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Posted on Wed Feb 8th, 2023 @ 5:40am by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen & Lieutenant Mark Valleroy

Mission: Trade And Tribulations
Location: Science Lab 3, Deck 9

Alexander Espersen held the antique in his hands. Close to half a meter at its longest and having quite a bit of heft to it, it looked so familiar as to capture the Chimera’s First Officer’s attention.

He wanted it. But it would be irresponsible to even try to buy it without knowing more.

He set it on an examination table, and waited for the security chief to join him.

Mark had gotten the XO's message, and shortly afterwards arrived in Science Lab 3. Mark noticed the unusual object on the examination table by Cmdr. Esperson, and asked, "Good morning, Commander. You said you had something you wanted me to take a look at?"

“Yes,” the First Officer said, gesturing to the object. “I bought this from an antique shop on Trarim. Have you ever heard of the Irol?”

"The name does sound familiar," Mark said.

“They were an interstellar civilization that disappeared about fifteen thousand years ago,” Alexander explained. “Their ruins have been found on a dozen uninhabited worlds across the Federation. I had the opportunity to study some of the equipment they left behind during an archaeological expedition about fifteen years ago. It appeared to be a blend of biological and mechanical components. A lot like this actually.” He gestured to the device. “I think this might be a weapon of some kind. I want your assessment.”

"Definitely does look like it could have been a blend of mechanical and biological components," Mark said, "though what could be biological components have obviously degraded a lot, which is to be expected after fifteen thousand years. This part," and he pointed at one part of the object, "certainly looks like a focusing point for energy, though that could be for transferring non-weaponized energy just as easily as for discharging weaponized energy - think of a plasma conduit, for example."

Alexander shook his head. “Good observation, but I think would be something along the edge here if it were akin to a plasma conduit. A ridge or groove or lining. Somewhere for the next conduit to plug into. I think the discharge part releases the energy just…out. Into space, I imagine.”

"True," Mark noted. Pointing to another part, he said, "This part here could certainly be a trigger of some sort, though the shape of it suggests that it was designed to be handled by a hand that would be of a slightly different setup than ours, maybe a different number of digits, or digits that are of a noticeably different length. This would also fit in with the overall size and shape of the object, assuming the majority of it is still here and it's not missing any major components. It's quite possible the operator would be humanoid in general, but not quite possessing the exact same build as us."

"Oh, good catch," Alexander replied. "We don't actually know what an Irol looks like. Most of the equipment recovered so far has been the kind that wouldn't be interacted with directly, so there wasn't much to infer about the users."

He nodded and adjusted the artifact. "I'm going to run it through decon, just to be one hundred percent sure it's safe, but I think I'll be keeping this." He let out a chuckle. "I suppose this is me informing the chief of security that I've taken ownership of a weapon of unknown potential. Do you need me to fill out a form for it?" he added with a smirk.

"I'll make sure it gets logged into the system," Mark said. "Just make sure to be mindful of it. If you start detecting any power buildups in it or it suddenly starts doing something new, especially on its own, don't just dismiss it. I'd rather not be cleaning up anyone's remains with a heavy duty sponge, as I'm sure you agree. The paperwork that comes with that sort of thing is a nightmare."

“I’d rather be the remains than the paper pusher in that case,” Alexander replied. “Thank you for your analysis, Mr. Valleroy. I—“

Bridge to Espersen,” said a voice interrupting the XO through his commbadge.

“Go ahead.”

Sir, Dashian authorities are trying to reach you and Captain Skyie. It’s concerning Petty Officer Benvenuto.”

“Of course it is,” Alexander replied. “I’m beaming down now, send coordinates to Transporter Room Two.” He tapped his commbadge to close the channel and then picked up his artifact. He’d beam down to help the Petty Officer.

But first he’d bring his new decoration back to his quarters.


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