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After Action Review

Posted on Fri Jun 21st, 2024 @ 2:53am by Captain Calypso Skyie

Mission: Which Came First, The...
Location: Heading to Rendezvous with Away Mission

Calypso poured herself some of the whiskey over the ice balls she'd replicated, listening to the crack of the frozen water as the lukewarm alcohol began to work on it. She took the drink over to her desk and settled herself in the chair before taking a sip. This had been a tedious mission, not one that really was intense aside from moments, but for someone like her, boredom kills. She was a woman of action, a pilot who loved the thrill of the chase, the hunt and surveying nebulas and planetoids (even if they did contain a creature) was just downright dull.

She sighed as she glanced out the window at the starlines, they were due to pick up Commander Espersen and his away team, with two KIA, in a couple hours. The loss of even more people, with their tenuous link of high-speed, long range shuttles their only link to the Federation, meant that replacements weren't likely any time soon. James Larson and Kenny Stanson, one an experienced if pain-in-the-butt officer and a kid on his second deployment. Such was the life of Starfleet, dangerous.

Two more letters to write.

"Captain's log, Stardate... Something or another, fill this in later with a timestamp.. Whelp, it never fails that we find something new out here. First it was the race of Freddy Krueger, whom I've since discovered WAS based off of a Dashian explorer named Rhash Dhevan, then the world of Trarim where the justice system is as unique as I've ever seen one, now we've got two brand new things going on."

She leaned back in the chair and looked at the ceiling, "My Exec found a relic in the Trarim market that led him to this world, where he apparently reactivated some mechanism that brought back to life some creature. I might disagree with his opening fire on them, but they did kill two of my officers first. I'll get the full debrief in a day or so, so I'll reserve my judgement. Of course, that doesn't count the nebula that Chimera found."

"My Science Officer, Lieutenant McMillen, described the nebula as a Chowder, because it was rich in organic matter. It served two purposes, one being that it was also heavy in heavy metals, which didn't help our sensors penetrate it at all, but also because that little fact hid the creatures that lived in it. Oh yes, indeed, critters that would see Chimera and make her into a snack. And how did we find this out, I'm glad you asked."

"Inside the nebula, we managed to locate a pocket of space that housed a rather dim star that had carved itself a bit of territory, but that some spacefaring creature had turned into a nursery for eggs the size of small planets. We didn't see mama, but one of the eggs was ripe for hatching and perhaps our sensor sweeps were the trigger for the baby and we barely avoided being it's first meal. Ensign Windancer took a shuttle and some of Chimera's organic mass to lead it over to the nebula, which was the last we saw of it, but sensors did show other movement before we warped out of the area. This does solve the mystery of several missing freighters that tried to use the nebula as a shortcut but lost contact."

The Captain swirled her drink and took another sip of it, "Wonders never cease. Next place we're headed to is the world of Tial, if our guest is right, and I'm talking about girl we picked up from Trarim, Tessa'e'Serae di'Orion, there's yet another nebula not too far away, but much to the Galactic North, so it's not really well-explored space, being out of the disk that most inhabited systems reside in, but the nebula hides the Tial system from view of sensors and within a large asteroid field, rather dense if I gather correctly. A medieval society, aside from the part that's in space, it should be interesting."

"This report will be forwarded to Starfleet Command, along with the update map of the region, following the language and map data provided by the Dashian Hegemony. This is Captain Calypso Skyie, until the next time. Clear."


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