Ancient Civilizations

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Mission Info

Status Current Mission

A bit of alien technology was found on Trarim, something that was similar to another artifact known by Commander Espersen. All sources of information point to a planet rather close to Chimera's next destination and Alexander has been tasked to take a team and investigate it in the Argo. What treasures will they find? What discoveries? What dangers?

Start Date Mon May 1st, 2023 @ 2:44am
End Date Mon Jul 31st, 2023 @ 2:44am

Mission Summary

A bit of alien technology was found on Trarim, something that was similar to another artifact known by Commander Espersen. All sources of information point to a planet rather close to Chimera's next destination and Alexander has been tasked to take a team and investigate it in the Argo. What treasures will they find? What discoveries? What dangers?