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Getting the Guests Settled In

Posted on Sat Apr 22nd, 2023 @ 5:31am by Cass'e'Indira & Tessa di'Orion & Ensign Rene Rouen & Louis Rouen & Amelie Rouen

Mission: Trade And Tribulations
Location: Enroute to VIP Quarters/VIP Quarters


Rene fell into step behind the trio of teenagers, walking next to the obvious bodyguard just a few meters behind. He reached out with his right hand. "You and your charge don't have to address everyone as milord or milady. I'm Ensign Rouen, deputy chief of security for the Chimera."

Cass looked over at him, then at his hand, then back up at him, but the look on her face didn't change an iota. "Cass'e'Indira, but you can call me Cass, Milord." She didn't bother to take his hand, her own resting on the hilts of weapons, her eyes back on the three young people in front of her, then scanned back and forth on constant search. In fact, the one she was next to was quite young as well, definitely younger than her by far. "But I am not one to change our own traditions. I am a Fourth-class Priestess of Bey'a'Dande, our goddess of War. I'm not sure where it compares to you, but if I were in the normal Army, I'd be in command of roughly twenty-five other war priests and twenty-five hundred soldiers. Our tradition is to call priests of the same rank and below as Milord or Milady and those of higher rank as My Lord or Lady. I'm not in a position to change that nor would I. I am her personal armswoman, sworn to her a month after she was born. What Her Grace chooses to do is up to her."

Rene listened attentively. He had no desire to infringe on Cass or Tessa's customs. "I meant to say that you don't have to be so formal all the time." He decided that a subject change might be best. He gave a nod to the arsenal the woman was packing. "You have an impressive array of weapons. I have been studying swordsmanship, well, since I could pick up a blade. I would like to compare our weapons sometime. If you would like to of course

That caused Cass to glance him over once more as she evaluated him before going back to a more general scan for threats, "This isn't formal, Milord, this is 'normal' for those of Tial." The edges of her mouth rose ever so slightly for someone paying attention, "However, you do not carry your sword, so it is obviously not your primary weapon nor even a secondary. Of course, our cultures are different enough, as would be our technology." She raised two fingers of one hand in a minor gesture, "How old were you when you first picked up the sword? And started training in earnest, I should ask as well."

Rene tried to imagine what his life would have been like not having a childhood. "I started taking fencing lessons when I was ten. My grandfather owned and operated the academy at the time and my father was the primary instructor. Learning swordsmanship has been a family tradition going back centuries. It's considered more of a sport now than an effective combat form." He pulled a small cylinder-like device from a pocket and depressed the stud. A blade unfolded to a meter in length and locked in place. "Technology has proven successful in development of weapons to not appear as weapons. It facilitates appearing less threatening when encountering new civilizations, but still providing away team personnel a means to protect themselves. Do you mind if I ask if you have any hobbies? Anything you do for relaxation or recreation"

Cass'e'Indira shook her head ever so slightly, "Milord, I was 'Chosen' at the age of..." She cocked her head to the side as if asking clarification from something in her head, "Five of your years old to be a Priestess of Bey'a'Dande. That day was when I was handed my first blade, cut with it to experience the pain of failure. Children, you see, do not fear death or injury, which makes training them young more effective. I was.. Thirteen when I first went into actual combat and according to this translation device, implanted by the Hesteri, my thirty-eight turnings around Tial's star is roughly thirty-five of your years old." She shrugged, "On and off combat operations, most of my last sixteen of your years have been protecting her." She gestured towards Tessa.

Rene looked at Tessa and then back to Cass. "She must be someone of importance if she has had a bodyguard her whole life." It was a statement and not a question. He was unsure if Cass would offer any clarification.

“As Her Grace stated, she’s the heir to Lights End and the daughter of the Light of the Eastern Watch.” Cass said with that hint of a smile, “It does make her important, and a piece of leverage. Her Grandmother was the Light before the current one, which means to say that she’s the granddaughter of the former ruler of the entire Watch and is the daughter of the current one. I’ve never told her, but there have been four attempted kidnappings and three attempted assassinations on her. One got far too close for my own liking to success. She knows of three of the attempts.”

Rene looked at the teenagers walking ahead. "Lady Tessa’e’Sera di’Orion and you are both safe aboard the Chimera. I assure you, we will get you home to tour people in a few days. You should use this time to recharge yourself."

“I predict it will be longer than a few days, Milord, but idle, we will not be.” Cass finally did smile.


Amelie could now understand why her brother had risked injury to help free Tessa'e'Sera di'Orion from servitude. He, Louis, was much like their older brother Rene. A romantic who still wanted to believe fairy tales of a knight in shining armor saving the princess from evil-doers. "Please, call me Amelie." She glanced at the unusually quiet Louis who was fighting hard to not blush so fiercely that the glow of his face would cause the crew they passed to think the ship had gone to red alert. "What is your home world like, if I may ask?"

