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Tasteful Portraits Pt 3

Posted on Sat Nov 12th, 2022 @ 4:31am by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Espersen & Michelle Erilin

Mission: The Interim
Location: Alexander Espersen’s Quarters

Continued from Part 2

*** Some Time Later ***

Michelle lay half uncovered by the bedclothes as she watched Alexander breathe rhythmically in and out and just waited. And she contemplated his sleeping form and the unguarded emotional content that was playing out. She was no counselor, held no degrees, but he seemed to be far more at peace than he had just a short time before. That was a part of her duties too, helping people. She just did it in a way that the Fleet couldn't do and remain appropriate. She smiled slightly, but didn't move from where she watching.

Alexander meanwhile slept better than he had in a long time. A deep, dreamless sleep, his cares not gone but set aside for now to give him a moment’s rest.

His eyes opened slowly and were met with those of Michelle. He smiled and rolled onto his side. “Hello,” he said. “Do you happen to know the time?”

"About a quarter after one in the morning." Michelle smiled back at him, "You looked like you needed the sleep and it was good sleep, no nightmares. I didn't want to leave while you were asleep, it wouldn't be the right thing to do." She reached out to stroke his cheek ever so gently, "Sortof against the Code, after all."

“Gods bless that Code,” he said. He took the hand that touched his cheek and kissed it before sitting up. He grimaced as he did so, but the slight discomfort made him chuckle. A bit of soreness was worth it. He’d exercise a bit longer in the morning to work out the kinks. “I’m not sure how to thank you. For everything. I just know that I need to.”

"I'd say it was part of my job, but that would sound so impersonal." Michelle chuckled deep in her throat, "I can truly say it was my pleasure. We Courtesans get a bad rap by a lot of people, because I can't tell you the number of times I've been called 'whore' or something of the like. It's a lot of training and I'm still technically a journeyman in the craft. Only six certifications, but I'm up for two more in a couple months."

“What kind of certifications?” Alexander asked. He knew Courtesans had a diverse range of skills, but never asked how diverse, or how it all worked from a training perspective. “As a former trainer, you’ve piqued my curiosity.”

"Ultimately, there are probably around forty-odd, I haven't actually stopped to count them, just haven't had the free time." She brought a finger up to her lips to tap them for a moment, "For my own, they're primarily the 'standard' ones, such as events hosting, bartending and gaming." She waved those away, "Then there's the obvious sexual training," Another wave of the hand, this one just encompassing the bed, "Emotional Responsiveness was one that was almost an outright requirement for me given my racial makeup. My innate abilities give me far too much of an advantage with that one, and my final current certification is Conflict De-escalation. Really all standard fare for most Courtesans. I'm working on what they call 'Society Functionality', which means I'll be qualified as an escort for formal events, as in royal audiences, some of the true 'high society' galas and the sort. The other one is a bit more esoteric, more of a specialty: Cultural Sensitivity. It really covers more of the known species, not just including local and Federation-aligned, but also Klingon, Romulan, and so on and so on. Adapting to different cultures and their societal cues on the fly is definitely not as easy as it looks."

“Some of these skills are shockingly valuable, Michelle,” Alexander said, surprised by just how far-reaching her training was already and may yet be still. “Society Functionality…neither our Captain nor I are exactly skilled diplomats. Were we to ever appear before royalty in our exploration, such training would be an asset.” He smiled again. “I had some high society training as a boy, but I’m afraid much of that knowledge has disappeared in favour of technical schematics and how best to inform student engineers that they screwed up. Still, I can imagine you alongside Captain Skyie and me, in the most beautiful gown we can find, making it known that we belong in that Duke’s court and letting us seal whatever deal we’re making.”

He slowly got to his feet. “I have an idea, but it will take me about fifteen minutes. Would you excuse me please? You can use my sonic shower if you like.”

She also slid out of the rumpled sheets and bounced on her feet a couple times out of habit, "I think I'll take you up on that offer!" She said with a grin, "But I find it hard to believe that I'd be a good diplomat, I'm too young for anyone to take seriously as one for one."

“But you could help the Captain and I talk the talk, walk the walk, in a setting that’s above our station,” he suggested. “Anyway, enjoy your shower. I won’t be long.”

He went back toward the living area of his quarters and got to work.

Michelle spent about five minutes under the hypersonic emitter, despite knowing she was fully clean after only one. It was intriguing what the Commander had just suggested, but it was something so far above her station to be completely unattainable, no matter how well the training programs could do. They were there to provide the baseline information and practical testing, to give her the theoretical knowledge which with to go out into the galaxy. Even the holo-programs would only do so much, given the scripts that were used. If she were in a truly tight situation, with lives on the line? She shuddered at the thought. She spent another few minutes in front of the mirror, touching up the minor makeup she'd applied before replicating a light bathrobe and exiting to the main lounge area.

When Michelle emerged, Alexander, now clad in pyjama pants, handed her a wooden frame containing the drawing he’d made earlier in the evening. “I knew there wasn’t much left to do,” he said. “So I put in the final touches. I’d like you to have it. It’s been a difficult few weeks, really ever since we launched. This evening…even if all I had done was draw you, it would have helped immensely. The artistic part of my life suffers when work becomes too much, and it hurts when I set it aside for too long. So please, take this. Next time we meet, we’ll do the sofa one, and that one will be for me.”

For several seconds, Michelle stared at the drawing. She recognized herself in every detail, but this time instead of it being only pencil on paper, it was... Inspiring. Sure, she'd been in a pose, yes, one she'd proposed, but he'd brought it to more life than she'd intended. She was there, yearning for adventure that she'd never truly felt, looking towards the future she'd never intended to have. Unbidden tears began to well up in her eyes as she saw herself from a point of view she'd never even considered. She opened her mouth to say something, to thank him, but words failed her and she closed it again.

“There’s one last thing,” Alexander said, stepping closer. “It’s about something you said earlier. It was when you said you couldn’t count the number of times someone called you a ‘whore’ or similar. Michelle, I want you to feel free — no, feel encouraged — to come to me if anyone says anything denigrating to you about your life or your profession, or if you’re ever made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe. I manage the crew and I won’t tolerate it. I wouldn’t accept it against a member of Starfleet and I won’t accept it against you either. You’re here with us. You’re improving lives on this ship, whether in the Hydra or privately, and anyone who belittles or degrades you for it answers to me. You understand?”

Michelle held the frame in one hand and reached up with the other and pulled his cheek down to hers and kissed it gently, "I understand completely, but I don't think anyone of the crew would do such a thing. Still, if anyone does, you'll be my first call."

“Good,” he said. “If it’s all right with you, I’d like to get a raincheque on our second drawing. I’m exhausted, and I have a breakfast meeting with Captain Skyie.”

Michelle nodded in agreement, “Of course, Alexander, just let me know when you’d like to reschedule for and I’ll make myself available.” She deftly slipped the bathrobe off to replace it with the kimono while expertly stepping into her heels again and quickly turned the sash into a bow with four petals arranged like a flower, then took a couple steps and wrapped Alexander into as big a hug as the small woman could arrange. It was one of the touches she put on most of her clients, at least the ones she actually wanted to see again, “You be careful out there, sailor.”

Alexander happily returned the hug, feeling its warmth and its sincerity. “I always am,” he said, before escorting her to the door and seeing her out. “Godnat, Michelle.”

"Good night, Alexander." Michelle smiled back before heading off just as if she'd never even been there.

The door closed, Alexander Espersen turned off the studio lights and fell into his bed, falling asleep as his head hit the pillow.


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