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New Ops Chief

Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 4:38am by Lieutenant Mark Valleroy & Lieutenant JG T'Pinga

Mission: Doing What We Do Best
Location: Transporter Room 1

(OOC: introducing new NPC ops chief)

"The runabout is signaling they're ready for transport," the transporter operator told Mark, referring to a runabout that passing by en route to a different mission, but that had also been pressed into dropping off the Chimera's new ops chief during the trip.

"Very well," Mark said. "Energize."

The lone figure materialized on the transporter pad, revealing a Vulcan female with the rank pips of a lieutenant junior grade. Mark stepped forward. "Lt. T'pinga, welcome to the Chimera. I'm Lt. Mark Valleroy, the chief of security and second officer. I hope your journey wasn't too problematic."

"Good day, Lieutenant," T'Pinga said, picking up the sole bag that had materialized next to her and stepping off the transporter. "My journey was uneventful."

"Good to kniow," Mark said. "Your quarters ready." As the two headed out of the transporter room, Mark said, "The captain would like to schedule a time to meet with you. She'd be here herself, but apparently had some sort of...'wardrobe malfunction,' I believe her exact wording was, so she asked me to step in and meet you when you arrived."

"I am certainly at the captain's disposal," T'Pinga said. "I am also to understand that I have been assigned an assistant chief."

"Yes, Lieutenant junior grade Rala. A Draakri, the first of her species to join Stafleet, if memory serves me. She's just arrived herself."

T'Pinga nodded. "I shall have to see about having a staff meeting soon. Have we received any mission orders yet?"

"Nothing official," Mark said, "though we picked up a member of the nobility of a planet called Tial a little while back, along with her personal bodyguard, and I'm to understand that we'll be looking to take them back home soon, and maybe initiate a formal First Contact with the planet's government in the process. I want to say it'll be a nice and quiet mission, though I know better than to say that."

"I understand not wishing to try to predict the future," T'Pinga said, "though I also do not understand the human fascination with...jinxing things merely by talking about them?"

"Yeah, that is kind of odd," Mark said with a short laugh. The two had arrived at T'Pinga's quarters by that point. "Here are your quarters, Lieutenant," Mark said. "If you require anything, please let us know."

"I shall," T'Pinga said.


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