Tessa had been following alongside Amelie, holding her hand the entire time as the smaller woman hadn't released it. "Tial? It's definitely different, Amelie. Here and on Trarim, everything just feels just so light and airy and bouncy! It just means that there's a higher gravity on Tial, but then again, your technology is far better than ours. The surface, where I primarily live, is difficult to describe, without being able to show examples of it, but aside from carefully constructed subterranean locations, we can't use much in the way of technology."

Louis glanced with curiosity at Tessa. "Yet your people developed space travel. Even sent out explorers and envoys to meet other people and civilizations."

Amelie realized she had been holding Tessa's hand. She released it. "Are you like an ambassador or something?"

“Oh gods no.” Tessa shook her head, “Envoy is the territory of priests of Thryn’a’Gaard.”She paused for a moment, clasping her now freed hand in her other in front of her, “Our envoy was rather high ranking before, we’ll… He and everyone but Cass and I were killed when our ship was attacked. I suppose I was meant to be some sort of junior envoy, to learn from Kolar’s example, but my primary purpose on the mission was to learn about the physiology of other species, should we come across them, and learn about their medical techniques.” She flourished the tattoo around her wrist and that flowed halfway up her inner arm, “This shows what I am and how much I’ve shown competence in. Priestess of Urd’a’Neta, Second Class only so far. Basically I’m competent in handling minor wounds, broken bones and some of the least invasive surgeries. I can mix and administer pain relief and antibiotic treatments as well. I’m really hoping to take the tests for the Third Class within a year or so.”

Amelie’s eyes widened. "You want to be a doctor, erm, a healer then? You should check the ship's sickbay. The Federation and Starfleet have probably some of the best medical facilities in the galaxy."

Louis chimed in, his voice sounding more confident after his initial embarrassment on the flight deck had passed. "The holodecks can show you landscapes. My sister is pretty good at writing holo programs. She might even be able to reproduce your home. Unless you would like to see other landscapes."

“Reproducing home would be a challenge, but you have a machine that can do something like that? I’m getting a translation that says ‘false lifelike images’, but it feels like you’re saying it’s more than that.” Tessa definitely was excited about the possibility of something like that.

Still, without missing so much as a beat, Tessa looked to Amelie, “Medicine and healing are the calling of those who follow Urd. All of the Korashe on Tial become priests or priestesses of some sort, following one of the five gods of our world. They aren’t mystic beings, of course, but were actual people during the Age of Unification about ten thousand years ago!”

Louis glanced at Tessa. "Korashe? The universal translator doesn't know that word. What is a Korashe?"

That threw Tessa off balance for a moment as she suddenly realized that not all of the crew were going to be as blonde as she was, in fact, she took a good look at Amelie and suddenly felt something in the pit of her stomach. “I… umm…. Right, aliens are alien.” She said quietly, then raised her volume again, “Korashe are those that have golden hair, like mine. You’d be looked at sideways, but still accepted. Korashe make up approximately one point two-five percent of Tial’s population, whereas Sentar like Cass make up the other 98 point 7-5 percent. We’ve… Had a bad history between the two genotypes, but genetically, it’s the primary difference. Sentar used to be, still are in all but a legal sense, considered inferior to Korashe.. That changed about forty turnings ago and it’s thrown Tialan society for a loop.”

Louis was quietly pondering Tessa's statement. He didn't understand the reasoning for such a caste system.

Amelie was a bit more vocal on the matter. "The Federation doesn't adhere to an archaic concept like that. What a being looks like does not define what they can become as adults. People are judged by their accomplishments, not the color of their hair or skin."

“And I can agree with that, but I have a far different perspective than nearly all of Tial.” Tessa said, “Lights End has never been conquered in its entire fifteen thousand plus years of existence. It means that we have maintained our historical records intact and copied them as needed to preserve them.” Her gaze fell to the deck, “And as the heir to it, my education has included knowing as much of Tial’s history as I can.” She exhaled deeply, “The reason for how our system worked is shameful, for more reasons than merely the color of one’s hair. It’s a long story, but one I’m willing to share when we have more time. And it’s a story that will explain just why you will never be able to set foot on Tial, My Lady Amelie, for your own safety.”

Amelie and Louis remained quiet as they approached the door to the turbolift and waited for Cass and Rene to arrive.


The two adults and three teenagers boarded the turbolift and Rene requested requested transit to the VIP suites on Deck Four. He turned to Tessa and Cass. "Is there anything I can have brought to your quarters?"

"I think all we need is our baggage from the shuttle." Cass'e'Indira spoke first, overriding whatever was going through her ward's thoughts, "Perhaps some food or drink?"

Rene nodded as he looked at Cass. "I will show you how to use the replicator for food and drinks. We also have a galley staff that does prepare meals if the replicator is not to your liking. An enlisted detail will deliver your belongings shortly.

"And Amelie and Louis." Tessa said absently, "After, of course, you get changed into something a bit more comfortable?" She glanced back and forth between them, "I know you two are supposed to be getting to know me and my world and I don't see any reason to delay that, plus I owe you two that story. Please?"

