Never mind that question, I actually might right now... If you ever come across a situation at the helm that you aren't comfortable with, ask for relief. I'd really rather prefer you don't run across that unexpectedly, but also make use of simulations to practice. Put yourself into scenarios that you're not sure about or not comfortable with, then use those to practice. If you'd like, I can put a few together for you, but mind you they won't be easy."

Raven jump a little at the Captain's reaction, but was grateful for the affirmation of fair treatment. "Thank you, Cally. I guess I'm still trying to put my past behind me. Sigh, I guess it's gonna be awhile before I can truly get away from it. Yes, I would like that very much. Whatever you think would be the most unexpected scenario, I want to try it. Giggle, you DO kinda look like a barbarian in that getup," Raven started to giggle as she calmed down and regained her emotional balance. "This is going to be one WILD ride," Raven thought, grabbing her side as her giggle turned into a full-blown laugh.

"Oh my dear, dear Raven," Cally reached out and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "You've got no idea."


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