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Lost Sheep

Posted on Tue Apr 4th, 2023 @ 4:06am by Ensign Raven Windancer & Ensign Rene Rouen & Lieutenant JG Jenna Jade & Amelie Rouen

Mission: Trade And Tribulations
Location: Bazaar and Arena
Timeline: TBD

Rene was wandering the bazaar with younger sister, Amelie. Civilian members of the Chimera has been authorized shore leave on the planet after an extensive briefing on remaining observant of local customs. Rene himself had not yet had the opportunity for a visit to the planet, what with his shipboard and familial duties as guardian for his younger siblings. He wanted to get Amelie and Louis off the ship for a few hours to enjoy fresh air and expand their cultural awareness. Both had been voicing tentative interest in joining Starfleet over the last week. Louis in flight control operations and Amelie in aspects of engineering or technical support.

Amelie was perusing several stalls of decorative knickknacks when she looked up and spotted Jenna and Raven wandering about a few stalls away. "Rene, isn't that your amor? Perhaps we should find out if they would like to hit one of the food vendors."

Rene glanced at Jenna and Raven and nodded. "That is a great idea." He led the way to intercept Jenna and Raven by a kiosk offering up a local cuisine that appeared similar to gyros from Earth. "Hey there."

"Why hello there you three!" Raven greeted warmly.

"Good afternoon Rene!" Jenna said cheerfully, tucking the satchel she'd bought and was carrying off to her side before wrapping her arms around him for a massive hug, "Ah've got a story to tell you that you won't believe, but Ah'm gonna wait until later to show you what Ah've got in here, because this place is rather interestin'!"

Rene embraced Jenna. He glanced around the bazaar. "It kind of resembles what a Ferengi marketplace would look like partnered up with an Orion Syndicate backers."

Amelie patted her stomach. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I need to eat something soon."

Raven burst out laughing. "My thoughts exactly, kid! Er...Amelie. Shouldn't call people that without asking," Raven rubbed her neck sheepishly.

Jenna punched Raven gently on the upper arm, "Don't worry about it, but perhaps these two have been scoutin' out potential feeding lots while we girls have been busy puttin' the locals in their places?" She glanced behind Rene briefly, "And where's Louis?"

Rene glanced at a row of shops. "One of the locals was telling us about a weaponsmith. You know us Rouen men. Can't pass up a chance to check out good steal."

Raven chuckled softly. "Yeah, he's one heck of a kid! He's taking to flying like a duck takes to water!" Raven praised.

Jenna shrugged, as long as Louis was out with permission, she was okay with it. As long as he didn't get in trouble, "In that case, Ah suggest we go right there," She pointed at the gyro-appearing stall, "Either that or Rene's gonna have a couple bites taken out of him before we get very far!"

"Ooo, I love gyros." Amelie smiled and trotted ahead to get in line for the for the food.

Rene smiled at Amelie’s enthusiasm. He glanced at Jenna and Raven. "This is her first time out of the Sol System. She may not realize that there's a good chance it doesn't taste how she expects it to.

"Yeah. I remember my first plate of spaghetti outside of the Sol System...yuck!" Raven chuckled at the memory!

"Let's see..." Jenna thought for a few moments, "First time Ah was out of the system was a field trip my second year at the Academy over to Vulcan. Ah saw somethin' that reminded me of hummus and so Ah ordered it, but it was a mealworm mush rather than what Ah thought it was." She mimed gagging, "Finished it because the merchant was watchin', but it almost came right back up! Had a bunch of other new stuff after that, even at the Academy, and most of it's overall pretty good once you realize that it's not the same."

Rene got up to the Kiosk and gestured to the group of companions. "One ticket for all of us. Okay, order up ladies."

"Now see here, Rene! Whatcha mean by paying for us!?" Raven asked, not exactly figuring on denying him the opportunity to be like his younger brother, but curious on his reasons. Raven was still not used to people doing things for her without having an angle.

At the thought of the boy, a small smile twitched the corner of Raven's mouth.

"What Rene means is that he's gonna be a gentleman." Jenna nudged Raven with an elbow, followed up with a nudge with the other elbow for Rene, "It's one of the things Ah love about him, plus it means we don't have to tell him what ALL we were up to, just regale him with the stories of your race!"

"Very well then, a Covama on Elfen please. The racing's pretty batty out here, but it's no big deal for The Ice Queen!" Raven snickered.

Rene led the way to an open air table amidst the food kiosks after everyone got their food. He pulled chairs out for each of them in turn before sitting down himself. "So how was everyone's day? Get all your cultural surveys done?"

"Thanks. I said, things are a bit batty out here, but thankfully the racing circuit's got the same basic rules no matter where you are: you got money and a ride, you can enter," Raven laughed as she tucked into her food.

"Or if we borrow a ride." Jenna pointed out, "Of course, if we come across another place that's got another racetrack, we're gonna have to build one of our own. Make sure that Tavi there gets us a list of planets in the area that have 'em and maybe get a feel for what sort of racin' it is? Ah can probably build you somethin', assumin' the Captain gives me the space for it."

"True that! Hey, you wanna ask her when we get back, Jenna?" Raven asked, getting excited all over again.

"Nuh uh." Jenna shook her head, "Your hobby, your question, Ah'm just your wrench jockey. Ah've got enough problems with engineerin' to go askin' her to authorize somethin' else that would take me away from there." She smirked, "Ah'm not gonna open that can of worms."

Raven pouted for a moment, then sighed. "Yeah, you're right.'ve you two been enjoying your exploring?" Raven turned to Rene and Amelie.

Rene was about to answer Raven's question but a glance at Amelie’s expression gave him a moment's pause. She seemed distracted, even a bit shocked. He followed her gaze to a large monitor that overlooked the plaza. He watched as two young lads in padded armor stepped into what looked like a gladiatorial arena.

"Citizens, the final match for the Championship in this revolutions Amateur Contest is about to commence. Who will be the victor. Local boy Lonak Tulis or the off worlder Loo Ee Rowan from the planet Ee-arth? This match shall continue until one of the contestants yields."

Rene and Amelie looked at the screen as both their jaws opened in surprise. Amelie turned to her older brother and started speaking in rapid fire French only a native speaker would have been able to follow. Rene spoke in the same rapid fire manner as well, if not more so. Both launched from their seats, their untouched food left behind, and took off at a fast clip for the Arena.

Jenna tried keeping up, but aside from the occasional word, the only thing she caught was Louis’s name. “Oh God… Ah think that Louis is in a fair spot of trouble.” She spotted the waiter and waved at him to get his attention. He nodded and gave her a return motion that indicated he’d be a minute,, “Sorry to be a bother, Raven, but do you mind if we get this to go?”

Raven was floored by what she saw.

"Yyes! Of course. I'll catch up with you and the gang in a few! Waiter! We gotta scram, bring that check like ten minutes ago!" Raven hollored as she shot to her feet and started swooshing food into her satchel...despite knowing it was going to ruin it. The waiter came over.

"How much?" Raven asked.

"Three scalemets," The waiter said.

" this enough?" Raven asked, holding out six of the golden disks she had won. The waiter hesitated, then took three.

"Now, go join your friends" The waiter smiled.

Raven nodded her thanks, slipped the remaining disks in her pocket, and raced toward the arena.


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