
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Thu Mar 31st, 2022 @ 4:27am

Lieutenant Jason Beauvoir

Name Jason Anderson Beauvoir

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Vulcan
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 1.83m (6ft)
Weight 65kg (143lb)
Hair Color Dark blond
Eye Color Pale Blue
Physical Description Slim, but physically fit. Would appear human if it weren't for his slightly pointed ears. Is attractive in a dark, brooding kind of way. On duty he is always clean shaven and his uniform is perfect.


Children Coln Jena
Father Simon Yves Beauvoir (English Literature Professor, Université Rennes 2, Brittany, France, European Alliance, Earth)
Mother Captain T'Lisa May Anderson (Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Canterbury)
Brother(s) Detective Jean-Pierre Beauvoir (Civilian Police Officer, Rennes, Brittany, France, Earth ) (younger brother
Sister(s) Lieutenant Commander Yvette Marie Beauvoir (Chief Operations Officer, U.S.S. Nightingale) (younger sister), Bianca Beauvoir (Nee' Conti) (Civilian Lawyer) (sister-in-law)
Other Family Valek of Vulcan (Starfleet Security, retired, Surak City, Vulcan) (Maternal grandfather), T'Mari Anderson (Architect, retired, Surak City, Vulcan) (Maternal Grandmother), Varnak of Vulcan (Lecturer at the Vulcan Science Academy, Vulcan) (Maternal Uncle), Jeanne Yvette Beauvoir (nee' Dumont) (Federation Diplomat, retired, Brittany, France, Earth (Paternal Grandmother), Alexandre Simon Beauvoir (Starfleet Engineer) (Paternal Grandfather) [DECEASED], Jacques Beauvoir (Paternal Uncle), Dylan Beauvoir (Nephew), Sandra Beauvoir (Nee Adler) (Aunt), Robert Beauvoir (cousin), Louis Beauvoir (cousin),Sarah Patterson (fiancee) [DECEASED].

Personality & Traits

General Overview Has an acquiring mind, he soaks up facts like a sponge and always wants to know how things work. As such he has become something of a Renaissance Man. He can be quite analytical and is precise in his work. To strangers he appears emotionally cold and aloof, but with his friends he is jovial, fun with a strange sense of humour. To his lovers he is gentle and giving.

Will disregard the regs, if he believes the situation calls for it
Strengths & Weaknesses +Has a knack for learning languages,

+is loyal, resourceful and caring.

+Is also analytical, precise, and honest.

+He can also handle himself in a fight.

-Can be over-critical of others.

-can appear aloof and cold.

-Has a an extreme dislike of Klingons.

-Becomes fearless when he drinks.
Ambitions To find someone to love.

To reconcile with his estranged mother.

To be the best father he can be.
Hobbies & Interests *Languages, etymology.

*Federation Standard (English), French, Latin, Spanish, Italian, Breton, German, Classical Greek, Klingonese, Cardassian , Vulcan, Rihannsu (Romulan), Bajoran, and Gorn. Hebitian (written)

*Cooking; mostly Mediterranean and Vulcan food.

*Drinking; red wine, Jagermiester and stout.



*Crosswords and other puzzles

*Martial arts (Human and Vulcan forms) His fighting style is based on the 'Drunken Fist' techniques of China.

*Music and art.

*Science Journals

Personal History Jason Anderson Beauvoir was born in Brittany, France, the eldest child of Simon Yves Beauvoir, an English literature professor and T'Lisa May Anderson, a Starfleet officer. Jason showed a natural aptitude for languages and by his seventh birthday had already learnt French, Breton (the Celtic language of Brittany), Latin, and was teaching himself Klingon(ese)and Cardassian.

Jason's mother as lover of Greek Mythology named her eldest son for her favourite Greek hero.

At school Jason's best subjects, besides languages were Chemistry and Biology.

At one point while he was on the U.S.S. Athena a phaser bank overloaded during a training exercise. Jason helped out as a stretcher-bearer ferrying the injured to the sick bay. Feeling guilty that he couldn't do more to help, after the situation was resolved, he underwent medical training in triage and first aid.

Later while serving on the U.S.S. Montana, he got to use the medical skills he had previously learnt. He was a member of an Away Team that was exploring a derelect spaceship when a young engineer fell 15 metres though a deck plate made brittle with age. Although he had been ordered by the Security Chief not to, Beauvoir with the help of two others, braved the unstable decking with ropes and pulleys. Jason allowed himself to be lowered down to the unfortunate engineer, he checked him for broken bones and internal injuries. Finding that he had only minor injuries, he treated what he could and had him hauled up while he waited below.

When he returned to the Montana he received both a commendation for bravery and a demotion for disobeying the orders of a superior officer. Taking the responsibility for disobeying the orders himself, meant that the other officers involved received no punishment.

Although he still believed he had done the right thing in the circumstances, he took the demotion with good grace, knowing that it was necessary to maintain discipline and the chain of command.

The stiff punishment he received for what was basically insubordination was due to the Montana 's CO, one Captain Graham Cresswell and his immense dislike of Beauvoir, based on the wild assumption that Jason thought himself intellectually and morally superior. The punishment was intended to put someone, who he saw as a young upstart in his place.

Feeling out of sorts after his demotion, Jason sat in a bar, drowning his sorrows with a drink or three. A pair of Klingons sat at a nearby table. "Hey, Starfleet, what are you drinking, root beer?" Called one of them and the other laughed.

"Kind of, only this has a bit more of a kick." Jason said referring to his glass of Jagermeister.

Things progressed for the worse and the Science Officer found himself fighting, well mostly avoiding to angry, drunk Klingons.

Though not religious, he said a little prayer of thanks, when Starbase Security came to his aid.

Service Record 2371 - Entered Starfleet Academy focusing on the Physical Sciences and Linguistics

2375 - Graduated Starfleet Academy

2375 - 2378 U.S.S. Athena (Nebula Class) as a junior Science officer (Ensign)

*2377 - After helping out as a stretcher-bearer during a medical emergency. Afterwards he took a course in (medical) triage and first aid.

2378 - 2384 U.S.S. Montana (Nova Class) as Linguistics officer

2380 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

2382 - Translated a Hebitian (Ancient Cardassian) text

2382 - Completed Master in Science

2383 - Promoted to Full Lieutenant

*2384 - Saved the life of a crewman when he was injured during an away mission to a derelict spaceship and was awarded a commendation for bravery.

*2384 - As punishment for wilfully disobeying direct order during the incident above, Jason Beauvoir was demoted from the rank of Full Lieutenant to that of Lieutenant Junior Grade.

2384 - 2388 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Hecla (Saber Class) as Science Officer (Lieutenant Junior Grade)

2387 -Completed PhD in Science

2386 - Briefly took over the Operations Station when the duty Operations Officer was injured during a battle with Nausicaan Pirates.

2388 - 2390 - Took a leave of absence to study his Vulcan ancestry on Vulcan.

Late 2390 - Returned to Starfleet.

2391 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Portland (Miranda Class) as Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant Junior Grade)

2391 - Promoted to Full Lieutenant

The Borg while aboard the Portland

2394 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Chimera (Luna Class) as Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant)