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Kael Draven's First Steps on the USS Chimera

Posted on Thu Aug 8th, 2024 @ 7:51am by Petty Officer 1st Class Kael Draven

Mission: Lower Decks
Location: USS Chimera >> Deck 5

Having just arrived aboard the USS Chimera and still catching his breath from the morning's chaos, Petty Officer First Class Kael Draven stepped off the shuttle with a mixture of eagerness and nerves. His first order of business was clear: find the duty assignment officer and officially obtain his new orders.

The shuttle bay of the Chimera buzzed with activity, filled with the sounds of machinery and brisk commands from officers. Kael scanned the area, spotting the duty assignment officer's station by the far wall, marked by a standard Starfleet insignia.

Approaching, Kael noticed a lieutenant focused intently on a PADD, updating what appeared to be deployment schedules. The officer looked up as Kael approached and offered a nod of acknowledgment. "Can I help you?" the lieutenant asked, her tone efficient.

"Yes, sir, I'm Petty Officer First Class Kael Draven, reporting for duty. I was transferred from Kepler Station," Kael replied, standing at attention.

The lieutenant quickly tapped into her console, her fingers moving swiftly over the screen. "Ah, yes, Draven. We've been expecting you. One moment, please."

She handed him a PADD, which immediately lit up with a greeting. "Welcome aboard the USS Chimera, PO1 Kael Draven," the digital voice from the PADD announced, causing Kael to almost startle at the personalization of the greeting. He looked down as the screen displayed his official orders in crisp detail.

"Assignment Details:
Position: Boatswain
Department: Deck Operations
Immediate Supervisor: Lieutenant JG T'Pinga
Duty Start Date: Next Alpha Shift
Quarters: Deck 5, Section 3, Room 042
Roommate: Pending"

Kael absorbed the information, and then, driven by a thought about Senior Chief Enor's presence, approached a nearby console. He asked, "Computer, is Senior Chief Enor currently aboard the USS Chimera?"

The computer responded promptly, "Affirmative. Senior Chief Enor is currently assigned to the USS Chimera."

"Thank you," Kael murmured, feeling reassured. Knowing that Senior Chief Enor was on board gave him an added sense of continuity and connection to his new assignment.

"Thank you, sir," Kael said, nodding to the lieutenant who simply waved him off with a smile, already returning to her other duties.

Holding the PADD tightly, Kael felt a surge of responsibility. He was eager to prove himself capable of the trust placed in his hands. As he made his way to deck 5, the thought of his pending roommate situation lingered in his mind. It was another variable in the new chapter of his life, one filled with unknowns but also boundless opportunities.

The corridors of the Chimera welcomed him quietly as he navigated to his new living quarters. He tapped his combadge, "Senior Chief Enor, this is Petty Officer Draven reporting in—" He was cut off abruptly. "I'll catch up with you later, Draven," Enor interrupted, then the channel was closed. "Well, that was rude of Jad..." he muttered, shaking his head as he continued. Finding his quarters, he exclaimed, "Ah, here we go," upon entering.


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