Amelie smiled. She was eager to hear more about Tessa's world. She gave Tessa an emphatic nod. "Of course."

Louis glanced at Rene. He hadn't been necessarily grounded for his stunt on the planet, but he had been told that he was to clear all activities outside school with Rene until further notice. "May I come back after changing?"

Rene didn't answer right away. He considered the request as the turbolift slowed to deposit them on the deck with guest quarters. "Okay, but I want you back in family quarters by 1700 hours. Family game night is tonight."

"I'll make sure they're back in time, My Lord." Tessa gave him a tilt of her head, opting to use the formality of responsibility for this. It was the right move, right?

Rene glanced at Tessa and then Cass. He gave it only a moment's thought before extending an invitation. "You are both welcome to come to our quarters. My girlfriend, Jenna will be there and her friend Minerva as well. I am sure both of them would love to meet you. Especially Minerva. She is the ship's anthropologist."

"We will have to wait on that for the time being." Cass spoke even as her charge's eyes brightened at the thought, prompting a glance over by the young woman. "We need to have a discussion tonight, Your Grace, one we didn't have the opportunity to have before." She got a very reluctant nod from Tessa, then looked back to Rene, "I'm sure that we can arrange something for a future evening?"

"Of course." Rene tapped in a code to open the guest suite and gestured for Cass and Tess to enter before following them in. "You will want to establish your own door code for the lock after we leave." He nodded to Amelie and Louis. "Would you show Lady Tessa’e’Sera how to use the replicator while I give Lady Cass'e'Indira a tour of the suite?"

Her eyes had already done a quick tour around the main room and another slightly slower look still didn't reveal any immediate danger, "Milord, you don't have to be so formal, but I'd appreciate the tour."

Amelie pointed to the recess in the wall. "Come with me. The replicator can make food and drink that is pretty good and it can also be programmed with recipes if it knows the ingredients."

"Which for anything from home would be... Not at all." Tessa cracked a smile and a nervous chuckle, "Not that I don't think it wouldn't be able to, it just hasn't had any samples of Tialan food or ingredients. It requires that sort of thing, right?"

Louis followed Tessa and his sister to the replicator. He was exceptionally quiet for the moment. He felt a little self conscious since discovering that his actions on the planet had been superfluous. He had wanted to become Tessa's knight in shining armor, but ended up appearing more like an egotistical show off.

Rene led Cass to the two doors off the common area. He opened one door. "Both bedrooms have their own private fresher, closets and wardrobe drawers for your belongings." He pointed to a desk along the wall a few meters down from the replicator slot. "The console there will grant you limited access to the ship's computer network. Generally intraship communications and entertainment. I will return in the morning with commbadges for your use while your aboard. It's important you keep them with you when not in your quarters. It is the fastest way to call for assistance in case of an emergency and are used by security and medical to track your location aboard ship."

With another look around, Cass asked a question that would be important, "And is there anywhere that we might purchase new clothing for Her Grace?" While they did have SOME baggage, it was truly minimal. She herself didn't need much, just some additional padding and garments for under her armor, but for Tessa? She was used to wearing a variety of things, not just one or two outfits and she'd want to get out of that armor of hers soon. It was more ceremonial than anything, despite being of combat quality.

Rene glanced at Amelie before returning his gaze to Cass and nodding. "My sister will take you to the ship's store where you can have clothes items made. Ensign Delacroix has also volunteered to assist you both. Though she is probably going to ask a lot of questions about society. Don't worry. I am sure you will both have full wardrobes by days end tomorrow."

Tessa made a far more cursory glance around the room, then walked over and tested the cushioning on the couch before gingerly seating herself, having to adjust the pleated armor skirt as she did so, then bounced back up. "I need to get out of this... I know it looks pretty good, but it's not very comfortable at all."

Amelie tugged at Louis' sleeve. "We'll be back soon. I am sure Louis wants to get out of his suit and in to more comfortable clothes too."

Rene nodded. "I think we would all like to get more comfortable. The kids will be back after they get changed."

"Very well, Milord, we will be ready shortly." Cass agreed, "And they will be safe here, I promise."

"You can call me Ensign Rouen." Rene gave a sweeping gesture about the room. "Or simply Rene’ if no other ship's officers are present."

"Of course, Rene." Tessa interjected before Cass'e'Indira could say anything, "It will be a welcome change from all the formality for sure."

Rene looked at his younger siblings. "Let's go get changed. Sooner we do that, the sooner you can come back here and I can get to the bridge.

All three Rouen's gave a nod to Tessa and Cass before leaving, with the younger two promising to be back straight away after changing.

In return, Tessa promised to be ready for them when they got back.

Rene paused at the open door to glance at Cass. "If you like, and scan your sword into the holodeck matrix, I would enjoy a few combat training exercises."

"Holodeck?" Cass asked interested already, "What's a holodeck? I know we have holograms in some of our facilities and ships, but an entire deck dedicated to them?" She made a gesture, "But I'll gladly spar with you, Milord. It's always good to practice."


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